Public invited to meet finalists for City Auditor position

Press release from City of Gainesville
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville City leaders invite all neighbors to meet the three finalists for the City Auditor position at an upcoming reception.
When:Â 6-7:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 27
Where: The Historic Thomas Center, 302 NE 6th St.
The finalists are Thomas Alger, Rory Galter, and Stephen Mhere.
The City Auditor is a charter officer of the City of Gainesville who actively works to identify risks, evaluate controls, and make recommendations to the Gainesville City Commission that promote efficient and effective delivery of city services.
The finalists are scheduled to meet individually with each commissioner earlier in the day. The commission will select the City’s next Auditor at its Dec. 7 commission meeting.
The Office of the City Auditor was established in 1979 to provide independent and objective auditing services that serve the public good and uphold the principles of good governance.
“The Office of the City Auditor was established in 1979 to provide independent and objective auditing services that serve the public good and uphold the principles of good governance.”
A shame the city commission won’t support the position.
Carlos Holt was the 4th Auditor as a Charter position.
Of the 4, only 1 left of his own accord (retired), the others having been pushed out the door, quietly encouraged to leave, or fired without cause.
The pay must be pretty good for people to be applying for the job, given that their tenure is bound to be brief if they are honest. Not all that different from being a Gator football head coach, except that the coach’s salary is (I’m sort of guessing) roughly 10-100 times that of the auditor. The coach can pull in enough over 2 bad football years before being fired, and still be in the upper 3% of dividend income earners for the rest of his life.
Too bad photos of Thomas Alger, Rory Galter, and Stephen Mhere were not included in this article.
From a quick search it seems we have two white men and one black gentleman.
What else were we suppose to gather from their photos?..Get your race baiting ass outta here. No one cares how light or dark the new auditors skin is, you retard
You can’t ever distinguish between anything, Slice. I’d shy away from more fat, deranged-looking “leaders” with bad haircuts and big warts on their faces, personally. Sanity or the lack thereof comes through in photos.
Mr Alger seems to bounce around in his employment. His resume and answer sheet list his responsibilities for the various jobs, but show no real accomplishments by him. He also is lacking in government audit experience.
Mr Mhere has been stable in his employment and with a city audit department in Florid as well. However, his education indicates no accounting background. How does that qualify?
Mr Gaiter has an accounting background, experience in city auditing in a large city. He also has job stability in his current position.
I am not sure why Mr Alger is a finalist. Maybe the city had few applicants, or they want some kind of person who talks without saying anything; sort of like many of our current senior staff.
That most likely means the Commission will pick him
Another charade. This City Government that can’t be trusted has already found the chosen one. They do not listen to voters or their own attorney. Perfect example :
Wow, everyone should read what Captain Shad has sent regarding the Enviva biomass debacle.
It’s a perfect example of the why our biomass plant was a bad idea. Thank you Captain Shad.
Fat Mayors are eating your lunch