Rep. Cammack’s Organ Transplant Discrimination Prevention Act passes through subcommittee markup

Press release from the Office of Congresswoman Kat Cammack
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Kat Cammack’s Charlotte Woodward Organ Transplant Discrimination Prevention Act (H.R. 2706) passed the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee markup by voice vote this afternoon.
The bill is named for Charlotte Woodward, an adult with Down syndrome who received a lifesaving transplant over a decade ago. It prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in the organ transplant system and upholds, clarifies, and builds upon rights established in the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act.
Additionally, the bill prohibits covered entities from determining that an individual is ineligible to receive a transplant, denying an organ transplant or related service, refusing to refer the individual to an organ transplant center, refusing to place an individual on a waiting list, or declining insurance coverage for a transplant or related service based solely on the fact that the individual has a disability.
The bill’s next step is to be marked up before the whole House Energy & Commerce Committee.
Remember when people were denied medical services, including transplants, a few years ago because they would not take the Covid shot?
This is a bullsh!t bill that absolutely does not even try to fix the problem. Does Kat not remember the past few years?…she takes one example of a disabled person & capitalizes on it while completely ignoring the millions of people who were completely screwed over for not toeing the Covid shot line.
She pisses me off – an absolute horrible representative
So you’re saying that people who refused to get a covid shot are disabled? I guess that makes sense, because have a propensity for getting sucked into conspiracy theories and believing documented lies could be considered a mental disability.
What documented lies are you talking about?
It is common to refuse a liver transplant to people that won’t stop drinking or a lung transplant to people who won’t stop smoking. If alcohol or cigarette addiction is defined as a disability, do these people now get an organ transplanted that they can damage with their “disability”?
I so agree with this bill. Do not discriminate against people for their disability. Even if someone is a brain dead conservative clueless trumpkin congresscritter from the 3rd district, that disability should not be held against them and they should be eligible for a brain transplant.