Second Alachua County Jail inmate charged in scheme to bring drugs into the jail

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Guy Alan McCoy, 53, an inmate at the Alachua County Jail, was charged yesterday with smuggling contraband into the jail and using a two-way communications device to facilitate a felony after allegedly arranging for his wife to place drugs in a trash can outside the jail; an inmate/trustee at the jail retrieved the drugs from the trash can and was allegedly caught bringing them into the jail.

The drugs, about 3.5 grams of methamphetamine, were reportedly found taped to the inside of a lid on a cup that Emmanuel Glaser brought into the jail on February 27. Post Miranda, Glaser reportedly said he had agreed to retrieve the drugs for McCoy, whose wife had placed them in a trash can in front of the visitation entrance of the jail.

Post Miranda, McCoy reportedly acknowledged that he had arranged to have the drugs dropped off outside the jail.

Detectives reportedly listened to recorded jail phone calls in which McCoy allegedly used “coded language” to arrange the delivery of the drugs to the jail.

McCoy was originally arrested on December 28, 2023, for possession of trafficking quantities of methamphetamine. Judge Meshon Rawls set bail at $82,000, and McCoy has remained in the jail since that date. He had the opportunity to participate in the Drug Court program but reportedly opted out of the screening process, so the program notified the Court that he declined to participate.

McCoy has 13 felony convictions (none violent) and 10 misdemeanor convictions (one violent). He has served six state prison sentences, with his most recent release in September 2022. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $20,000 on the new charges, on top of the existing $82,000 for the previous charges.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Typical meth dealer. Tommy Boy gives a light bail for introducing drugs into a jail so he could profit. This guy shouldn’t see the light of day again for dealing the poison.

  • Well now that Anna has had the two way commo system fixed, non of these convicts will be caught in future crime schemes.
    Thank For Keeping us Safe!

  • They should pipe classical music and show tunes, make them wear pink unitards.

  • “Detectives reportedly listened to recorded jail phone calls in which McCoy allegedly used “coded language” to arrange the delivery of the drugs to the jail.”

    Oh goody, Prizzia and the rest of the Coms just made it easier for this dude 🤪

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