Sheriff’s Office seeking man wanted on multiple felonies

Press release from Alachua County Sheriff’s Office

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – Sheriff Clovis Watson Jr. and his law enforcement team need your help. Do you know where Joseph Green, Jr. is?

Joseph has had an outstanding warrant (nationwide extradition) since April 2020, including Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Robbery, Kidnapping, Battery, and Leaving the Scene of an Accident with Serious Bodily Injury. He is believed to either be in Alachua County or Gilchrist County.

If you have any information regarding Joseph Green, Jr.’s whereabouts, contact Sergeant Lowe at 352-367-4138. You can remain anonymous by contacting Alachua County Crime Stoppers Inc 352-372-STOP(7867), downloading the Crime Stoppers P3 Tips app, or visiting

  • Since it’s the last day of Black History Month here are some FACTs to chew on (please don’t choke when you read them).
    Black men make up 6% of the population, but are responsible for 52% of all homicides 42% of all murders of police 30% of all rapes, 56% of all robberies 33% of all aggravated assaults 30% of all burglaries 38% of all ‘Violent Crime’ 33% of all crimes against ‘families and children’ 53% of all mass shootings (FBI dot GOV crimes by race, table 43, 2014; U.S. Census Bureau, 2015; New York Post, 2016)

    • Lou they don’t care about statistics unless it’s basketball or football related.

  • If he is in Gilchrist county just add wanted dead or a live the good old boys will either get him or he will be back in Alaucha County real soon

  • With any luck, if he’s found in Gilchrist by a resident, he’ll have a toe tag attached…or at least a haircut. From the looks of his rap sheet, justice will have been served.

      • There was no ‘hate’ in the comment. Just implied that justice may be served more appropriately there than the liberal, tree-hugging, far-left leaning island of blue of Alachua County.

        Thanks for making the contrast though, self-defense weapons are far more helpful than telling someone “stop” or “no,” criminals don’t care about what others don’t want them to do.

  • I always wonder why they just don’t park a cop outside of Walmart, or some kind of face recognition technology outside of Walmart. Everyone goes there at least once a week

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