
Public Works inspectors monitor fiber optic installation in County’s right-of-ways

Press release from Alachua County

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – The Alachua County Public Works Department inspectors are working closely with two companies installing fiber optics distribution lines. Campus Communications Group and IQ Fiber are installing about 300 miles of fiber optics in the Gainesville area and other municipalities. All utilities within the County’s road right-of-ways are allowed by permit, and companies must restore any disturbed areas to pre-existing conditions.

Fiber optics lines are small pieces of glass or plastic about the size of a human hair banded together into a cable and placed underground. Fiber optics can carry many data streams simultaneously.

The construction happening now will soon benefit the citizens of Alachua County by offering broadband (fast) internet connection. Fiber optics are currently the fastest, most efficient, and most reliable internet connection available.

    • Yes. And I cannot wait. IQ Fiber looks really promising. Reviews of users in Jax are pretty positive.

  • Get ready for small cell sites to start popping up on even more poles and boxes than we see now. All under the guise of smart meters and 5G — I wish more people would look in to the symptoms of radiation poisoning…I think it would connect a lot of dots for many

    • 5g operates on the millimeter wavelength of EM. This is non ionizing and doesn’t cause radiation poisoning because this carries less energy than normal light

      HOWEVER: This is microwave energy and gradually heats up water (and living things) in very close range to the source by a small amount. This can cause mutations to cells over a long long time and therefore CAN technically contribute to mutations (cancer).

      5G is not good for you at very very close range for prolonged times but the radiation itself is not hazardous.

      If you want to talk about “bad for your brain” let’s talk about all these damn 30-60hz strobing LED lights all over the place nowadays. Bring back salt lights and incandescents that make actual light.

  • They just (this past fall) put the orange tubing in our old neigborhood and we’re at the end of a line. The tube is empty but will soon be filled with water from our ditch after the next big rain because the tube is open in the box where it ended. Waiting to hear what the next step(s) will be to get us up and connected.

  • Oh no! Government sponsored infrastructure right here in River City!

    Like most technological advances, connectivity to the internet brings problems along with the benefits, but those benefits are huge game changers, giving us all access to much of the collective knowledge of the human race. From you-tube know hows on the low end to data, research, and archives and even cultural treasures including art work, classic literature, and music, it opens the world to us. Humans have advanced over our long history because of our cooperation and sharing of knowledge, and internet connectivity personalizes that while expanding exponentially it’s breadth. How we use that knowledge is our great challenge and by our past success, one we should master.

    Now excuse me. I was just listening to Delius’s The Florida Suite in my kayak here on the River Styx while looking up how to replace the struts on my F-150.

    Just kidding of course, but I could do all that easy in today’s wonderful world.

    • Bwahahahahaaa. Not even close. Try THANK YOU Capitalism! Cox has had a monopoly in this area for decades. IQ Fiber was a success in Jacksonville and saw a desperate need for an alternative provider here. IQ Fiber invested $40 million of their own money to expand here. Go back to sleep with your Liberal dreams…

  • Laughing…!! Seriously, fiber optic is the best technology available today and I welcome it. But the photo is sooooo typical of any roadside repair/installation project. Three guys standing around trying to figure out how to save the fourth guy who has fallen head first into the hole !!!

  • IQ Fiber is being allowed by the county and Gainesville to go through neighborhoods and break water mains, destroy trees and yards with little or no supervision from the city or county. Promises by IQ Fiber aren’t being kept. Witnessed unsupervised IQ Fiber employees digging a deep hole next to a 60-70 foot tree in a neighbors yard and then using axes to start cutting the main roots of the tree instead of putting the junction box a few feet away, before we stopped them. When asked for a permit the so called supervising engineer who was supposed to be supervising, but never getting out of his truck, provided an expired permit!

  • From the Florida Strategic Plan for Broadband: (page 10) “The Florida Legislature appropriated $400 million from the American Rescue Plan’s State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for the Broadband Opportunity Program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023. Funding in the amount of $366 million is available to Florida through the U.S. Treasury’s Capital Projects Fund. The Executive Office of the Governor, in coordination with the Florida Legislature, has discretion as to how this funding will be used. Some funding may be used for broadband Internet: “A key priority of this program is to make funding available for reliable, affordable broadband infrastructure and other digital connectivity technology projects.” (United States Department of the Treasury, 2022, para. 3)”

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