
Rep. Cammack introduces The COP Act to prohibit federal funds at agencies employing non-citizen LEOs

Press release from Rep. Kat Cammack

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Kat Cammack introduced the “Citizen-Only Police Act of 2024” (COP Act). The bill prohibits law enforcement agencies receiving federal funds from employing aliens as law enforcement officers.

Spurred by the news in June that the Seattle Police Department could soon fill its ranks with illegal migrants amid low recruitment numbers, the department announced it would accept applicants from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. Despite recipients having legal work authorization in the U.S., they have typically been excluded from serving as law enforcement officers for many departments nationwide, marking a notable shift in the Seattle PD’s policy.

“It’s unconscionable that we’re even considering hiring aliens, including aliens who entered this country illegally, to serve in law enforcement,” said Congresswoman Kat Cammack. “U.S. citizens should be responsible for enforcing the law, not foreign nationals.”

“I’m disappointed that in the face of widespread law enforcement officer shortages across the country—due in part to the recklessness of Democrat leaders at all levels of government—that a proposed solution is to hire individuals who aren’t citizens to fill the widening gaps. I think it’s disgraceful and I know other law-abiding American citizens feel the same.”

California, Colorado, and Illinois have passed laws to permit illegal aliens to become law enforcement officers. State legislatures in Wisconsin and Virginia have previously considered bills that would negate the U.S. citizen requirement to become law enforcement officers.

Read the text of the legislation here.

  • So at least six states are at least considering it.
    Conservative Republicans like Cammack love to parrot the talking point “less government regulation, get government off people’s back, STATES RIGHTS, let the states decide things without the big bad overbearing Feds telling them what to do.”
    How much of a problem is this? I suspect little.
    Why would a rep want to pass a bill to solve a problem that does not exist?
    Oh, it must be an election year and she has no other accomplishments, so she wants to brag SHE solved a problem that does not exist.
    Kept us safe, doncha know.

    • That’s our Kat Cammack for you – nothing but hot air and performance art.

      And she votes against bills that benefit our community, then takes credit for them.

      She’s an embarrassing clown.

    • This would be the federal government saying that you can’t have federal money if you hire aliens. It’s not a bill to prohibit the hiring of aliens. The problem is that the federal government should not be giving money to states or local entities at all. Nonetheless the Constitution doesn’t give the federal government the power to regulate LE in states (and many other things for that matter).

  • There’s a difference between a non-citizen and an illegal alien.
    I’d have to read up on the proposed legislation, and those enacted by the states she mentioned, to determine just how much hot air she’s spewing.

  • Non citizens or illegal aliens should not even get jobs, much less a government job. They take jobs AWAY from LEGAL US citizens. And I don’t want a non citizen having legal power over me in MY country.

    • DACA recipients were brought here as kids and can not have been involved in incidents of any kind to have that status.

      • Daca is a different animal. The people wandering over the border without documentation are the people we are addressing.

    • Wonder how many ditches, drain fills and shingles “citizens” want to do for employment?

      Or is it how many “citizens” want to dig ditches, drain fills and lay shingles, for employment? Not to mention get out to the fields and work the fields for crops.

      • I can only imagine you doing a ‘clean and neat’ job. Driving a ditch witch is skilled labor. Factory work makes one feel strong and productive. Farmers are educated, strong and essential. You don’t understand skilled labor. Not everyone wants to stand and talk for a living. Not everyone wants to depend on a desk and computer to survive. Some people like to help humanity and have to face dirt on a daily basis. Nurses for example. When America had slaves the reasoning was ‘who would pick our crops?’ Today the same reasoning goes ‘without illegals, who would pick our crops?’ Citizens need jobs. All jobs are to be respected. If you are a citizen you have no right to ridicule labor of any legal sort.

        • All I can imagine you doing is tapping on your mobile device sitting in a chair, getting your nails done by a legal alien.
          In your case you may only want to pay the labor “skills” for an illegal one.

          Who said I was ridiculing labor? I am ridiculing you though. I’d be willing to wager you’ve never spent a day in the fields cropping anything. Don’t know if you’ve been keeping up with economic events of late, but when people get paid to stay home, they don’t want to go to work.

      • Congrats, this is your “but who will clean your toilet?” moment. You just want illegals here so you can exploit them as a slave underclass? I give you props for saying the quiet part out loud, unlike the rest of the liberals who dance around saying they want their very own brown house slaves.

        Americans can and do perform this work when they are not being undercut by illegal foreign labor. You got soft hands, boy.

        • No, it’s the calling out the bigots and racists moment.
          Thanks for answering.

          Your type bitch & moan about not having enough “help” and in the same breath think anyone will go out and pick crops for minimum wage. Legal immigrants provide essential contributions to the economy and society. Just because your ancestors came over years ago, (legally I hope), doesn’t make those who come over legally today any less worthy of an opportunity or less of a person.

          By the way “boy,” I’m sure I’ve spent more time cropping tobacco, picking pepper, and cutting squash than you’ve spent nursing. That’s not nursing in the medical field by the way.

  • I get what she is trying to say but the federal government is just as guilty with hiring illegals for government jobs too. Florida has a requirement that all law enforcement must be US citizens to be employed in a department. Other states do not. Louisiana and Maine only require a work permit or visa. So it may be an issue in other area. But again if the Federal government allows it maybe we should start at the top. That should also include the military.

  • “…the Seattle Police Department could soon fill its ranks with illegal migrants amid low recruitment numbers, the department announced it would accept applicants from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients….”

    What is DACA recipient? Those who came to the US as children – brought here by parents – and have been here without incident of any kind. This twit is on the low road of jingoism of the worst kind, and as noted above by others, has zero accomplishments in Congress. She is a perpetual propaganda machine – that’s it.

    “Were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012 (that is, you were born on or after June 16, 1981);
    Came to the United States before reaching your 16th birthday;
    Have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007, up to the time of filing your request for DACA;
    Were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time you filed your request for DACA with USCIS;
    Had no lawful immigration status on June 15, 2012, and at the time you filed your request for DACA, meaning that:
    You never had a lawful immigration status on or before June 15, 2012*, or
    Any lawful immigration status or parole that you had before June 15, 2012, expired on or before June 15, 2012, and
    Any lawful status that you had after June 15, 2012, expired or otherwise terminated before you submitted your request for DACA;
    Are currently enrolled in school, have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a General Educational Development (GED) certificate, or are an honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard or armed forces of the United States; and
    Have not been convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor described in 8 CFR 236.22(b)(6), or 3 or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety…”


  • Non citizen green card holders can join the US military, which aids their path toward citizenship.

    More than 148,000 immigrants have served and earned citizenship through the military in the last 20 years. About 5000 non citizens currently sign up each year.

    Don’t tell Phat Cammack. But then, facts and reality are no concern for MAGA Trumpkins passing an unneeded bill.

    • Send people off to endless wars in exchange for a $35 trillion national debt, a Democrat and Republican’s wet dream!

  • Another U-N push to take America away from American people, if they can get there crooks and anti-moralistic people into our Law enforcement and our Political structure, THEY CAN CONTROL US OR LEGALLY KILL US WHEN THE WANT TO!!!! PRESIDENT TRUMP WOULD NOT PUT UP WITH THIS.

  • Make it tough Kamick, no funds OF ANY KIND if they hire, house and or provide continuous income, food, shelter ect.
    Emergency aide (24 hours) us exempt. How about some damn tax relief in this state!

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