Santa Fe College will hold Professional Development Day March 3

Press release from Santa Fe College

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Santa Fe College will hold a Professional Development Day for college employees on Friday, March 3. It will be an opportunity to invest in college employees and celebrate their successes. President Broadie said he wants it to be a day of collaboration and connection for the college.

Santa Fe College has canceled all classes and is closing all student service offices at all SF locations in Alachua and Bradford counties that day to let employees participate in Professional Development. The Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo will also be closed that day.

The day is scheduled to open in the Jackson N. Sasser Fine Arts Hall with light refreshments at 8 a.m., followed by an employee awards ceremony at 9 and a keynote address. The afternoon will feature workshops for SF faculty and staff. 

The college will resume standard operations Saturday, March 4

  • Betcha the faculty would like to miss THAT one! Most classes are Monday through Thursday, the college just stole a day off from them for a clap fest 👏 😫

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