
School Board approves new contracts for teachers and education support employees

Press release from Alachua County Public Schools

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – During a special meeting today, the School Board of Alachua County approved a new salary schedule and contract for teachers and educational support employees. 

Under the new salary schedule, employees will receive a 3.5% raise on top of the automatic ‘step’ increase they received at the beginning of the school year. The step increase can vary from employee to employee but typically averages 1%. 

The increase will be retroactive to July 1 of 2023, depending on when each employee’s contract took effect. For example, if an employee’s contract for 2023-24 started the first day of school, the raise would be retroactive to that date. 

The salary and contract language were ratified by employees, with 2230 voting ‘Yes’ and 31 voting ‘No,’ according to Carmen Ward, president of the Alachua County Education Association (ACEA), which represents instructional and educational support professionals (ESP) such as bus drivers, custodians, food service workers, paraprofessionals, and office staff.

“We’re very pleased that we’ve completed this process and that the agreement we reached with the ACEA was approved so overwhelmingly by the employees, who do so much for our students, families, and district,” said Superintendent Shane Andrew. “Our payroll and finance teams will be working very hard to get the raises and retroactive pay into our employees’ hands as soon as possible.”

  • I believe I saw the consumer price index went up 3.4 for 2023 alone. This raise just about keeps educators even. Unless you are thinking about the top educator, of course.

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