School district ESE Supervisor arrested for embezzling over $70k from sorority
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Sheri Janelle Brassfield, 39, was arrested today on a warrant for embezzling over $70k from a sorority. She was the treasurer for the local chapter of the sorority and was employed as the Supervisor of the Pre-K ESE Program for Alachua County Public Schools.
According to the sworn complaint, Brassfield stole an estimated $71,967.94 over a five-month period ending in March 2023. Another member of the organization reported to the Gainesville Police Department (GPD) in June 2023 that she had been notified in March that Brassfield had misused the funds of Mu Upsilon Omega, the local chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Members of the local chapter secured the chapter’s banking documents and checkbooks from Brassfield in late March, froze the bank account, and removed Brassfield as a signer on the account. At the time, the bank account had a negative balance of -$1,640.
Two representatives of the local sorority chapter reportedly confronted Brassfield on March 30, and they told a GPD officer that she “did not offer much of an explanation for the unauthorized use of the funds but that she was trying to help someone.” They said Brassfield took responsibility for her actions and promised to “make it right.” The chapter set up a repayment plan and reportedly told Brassfield that if she did not make the payments, the chapter would file criminal charges. Brassfield reportedly made a first payment of $3,600 on March 31.
An audit of the bank account reportedly showed that the reports Brassfield provided to the chapter between November 2022 and March 2023 “did not reflect any of the activity on the account.” For example, the February 2023 report provided by Brassfield showed the bank balance as $69,180.82, but the account was actually at $1,608.91.
The chapter and Brassfield reportedly agreed that Brassfield would pay $9,000 by April 21, then $4,000 a month until June 30, with a final payment of $2,367.94 on July 31. She made the April 21 payment but reportedly has not made any other payments and stopped communicating with the chapter representatives.
Investigators also allege that Brassfield tried to file a false insurance claim via dishonesty bond. Brassfield allegedly changed the email address and password on March 19 so she could access the Surety Bond, then told the company that the chapter’s business account was compromised and the account had gone negative. The insurance company’s response was that a conviction was necessary to file a claim and that the theft would have to have been committed by an officer of the sorority; Brassfield reportedly never responded to that email.
A detective reviewed the information provided by the chapter and found that the account showed ATM and cash withdrawals from the account in various amounts, every few days, between November 9, 2022, and March 14, 2023. The audit also showed unauthorized purchases from companies such as Jai Jegs, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Best Buy, Parks Ford, and Rack Room Shoes, along with Cash App and Zelle transfers. The detective noted that the Jai Jegs purchases may have been unrelated credit card fraud that was missed because Brassfield was not properly documenting the account activity.
Brassfield also allegedly deposited 15 checks from a business that has been closed since 2011 for the purpose of covering her withdrawals in March. The checks caused a chargeback of $2,250 to the sorority’s account.
The officer reported that he tried to interview Brassfield on August 9, but she canceled the interview and stopped responding. A sworn complaint was filed on August 14, formal charges were filed on September 18, and a warrant for Brassfield’s arrest was issued on September 26.
Alachua County Public Schools placed Brassfield on Administrative Leave in mid-August.
Brassfield has been charged with grand theft over $20,000, scheme to defraud, and uttering a forged instrument. The arrest warrant recommended bail of $10,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
I have to wonder where was the check and balance safeguards for this institution.
At least a weekly double check on the account. Normally the President or Vice must be involved to ensure embezzlement opportunities don’t occur.
How embarrassing for the School System to have a Supervisor in the District office be arrested and charged. Her career and teaching certificate are over Jail time hopefully should be a priority with the DA.
You’d think her career and teaching certificate would be over, but you’d be surprised how lenient the state is, or has to be because of union protections. If you look at the database at the Office of Professional Standards, it can be jaw dropping to see what teachers do and continue to teach.
As an administrator, she is not entitled to ACEA membership. So please know our union cannot save her. Get the facts straight.
Sadly, Carmen, you seem only interested in saving yourself along with Board member McGraw. You are in great company, Carmen. Dioyonne has the ACEA fooled, just like many of the teachers think you actually support all of them, when in fact, you support a select few.
Your issues seem rather personal, take them to the Lord, in prayer! 🙄
Are you the chair of the DEC?
Notice she is a Supervisor, not in a teaching position. Most are not part of the Union. They often drop Union protection when they go into management positions. I don’t know her status. Your point, unfortunately, is correct. The Union I used to belong to has changed drastically. I retired from it fifteen years ago.
She’s an administrator she is not covered by the Union. Leave the Union out of it.
The School Board is way to obsessed and occupied with Rockwell’s and the Equity Chiefs agenda while Alachua County School grades spiral downward and they don’t have a clue how to fix it. When a School gets a downgrade it affects everyone at that schools compensation. No wonder the mass exodus from this BS run School system. Maybe the outrageous compensation these failed school board members need to be reduced as well??????
“Alachua County Public Schools placed Brassfield on Administrative Leave in mid-August.”
Is she still getting paid? She’s a thief. Why?
If she is, you’ve answered your own question.
The 2nd one.
Well, there’s the old “innocent until proven guilty” thing. And also the teachers union protects their members, for better or worse. Sometimes it is definitely for the worse.
Dear Not Surprised: Supervisors are not eligible for union membership. Most of the time, teachers and support staff who belong to the union and therefore seek representation do so because they are falsely accused by students who don’t tell the truth or lie to their parents about events at school.
Did McFraud ever pay back the money she was paid while apparently illegally on the Board?
Wonder who’s “friend” she was to get the position at the SBAC?
The only person she was helping was herself – to other people’s money.
Oh wait! That’s what Democrats do.
They downvoted you but I’ll bet my left nut she’s registered to the Florida Democratic Party, ya know, being a strong, free-thinking woman of color and all…
Why bring politics into this? People are people and it doesn’t matter how they vote. If they are a thief, they will steal from anyone.
Exactly!!!! Even a damn Republican
Democrats do? I’m shocked! Look at good ol Joe and his son Hunter. As pure as the wind driven snow. Right?
Thank you❣️
You live in Florida! What do you know about “wind-driven snow?” Depravity, like self-Righteousness is a human problem…not a party problem. At least try to make an intelligent post.
her friend is McGraw
How do you know she’s a Democrat? Because she’s African American? Like come on.
It’s not like they don’t vote how they’re told.
Don’t believe me? Check the voters’ registration for Gainesville/Alachua County.
This is just a stupid comment. Just a quick search and you’d find that she’s very qualified as she has a doctorate in ese education. So maybe just maybe she earned that position!! I don’t know her but if she did this she should pay with time and restitution. You guys kill me with this political crap as if one side is cleaner than the other. Walking sheep…bahhhh
The Buchholz Football Boosters had over $30,000 stolen by a board member last year but the board covered it up, didn’t notify the school, school board or booster members, and didn’t report it to law enforcement. It’s odd how some people get away with things when they’re in a position of trust and others don’t.
Is this documented anywhere? Any legal action taken? I would certainly hope so, unless your accusation is unfounded
Gonna have to rethink my post…….
Anyhow, years ago when I was a kid, I lost my father to a massive heart attack during a school day in March of 1990.
The guidance counselors at Trenton Elementary at the time labeled me
Emotionally Handicapped, or rather, an ESE student due to the emotional weight of losing a parent at the tender age of 9 years old.
Well, the “ESE label” followed me on my transcripts all the way through High school.
They pretty much deemed me, “damaged emotional goods”. So!!!
All these years later,,,,
then I read this article,,,,
and just can’t help to feel liberated.
I guess those classes at SBAC worked out pretty good after all didn’t they. 🤣
She will get off easy! She is of color and a woman, judges and the state are easy on them. Throw the book at our men whether they are black or white. I’m tired of the racial blur on BLM it’s whether you are a man or woman!!
My son is white and is servings time for more years than he should. Yes he did wrong and deserves to be punished but this particular judge needs to be off the bench. He is not a fair judge.I have watched him hand out sentences based on his own feelings not on justice. He needs to be removed. Colaw needs to go. I know there are others as. Our Gainesville Police Department is also corrupt. They break the law and lie to your face. Everyone needs to remember if they come to your door knocking for advice on one of your love ones you don’t know anything. Just be quiet. Best advice anybody can give you. LoL. Just kidding but not. Everything is used in the court of the law.
So…. shut up…..
She likely learned from the Gangsville City Comm: take, and take, and take till you max out all anyone can stand! Then slide out of office and forget it. First offense, a white collar crime, non-violent and made one payment as part of repayment plan. That will be enough to show “intent” to make it right. Sentence: 2 yrs probation and restitution, which she’ll never pay back.
I’m sorry that your son made himself subject to the judicial system. While he may have had his reasons, as you say, he still committed a crime… Which requires judgment. Stop looking for leniency where your people are concerned and harshness where others are concerned, and calling that fairness. People of color have lost their lives for much less than others have ever been held accountable for… And you want to talk about fairness? And, please don’t say that was yesterday, because judicial inequity is alive and well today… and it will be as well tomorrow. Objectivity and fairness are difficult to find, and even more difficult to maintain when “People” are required to make allegedly impartial judgments. The one consistency, is that we will always be inconsistent when it comes to impartiality… At least until God fixes everything. That being said, we could all try to do, and be better. Perhaps if we did, your son would’ve gotten a better result. I wish both of you well.
Well said! Definitely could not have articulated better!
Former Reichert House Manager and now a Pre -K ESE Supervisor are charged with crimes? These are individuals tasked with playing a role in leading children who are most vulnerable within our community.
It’s written somewhere that a teacher will be judged more strictly. I wonder at times if that will apply to teachers of the Word or teachers in general.
Is it any wonder the regression of society continues?
Go directly
That vail amount is a joke. She is a thief who needs some hard labor while sitting in the jail.
Woke hiring doesn’t work, folks. Stop wasting our education dollars on these people with no morals.
All colors do the same thing and get away with it where you think she got it from its a problem when anyone does it
What is woke? Another way of saying a black person got hired…such a racist ! Btw she earned her Doctorate in Education!
Tired of stupidity “Wokeism is weaponized personal grievances masquerading as a genuine social concern. It’s defined by its fraudulent nature, as being distinct from legitimate social grievances.” Your the one who’s the racist.
She has a great employment future. The Trump Organization can always use bookkeepers with her special skills.
My first thought was City of Gainesville. They need someone to make sure the numbers are redacted.
The look on her face tells everything. She’s an entitled brat who has gotten her way in life. She’s a liar and a fraud, and again due to the DEI rules in our current WOKE system, she’ll be allowed to continue her devious behaviors.
Sadly, you’re a hate-filled racist who believes you’re gifted with a mystical ability to look at someone and decide their fate. Sadder still, you’re probably not intelligent enough to recognize the folly of your belief system.
How come I don’t see her picture in the mugshots?
Since she was arrested yesterday, her photo will be in the log we will publish this morning.
Sherri Brassfield, 39, went to the illustrious Diyonne McGraw & Evelyn Foxxe “School of Financial Self-Giving.”
This school specializes in “behavior reform” on improving embezzling and grifting techniques! I believe this is McGraw’s organization (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority). McGraw is President of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority chapter in Gainesville.
This school is coming to the local district near you. Heaven help our kids in the district learn this type of behavior from either Brassfield or her fellow member McGraw.
Our Sisterhood must pray for our Pearl. There are unseen or perhaps, unrealized circumstances that our sister is facing. Although her behavior is unacceptable, she needs our support now more than ever. Sister for life💕💕
Evelyn, thank you for your post. It’s easy to point out what someone did wrong, and clamor for judgment…even more so when we have no regard, respect or empathy for the perpetrator. We all have to struggle to remember that darkness cannot drive out darkness…only light can. Hate cannot overcome hate…only love can. In like fashion, judgement can and will never be truly effective as a restorative and/or rehabilitative tool to correct our societal ills…only mercy and forgiveness can do that. That doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be consequences for breaking the law. Rather, it means that the final punishment should be issued in an environment that maintains focus on repairing and restoring…rebuilding the bonds that make people want to be fully productive members of a just and civil society…restoring hope that tomorrow can be better than the nightmare that today has become. Many will baulk at my words…at least until they, or someone they love is in trouble. Your selfless commitment to your sorority sister is refreshing, and inspirational. I applaud and bless you, and all who would follow your example. Thank you, very much! God’s best to you Evelyn.