Santa Fe College’s Boo at the Zoo scared up a crowd and nearly 6,000 canned goods

Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Boo at the Zoo event on Oct. 31, 2023 in Gainesville, FL. (Photo by Matt Stamey/Santa Fe College) ***Subject has signed photo release***

Press release from Santa Fe College

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Santa Fe College’s (SF) Boo at the Zoo was held on Halloween at the SF Teaching Zoo in Gainesville. 6,400 people came out to trick or treat through the zoo. The event also collected almost 6,000 canned goods to support Santa Fe College Saints Food Share and Catholic Charities of Gainesville. Donations will be made available to students and families in need this holiday season.

“We had such an amazing time at our 27th annual Boo at the Zoo,” Christina Arnold, 
Office Supervisor at SF Zoo Animal Technology, said. “We cannot thank the Zooies enough for all of their hard work, creativity, and repurposing over the past two months to completely transform the zoo, allowing guests to travel to the lands of Mario Kart, 100 Acre Woods, Medieval Kingdom, Pixie Hollow, Jurassic Park, Bug’s Life, Hercules, and Pirate Treasure Hunt. We are always astonished by their creations, and this year did not disappoint!”

Arnold also thanked event sponsors: Fun4GatorKids, Cricket Wireless (13th St., GNV), Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Campus USA Credit Union, Gator Domino’s, The Repurpose Project, and Saints Share Wear. Thanks also went out to the Santa Fe Saints Athletics teams for running games and the Santa Fe College Improv Club for providing line entertainment along with UF’s Tone Def A Cappella Group and Danscompany of Gainesville. 

“Finally,” Arnold said, “thank you to the entire Santa Fe College community for supporting this event. From the facilities staff, to the SFPD, to the marketing department and all who donated money or candy to support this effort – we truly couldn’t host this event without you.”

Arnold hopes to see you next Halloween for the event’s 28th year!   

  • I notice every positive story on this site gets no comments. All the old geezers love to comment on every arrest and story about the city or county. They must sit around all day complaining about everything. Bunch of miserable old farts.

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