Rep. Cammack re-introduces resolution to ban foreign flags on House floor

Press release from Rep. Kat Cammack

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, Congresswoman Kat Cammack re-introduced her resolution to prohibit Members of the House of Representatives from bringing or displaying a flag of a foreign nation on the floor of the House.

The prohibition shall apply to a flag of a foreign nation regardless of the size of the flag. Exceptions include a flag of a foreign nation worn as a lapel pin by a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner and the depiction of a flag of a foreign nation used as part of an exhibit during a speech or debate under the rules of the House of Representatives. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives is responsible for enforcement of the prohibition.

Following the passage of H.R. 8035 on Saturday, April 20, 2024, during the 118th Congress, lawmakers waved the flag of Ukraine on the floor of the House of Representatives, eliciting frustration from Rep. Cammack and colleagues.

“On the floor of the United States House of Representatives, there should only be one flag on display: ours,” said Rep. Cammack. “We make serious decisions on behalf of the American people and their taxpayer dollars on the House floor. This business should be carried out beneath no other banner than our Stars and Stripes to remind us of who we represent and why this nation is the greatest in the history of the world. I’m glad to have earned the support of dozens of my colleagues who join me in standing up for the American people and putting our nation before all others.”

Read the text of the resolution here.

  • I know people say “who cares” but symbols DO matter.
    On the floor of OUR House of Representatives with people that WE elected to represent us, the only flag should be the Stars and Stripes.

    I wish she would include wearing foreign military uniforms. Rep. Brian Mast from Florida wears an Israeli Defense Forces uniform as a member of Congress !
    Who does he serve ? Israel or the US ?

    • Dear LG: what a crock.

      Reports say that apparently Monday the President of the United States is going to Pardon a rioter who INVADED the US Capitol on January 6 CARRYING A CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG.”

      You got no problem with that?

      Besides, Israel is the 51st state, doncha know? Canada will have to be number 52.

      • Actually I DO have a problem with someone illegally entering the Capitol and with a Confederate flag. Of course that person rightfully was arrested, convicted and is serving a 3 year sentence in jail. If Trump lets them out of jail that’s his business but what they did was wrong and they were punished.

        It amazes me really that people seem to have no problem with foreign governments openly influencing our elected officials and their openly showing that support. Oh and I DO have a MASSIVE problem with Israel doing the same thing.

    • The question still stands: who ACTUALLY CARES?
      You’ve got the same brilliant idea as the first person who asked this.
      As an elected official—a title you obviously seem to acknowledge—why won’t she do something that might actually justify her being in office? LMAO, keep talking your sh king!

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