Silver Springs man arrested for threatening former girlfriend with gun
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jerome Junior Swopshire, 40, was arrested yesterday morning and charged with two counts of aggravated assault, stalking, making a written threat to kill, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon after allegedly following a former girlfriend and pointing a gun at her.
The victim filed a sworn complaint on July 12 about an incident in which Swopshire, whom she dated in the past and now lives in the Ocala area, followed her while she was driving with a juvenile passenger. She said Swopshire tried to force her off the road, and at one point he managed to get alongside her car and pointed a gun at both victims. The victim said she sped off and sought safety in a public place.
The juvenile passenger reportedly took a video of Swopshire chasing them and pointing a gun at them, and Gainesville Police Department officers reviewed the video and reported that it confirmed the victims’ account of the incident.
While officers were speaking with the victims, Swopshire allegedly called the adult victim “numerous” times from a blocked number, and the victim told officers that he had previously texted her threats that he would kill her and himself. The victim reportedly showed officers screenshots of the messages.
Swopshire has juvenile criminal convictions, seven adult felony convictions (four violent), and five adult misdemeanor convictions (three violent). He has served four state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2013. He has pending felony cases in Alachua and Marion Counties; he is on pretrial release on domestic battery and drug possession charges in Alachua County, is facing a sworn complaint on another domestic battery charge, and had a warrant for failure to appear at a hearing in a property damage case. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $302,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Again? I’m going to have to start cutting and pasting.
Another felon with a firearm.
Maybe the rules just go over their heads…
If you’re legally able, be ready to protect yourself and your family if needed. See if a fast moving projectile will go over their head or hit center mass.
This message doesn’t condone violence, it’s advice to protect yourself from it.
Why is he even on the streets 😕
Why give this monster a bond? Guess you won’t be satisfied until he commits murder.
Mom’s, Dad’s, Please teach your daughter’s self-esteem and self-respect. No reason to give this male the time of day. Especially if the juvenile with you is your child. What does he have to offer you? Lucky you are still alive. He is and always will be a Predator of woman and the weak. I’m sure the time you dated, you paid for everything.
This is why we need owner occupied efficiency tiny homes and condo units for single adults. So these poor saps aren’t forced to cohab to share expenses, which often ends unwell. Lawyers would starve.
I believe all housing projects should be gated communities. Visitors required to check in and out. If you are not on lease you cannot reside there. Security walks these areas. Providing a safe environment for those who reside there.