Rep. Cammack Delivers Keynote Address At Greater Gainesville Chamber Of Commerce Luncheon

Congresswoman Cammack addresses the attendees.

Press release from the Office of Congresswoman Kat Cammack

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Yesterday afternoon, Congresswoman Kat Cammack served as the distinguished speaker for the Greater Gainesville Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, where she provided a legislative update to the local community and spoke with business leaders in Florida’s Third Congressional District about the issues impacting their industries.

Mr. Eric Godet, President and CEO of the Greater Gainesville Chamber, introduced Congresswoman Cammack at the luncheon to an audience of about fifty attendees, including representatives from the University of Florida and Santa Fe College, as well as leaders from industries spanning construction, electric and utilities, senior living and health care, aeronautics, banking, and more.

The room listens to a presentation by the University of Florida.

Congresswoman Cammack opened the luncheon with a legislative update pertaining to the REINS Act, which she introduced at the start of the 118th Congress in January. This critical piece of legislation, which reasserts Congress’ legislative authority and prevents excessive federal overreach, would help to remove the red tape and burdensome, regulatory costs that are currently impacting businesses across the nation.

She also spoke about her efforts to hold Big Tech accountable, the security risks surrounding TikTok, and her bill, the Understanding Cybersecurity of Mobile Networks Act, that recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce with bipartisan votes.

Other topics discussed at the luncheon included supply chain issues, minimum wage, utility prices for residents, crime rates, and more.

More information on the REINS Act can be found here.

  • Cammack is an embarrassment to our community. She’s trying to grandstand in DC next to the likes of MTG and Boebert when she should just put her head down and do her job. Our elected officials who do nothing but court controversy and the press should be ashamed of themselves.

  • Thank you, Kat! You’re doing a super job and making us known better as a place for new industry. Now if only GRU would rein in their commercial rates, next… otherwise Clay will get the new industry 🥺

  • Unfortunately every time I see how gargantuan she has become I just think “Fat Cammack.” People who can’t manage their own health and lives likely aren’t well prepared to manage others’. Is she a better choice than a Democrat? Sure, but I’d be happy to see her go next term.

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