Rep. Cammack applauds House passage of Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Press release from U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Representative Kat Cammack, along with Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), Conference Chairwoman Lisa McClain (R-MI), and Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) celebrated House passage of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The Born-Alive Act ensures that infants born alive after an attempted abortion receive the same protection of law and degree of care as any newborn.
“I’ve been proud to be a leader on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act for the last three Congresses. With my colleagues Rep. Wagner, Leader Scalise, and Rep. Smith, we’ve proudly defended the most vulnerable and made it clear that all children deserve life-saving medical care no matter the circumstances of their birth,” said Rep. Cammack. “This issue shouldn’t be a controversial one, but one that we all rally behind and defend. I’m disappointed that Senate Democrats voted to block this critical bill earlier this week, sending a resounding message to the American people about their values. In the meantime, we in the House will continue to do what is right to push this bill toward President Trump’s desk.”
“I am so grateful the House passed my vital legislation to ensure babies who survive an abortion are afforded lifesaving medical care. Innocent children deserve the opportunity to live and thrive – period. It’s up to us to be the voice for these babies who are at their most vulnerable and ensure they get the love and care they need,” said Congresswoman Wagner. “This should not be a controversial issue, but rest assured we will keep up the fight in Congress to make sure all babies, born and unborn, are treated like the miracles of life we know they are.”
“Babies born alive after an attempted abortion have a right to lifesaving medical care no matter the circumstances of their birth, and we must ensure that they receive the care and treatment they deserve. Today, House Republicans passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Wagner, to protect the fundamental right to life of abortion survivors by requiring healthcare practitioners that witness a live birth during or after an attempted abortion to administer the same care to preserve the health and life of the baby they would administer to any other child born at the same age,” said Majority Leader Steve Scalise. “This isn’t a partisan issue, but a moral one. With this legislation, House Republicans are standing up for our most vulnerable Americans and defending the sanctity of life. It’s disgraceful that Senate Democrats voted in lockstep to block consideration of this lifesaving bill. I call on the Senate to swiftly pass this critical bill so it can be sent to President Trump’s desk to become law and save lives.”
“Democrats don’t want born-alive babies to get life-saving medical care. This is insane. They prefer to do nothing—letting born-alive babies die in the delivery room. Their position is more extreme than communist countries like North Korea and China,” Conference Chairwoman Lisa McClain said. “Fortunately, House Republicans just stepped up and passed a law to save babies’ lives. I am proud of Congresswoman Ann Wagner for her tireless effort on this legislation.”
“Special thanks to bill sponsor Rep. Ann Wagner, Speaker Mike Johnson, and Majority Leader Steve Scalise for this courageous legislative initiative to mitigate egregious child abuse by requiring that a healthcare provider exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life of a baby born alive after an abortion as they would a child of similar age,” said Rep. Chris Smith, co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus. “Why is there opposition? The former head of the CDC Abortion Surveillance Unit explained that live births after an abortion are often hidden by abortionists because admitting to them is ‘like turning yourself in to the IRS for an audit…what is there to gain?’ This humane, pro-child, human rights legislation protects these innocent survivors and empowers the woman upon whom the abortion is performed to obtain appropriate relief in a civil action.”
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act:
- Requires that healthcare practitioners who are present at the live birth exercise skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child—the same degree of care that would be offered to any other child born prematurely of the same gestational age. After those efforts, the healthcare workers must transport and admit the child to a hospital.
- Requires healthcare practitioners and hospital employees to report violations to law enforcement authorities, reducing the number of born-alive abortions that go unreported.
- Ensures accountability and enforceability through criminal penalties.
- Gives the mother of the abortion survivor a civil cause of action against the abortionist and protection from prosecution, recognizing that women are the second victims of abortion and promoting the dignity of motherhood.
And we care about this why?
Go back to new york
Who would object to this? Sad an “Act” has to be created.
That should definitely help bring down the price of eggs. Thanks, Kat!
All of us are just a clump of cells. Look out old people, sick people or other unwanted people.
Grandstanding. Clearly learned from DeSantis.
Did you vote for the pervert mayor of tallahassee??? Probably
I regret having voted for her.
Bradford admits he is a liberal. How funny
A law requiring medical actions which are not clear or even desired by the “patient” is just another attempt by right wingers to dictate our personal lives. Usually later abortions are due to serious problems with the fetus or mother and if the former this bill will mandate “saving” the life of a fetus for a likely short, terrible, and painful life which will be an emotional and economic disaster for the family, and one they would have considered before the abortion.
I will withhold an opinion and keep an open mind until Cammack backs up this bill with one FACT.
How many DOCUMENTED cases that this bill would apply to occurred in the US in the last year for which statistics are available? 100,000? 1000? 100? 5? 1? Zero?
I suspect this bill is a solution in search of a problem for total grandstanding by a 03 congressman. Brag about outlawing something that does not exist, but sounds good and no one could be against.
Back up this bill with one fact.
How we ended up with Kat and how Alachua County has no representatives or senators in the state or federal government who won their race here – none.
“Competition is an endangered species in legislative elections.
A New York Times analysis of the nearly 6,000 congressional and state legislative elections in November shows just how few races were true races. Nearly all either were dominated by an incumbent or played out in a district drawn to favor one party overwhelmingly. The result was a blizzard of blowouts, even in a country that is narrowly divided on politics.
Just 8 percent of congressional races (36 of 435) and 7 percent of state legislative races (400 of 5,465) were decided by fewer than five percentage points, according to The Times’s analysis.
Consequences from the death of competition are readily apparent. Roughly 90 percent of races are now decided not by general-election voters in November but by the partisans who tend to vote in primaries months earlier. That favors candidates who appeal to ideological voters and lawmakers who are less likely to compromise. It exacerbates the polarization that has led to deadlock in Congress and in statehouses.
“Because of partisan and racial gerrymandering, you end up with these skewed results and legislative bodies that don’t necessarily reflect the political makeup of either the states or, writ large, the House of Representatives representing the political desires of the American people,” said Eric H. Holder Jr., the attorney general in the Obama administration who, as chair of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, has criticized the mapmaking process and at times even called out his own party’s redistricting practices.
In 2020, the last time that once-a-decade national exercise took place, both parties largely followed a similar strategy. Their maps typically made districts safer by stocking them with voters from one party, rather than breaking them up in an effort to pick up seats. Republicans, as the party in control of the process in more states, drew more of these slanted districts than Democrats….
…With so few general elections to worry about, tribalism can take over in legislatures, leaving many elected officials to worry only about primary challenges, often from their party’s fringes. In the modern climate of political polarization, the lack of competitive districts not only removes an incentive to work with the other party but actively deters doing so.
“As competitive districts dwindle, so do incentives to compromise,” said Steve Israel, a former Democratic congressman from New York and the former chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “I remember campaigning on bipartisanship in a very moderate district in my first election in 2000. By the time I left in 2017, talking about crossing the aisle was like announcing a walk to my own firing squad.”