SFC employee “now concerned for my safety” after man with “ongoing issues” arrested on campus
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Xavier Javonte Dallas, 31, was arrested yesterday and charged with battery after allegedly shoving a Santa Fe College employee who he said “disrespected” him by standing in his way on the sidewalk.
A Santa Fe College Police Department officer responded to a panic alarm in Building R on campus yesterday at about 10 a.m., where the victim said Dallas had forcefully shoved him into an office, then followed him, yelling epithets and saying he was going to “f*** you up,” along with “You disrespected me” and “Do it again see what happens.” The victim said Dallas was yelling, pointing, and moving toward him as he moved back into the office, holding both hands up in an attempt to deescalate the incident. Dallas reportedly left the area before the officer arrived.
The victim said he had been standing on a sidewalk outside the building, talking to a colleague, when Dallas walked toward him, saying, “Why you in my way” and that he was a “grown man.” The victim said he recognized Dallas, who has had “on-going issues with multiple college employees.” The victim said Dallas has threatened Santa Fe College Student Life staff and has thrown things when he was not given the correct donated food from the food pantry.
The victim said he turned to walk into the nearby office and believed Dallas followed him because Dallas shoved him shortly after he entered the building. He said he was afraid Dallas would punch him, so he kept his hands up. The victim said he was “now concerned for my safety” after the incident.
Post Miranda, Dallas reportedly said he was “hacked” by people at the college and had the emails. He also said he felt the victim “disrespected” him by intentionally standing in his way on the sidewalk and that he “stepped to him like a man” and “shoved” him into the office but did not punch him.
Dallas has 13 felony convictions (none violent) and four misdemeanor convictions (none violent). He has served two prison sentences on Marion County charges, with his most recent release in April 2022. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $5,000 and ordered Dallas not to return to Santa Fe College.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Dam just another fine outstanding citizen in the city of wokeville put the bastard in a mental hospital somewhere preferably out of state
He should be trespassed and jailed for a full year. Our scummy judges and lawyers WANT a capital crime so they can “justify” their overpaid jobs and fancy new courthouse. 👹👹🤡🤡🍦🍦🍦🍦D
Mental ward and jail is just a waste of everyone’s time and resources. We all know the real solution to these problems.
This makes me so sick. I have lived here for over 20 years & due to Property Insurance, property taxes & GRU increases I am preparing to cut my losses & relocate anywhere else for my safety & security. The public street solicitation & panhandlers approaching me from behind are bad enough while loading purchases in my car. Now they are knocking on my home door & ringing my doorbell in spite of my no soliciting sign & warning about my dogs being aggressive. They ask me to please come outside as they cannot hear me, that they cannot hear me through my locked door. They just want to talk to me, how am I doing, how is my day, etc. in spite of my continually repeating I am not coming out & how can I help them? The one yesterday said…um do you buy any Papers? I said no while seeing that he had no pad, pen, shirt identifying any media & looked so scruffy. He said never mind & left. Later a neighbor told me that he had asked for money to eat from a handicapped lady whom answered the door, was in fear & hoped her giving him cash would keep him away. We all know better. She would not report this as she feared he could target her further. Sadly he may anyway or anyone he shares this with. They can be like vampires, take the path of least resistance & step up the persistence. Enough.
WTF is he allowed on any college campus? If I worked there I’d quit.
Good luck keeping a roof over your head and eating on a regular basis without that job. What a dumb response.
Oh yes thanks judge that’ll solve the problem. $500 he’ll be right back on the campus.
Shame you can’t carry a weapon on campus to deal with these miscreants.
100% agree
I wonder what he is studying at SFC. Do they have a class on Manners? Maybe the Judge can to take him into his home and teach him. It is apparent the judge thinks this guy is OK.
$5,000???!?? 13 felonies? So I guess someone has to be seriously injured or killed before this nut job is kept off the streets. I bet if this happened to this judge or one of his family members it would’ve been different.
13 felony convictions? “None violent?” I consider shoving someone violent and it is, after all, illegal to put your hands on someone else period. Since the leftists got all the locked mental hospitals shut down, there’s really no place for the violently mentally ill to go but jail and prison and that’s exactly where they go. Ask any LEO how many crazy people are in their jails.
The article mentions a food pantry, but I wonder if another reason he is familiar with the SFC campus is because he has been given a free ride to go to school there. This idea that everyone should be able to attend college is simply ludicrous. All it is going to do is put more people like Mr. Dallas right here on campuses around the country. And I can guarantee you that he will bring down the other students before they can raise him up to their level.