Resurfacing of SW 46th Blvd. to begin after Thanksgiving

Press release from Alachua County

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – The Alachua County Public Works Department has announced that the resurfacing of SW 46th Boulevard is scheduled to begin after Thanksgiving and take approximately 30 days to complete. Resurfacing will start at the intersection of NW 75th Street, near Kimball Wiles Elementary School, and end at SW 91st Street. Drivers should expect delays while traveling on this road during construction.

The resurfacing of SW 46th Blvd. is being funded by the new Wild Spaces Public Places Infrastructure Surtax that was approved by voters last year. The new tax is currently generating approximately $11.7 million annually for road and bridge rehabilitation projects. Combined with other funding sources, these dollars are part of a quarter-of-a-billion-dollar, 10-year pavement management program that was approved by the County Commission in May of this year.

The SW 46th Blvd. project is budgeted at $1,244,643 and includes the milling and resurfacing of 1 1/2 inches of asphalt for approximately 1.2 miles. Local paving contractor V.E. Whitehurst & Sons is doing the paving and coordinating the project with Superior Roadway Services for milling and P&P Striping, LLC for roadway striping.

  • I ride my skinny tire bike along this road frequently. So many roads in this county are in absolutely horrible condition and they are paving this near pristine road. Oh yea, it’s ion Haile Plantation. You know, the place where commissioners live, work, or sell real estate in. Please tell me that this is not a mistake.

        • Hey Jennifer, is there a county web page or something that lays out the priorities for these roads?

          • Yes, the County has an interactive map on their site. I started writing up an article a while back, but I haven’t had time to finish it. It’s time-consuming to extract the info as a list.

        • The taxpayer abusing parasites voted in by government worshiping leftists do not care about roads in rural Alachua county. The only thing the parasites care about is that the residents that live on county road pay their taxes and receive no benefit from those taxes!
          The parasites are good for nothing other than collecting a taxpayer funded check!

    • My thought as well. Seems like there are a lot of county roads in much greater need of resurfacing than this one. Trying to prettify access to Haile’s existing “world class” country club?

  • While there are so many roads that need it, I would love to compare the traffic counts between that road and NW 83rd street in front of Santa Fe College or even NW 98th street from 39th avenue to Newberry Road! Those roads are in much worse shape than SW 46th Blvd!

  • There is nothing wrong with sw 46th Blvd.
    Really what’s going on here? There is no way sw 46th resurfacing is even needed.
    Alachua Chronicle, I come to you for local news because it’s nonbias, I’m asking that you look into this, it’s almost nefarious what these commisioners are doing. Interesting that it’s starting right as single district election season is beginning.

    • Having the AC do all these nice things is great, but I think it is a two person operation with few readers actually donating enough money to support it, much less expand. Help with a continuing contribution and maybe investigations will come to pass. They don’t even require you to use your real name.

  • A predictable choice to rework Busy Byerly Boulevard. I think it may have boiled down to that smooth road or the GRACE Marketplace gateway.

    Recall the famous words of Ned Beatty as Senator Charles F. Meachum in the film ‘Shooter’–“There are no sides. There’s no Sunnis and Shiites. There’s no Democrats and Republicans. There’s only HAVES and HAVE-NOTS.”

  • NW 23rd avenue is in far worse shape. Pot holes on top of pot holes. Why not prioritize and fix the worst and more highly traveled roads first? Oh….that’s right….liberals are in charge so my as well throw any logic out the window.

  • The Alachua dot never ceases to astound me, I use that Rd quite a lot, and I use nw 23 ave, between nw 98st. and millhoper junction at nw 43rd st. I have lived in Gainesville Fl. 39 years, and I live on Sw 91St. st. So, I travel both of these roads, St’s/ave’s, quite often.
    nw 23rd ave nees it far, far more than sw 46th blvd ever thought about needing it. Something that is not Kosher is going on in this SOCIAL MINDED CITY.

  • I’m not really sure why Alachua county should be in charge of maintaining that road anyway, seems like it should be mostly up to Haile Plantation.

  • The elusive Alachua County Commission should be held accountable for such feckless lack of basic government duties. It only going to get worse with clueless Money Bags in charge .

  • County Rad 237 N W turning off 441 at Hague is in terriable condition.
    lots of big trucks and since City of Alachua approved for the Dollar General store there across from Hague Community Cemetery it is bad! The side cemetery is on is rural Alachua County, Dollar General side is City of Alachua. 237 also goes down to the U of F Dairy Research Unit and they pay no property taxes. have lots of big trucks and equipment that uses the 237 also. We need help on that road! ! !

  • Didn’t I just read recently that the city of Gainesville decided to forego work on public roads this year, to use the money to pay back the GRU loans? Anyone who has some insight, please refresh my memory. I drive on 53rd and Main every day and it’s become a nightmare!

  • That’s wonderful. Pave a road leading into Haile Plantation that is not that bad when the road in front of Santa Fe College in in deplorable condition. I’m sure there are many others that need it more also. However, at least you’re paving something instead of just filling a few potholes.

  • Have they heard of 62nd blvd, pretty much all of 23rd avenue, or half the roads on the east side of town?

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