Sheriff’s Office designates parking spot for child exchange

Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In compliance with HB 385, which will take effect on July 1 if signed by the governor, the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ASO) has designated a parking spot at the main building (2621 SE Hawthorne Rd) parking lot. The “Designated Area for Exchange of Child” serves as a neutral, safe location for parents in a court-ordered parenting plan or time-sharing schedule to meet in order to exchange a minor child or children.
The ASO “Designated Area for Exchange of Child” parking spot meets HB 385 requirements, including a clearly labeled sign with adequate lighting, and is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is also an external video surveillance system continuously recording in the vicinity of the spot both during the day and night. The recording clearly and accurately displays the time and date. ASO’s “Designated Area for Exchange of Child” is the second spot on your left when you pull in, across from the main entrance and lobby.
What the heck is this for? That word salad press release isn’t understandable.
Exchanging children in child custody cases where one parent feels unsafe alone with the other parent.
Right. There’s been countless crimes committed just off this one simple life essential involving parenting.
I wish we lived in a world where no one understood the need for this. Unfortunately too many of us do.
Unbelievable, I guess there isn’t any civilized divorced or separated parents out there any more, really? a place designated by the city, state, or county. That way they can keep an eye on you so that you don’t KILL each other. Really?
Sadly, Gene, this is the world we live in these days. It’s terrible that it has come to this, but this will hopefully avoid any future tragedies.
I totally agree with this. This will improve the co parenting on multiple levels.
I wish that was available at the time that I had to meet with their father. I left a DV situation and picked places that I knew ASO would be there for coffee often. Its scary when the ASO would show up and ask where is the body referring to me.
This bill is also know as The Cassi Carli Law. I went to high school with Cassi and two years ago when meeting her ex for a routine child exchange he decided to end her life and bury her in a shallow grave in Alabama. Her family has been so brave and have not stopped untill this bill was passed. No parent should have to fear for their life being taken from them and in front of their child!