
School board candidate’s ACPS record shows one incident resulting in a two-day paid leave

Photo courtesy of Thomas Vu for The Alachua County School Board


ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – Following the circulation of an anonymous social media post claiming that School Board Candidate Thomas Vu was removed from Mebane Middle School due to an incident involving a student, Alachua Chronicle requested all investigative and disciplinary reports in his personnel file; the response showed that he was once placed on a two-day administrative leave for a different incident, but there was no evidence of any investigation matching the details in the social media post.

The initial response on August 15 from Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) was, “Thomas Vu’s personnel file does not contain any investigations or disciplinary documents,” but this morning, ACPS sent an Application for Leave from 2016.

The document describes a two-day administrative leave with pay from October 5 to October 6, 2016, because “Mr. Vu got into a shoving match w/ a student.” The “Employee statement” field is blank, and the “Solution and assistance, if appropriate” field states, “Mr. Vu will not make physical contact w/ students unless safety issues require him to do so.”

The anonymous social media post claims that Vu was “removed from Mebane because he did not allow a student to use the bathroom. The student soiled his pants and was in them all day.”

Vu sent us the following statement:

“As someone striving to bring a new kind of leadership to our county, I welcome the opportunity to respond. Accountability is crucial for any leader, and this includes being transparent about our histories and careers.

“First, regarding the incident in 2016, a student made a false accusation after I sent him to the dean’s office. I asked him to leave my classroom for the safety of my other students. The district fully investigated, including reviewing camera footage and taking statements from students. The investigation confirmed my account of events and cleared me of any wrongdoing. I’m glad the district took time to investigate this. 

“Regarding the rumors being posted on social media, here are the facts: Before class started, a student asked to use the bathroom. I gave the student permission, but the student chose not to use the bathroom. Within the first 5 minutes of class, the student informed me he had an accident. I immediately sent the student to the nurse to get changed.

“My record as an educator reflects my dedication to student growth and support, and I remain committed to transparency and honesty in all my actions. These values will continue to guide me as a School Board member.”

  • Thanks, Alachua Chronicle, for getting more information about this horrible, anonymous rumor.

    • I knew him in college and his pickup line was, “hey baby you want a room with Vu”.

  • He’s got my vote. Those cocky middle schoolers need an attitude adjustment before high school!

    • I heard something recently and I’m wondering if Mr. Vu can comment?
      What’s his relationship with another board member who has been at odds with his opponent of late?
      Many of us would certainly like to know before we can be certain of our vote. If he’s behind her and supportive of her BS “equity” policies I will definitely have to put more thought into my decision. We certainly don’t need more divisive narratives in our schools.
      It appears Ms. McGraw has started to acknowledge and call out some of the current failures in our schools while others have certainly ignored them and instead blamed others.

    • They weren’t cocky middle schoolers. They were children. They ARE just children. And at no point does ANY child deserve for ANY teacher/staff/adult at the school to put their hands on them. It was a completely unwarranted event.

  • So this candidate is calling the student, parents and other witnesses of not allowing the student to use the restroom in class a lie??? Interesting …
    Hmmm… sorry considering who has donated to you and the sources vetted I’m calling BS. Your candidacy is all about progressive control with 2 other minority candidates to head acps towards more progressive DEI focus and less on safety and accountability.
    You were in fact moved to another school and then to the county IT center for this. It’s sad the paper chose to omit or interview the person verifying this incident. Sorry this example from the parents is enough evidence to not let you near or in control of any child’s future. Vote McGraw and McNealy. Please keep this guy away from our children. #NeverVuforACPS

    • I think it shows that even back in 2016 Mr. Vu was concerned with cleaning up the mess happening in the District.
      Seeing as how much crap has been going on of late, there’s much more that needs cleaning up. Most of the current members would rather continue clogging the toilets than providing a real solution.
      For that reason, Mr. Vu deserves an opportunity.

    • No will not for these 2 people. They have done nothing for our schools

    • Quick Fraud McDraw took a salary while in office illegally and has not reimbursed the School Board , Taxpayers and what she took out of the students funds ? Is that our best option?

    • I didn’t read that in the story, not even between the lines.
      If you read that, maybe your investigative prowess can tell us who ‘anonymously’ released the story on social media with the obvious intent of weakening his candidacy.

  • Sounds like a smart man beating the liberals at their own game. Vu says, “hey boss-man I was bad you need to send me home for two days with pay.” Boss-man replies, “I agree that will teach you, take two days off with pay and to make sure you really understand, take off this Friday and Monday that way you will have an extra-long weekend to really think about whatever it was you said you did.”

  • “Paid Administrative Leave,” is NOT a disciplinary action. It is used practically in every investigation weather the employee has done something wrong or is entirely innocent.
    Carmen Ward
    ACEA, Union President

    • I think you mean “whether”. Sad a person in your esteemed position can’t verify what you write before posting. Sad state of affairs for our school district when a current board member lied and was removed then ran again, now this guy, and the ACEA response that is not grammatically correct. Smh

    • You are teacher union president & can’t even use/spell the correct word—whether not weather!! Seriously!! Omg!!!

      • Yes, while not the correct word, I see nothing wrong with the spelling of “weather”. SERIOUSLY!!

        So your comment is only 50% right, an “F” in any grade book.

    • But when they are placed from one position to another following that midyear.. there’s your answer.

    • I initially thought the same thing (trash article) but after reading it again and after reading the comments again it seems that AC is actually being fair and thorough…I don’t use social media so I’m unsure of the initial issue or how big it became but after consideration it seems AC put any dirty rumors to rest.

      • The fact you believe only one source and say you don’t have interest cause you’re not into social media proves you don’t truly care. If this was your kid you would care enough to know and encourage others to find out the truth about Vu.

  • So, when a teacher tries to break up a fight between two students, he gets suspended? As a parent I appreciate a teacher willing to put himself out there to keep two kids from hurting each other.

    • Yep I was fired for helping breaking up a fight. Teachers get no help from Sbac in these situations because they are scared of litigation

    • Yeah I don’t get it either. The headline seems to be disparaging but the article is redeeming for him. I’m absolutely not in alignment with Mr. Vu or his school board opponent but this still seems a little odd to me

    • Who said it was a fight he was breaking up? Do not let that wording mislead you, there was no altercation between any children. So at no point should his hands touched any part of any child, no.

  • So the incident happened but Vu claims it wasn’t a big deal. Ok, fine. Why did it surface then? Why did two parents and one student use their real names to verify the incident? Why did the parents even remember the incident?

    At least we know the rumor had at least an element of truth

    • NO ONE, other than the students present and Mr. Vu know the truth. Certainly not ANY parents. As was said, a suspension with pay IS NOT punishment. No element of truth is here and the malicious rumor was posted by a pro McGraw or anti Vu idiot.

      • The students told their parents back in the day is why at least two parents confirmed there was more to the story. I am not “pro Mc Graw” or “Anti Vu;” I have no issues with Mr. Vu other than the amount of money he received from certain people with whom I do have an issue.

  • Both of my sons had Mr. Vu as their teacher. He was tough, did not allow my children to get away with a bunch of crap (although they tried) and taught them how to be respectful while teaching mathematics. On the first day of early voting, one of my sons went out of his way to vote for Mr. Vu. My children are not easily impressed and if they feel strongly that he should be on the school board, he will have my vote without hesitation.

  • My son who was in the class when this happened just laughed out loud. This is NOT what happened with the student in regards to the bathroom incident. But people believe what they want to…

  • Just an odd thought–did Vu have to reimburse the system for the substitue teacher that they had to hire to cover his 2 days of paid leave? In the old days, school-year-contracted teachers had to pay for their substitutes if they called in sick, in some states.

  • Then why have former students that were in that classroom contradict that Vu didn’t allow that student to use the restroom???

    • Classic case of “he said; she said.” Who are people going to believe, a clean-cut former teacher, now heavily-supported school board candidate, or a few former students, who are dismissed as “disgruntled”?

  • Who would benefit from this slurring of a candidate for public office? The opponent? It certainly would not be above a candidate who ran in a district they did not reside in? Would Ms. Diyonne McGraw stoop so low? Of course she would!

    Why don’t good people run for public office? Smears like this!

    Look at the past 10+ years of how the Democratic (sorry, there is no way the school board is not politically aligned) ACPS has destroyed the public school system in AC!

  • In a challenging situation without support, it is crucial to swiftly assess effective responses. I believe his decision was the most appropriate in that instance. He safeguarded his students and removed the imminent threat. One can only comprehend such incidents with firsthand experience. If this educator had posed any issues or risks, it would have manifested itself throughout his career. His track record does not suggest any validity to the accusations against him. If anything, the community should appreciate his valuable expertise that he would bring to the School Board.

  • For teachers there is a presumption of guilt whenever a student alleges anything. Paid leave lets the school rumor factory flourish. Most teachers would not choose this. It isn’t an assembly line. When teachers are out, they have work to make up, besides calming students back down.

  • I’d vote for VU 5 times before I’d ever vote for Diyonne Fraud McGraw.

    He’s thoughtful, decent, and has classroom experience.

    No comparison.

  • I can’t get excited about Thomas Vu’s campaign as the entire school board is already made up of “woke” Leftist activists and he will just be more of the same, but I respect Mr. Vu for responding to AC.

    His account of events seems truthful to me.

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