Skeans: Hate is not acceptable

Letter to the editor
Tell America that hate is not acceptable in Florida and come WALK AGAINST HATE.
If there is only one topic all politicians, parties, and people should agree upon, it is that hate and discrimination are never acceptable.
Current events should make this our top priority!
But. This seemingly simple idea has been hijacked and used to discriminate against marginalized communities across the country. BUT NOT HERE.
Join the Democratic Women’s Club of the Lakes Area on October 22 at 2:00 p.m. in Heritage Park in Melrose. Speakers will include representatives of the Jewish Council of Central Florida, the NonProfit Center of NE Florida, Veterans for Peace from NE Florida, Indy Moran from the Hispanic Community, and Stonewall Democrats,
Bring a chair, bring a sign, and bring your voice! Help us let Florida know we will not stand for discrimination or harassment of anyone due to religion, race, abilities, or identity.
Leslie Skeans, Hawthorne
The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Letters may be submitted to and are published at the discretion of the editor.
And what’s your opinions of Hamas?
Should we simply turn the cheek to terrorist who fried and tortured women and children?
These claims have all been debunked. The only ones killing women and children are “israelites”.
??? You are an idiot.
You get your JIDF or Act.iL friends to come into the comments?
You’re delusional, ???
Sounds like a leftists’ circle j***. Anybody with any genuine brain cells want to join in?
They cry out in pain as they strike you
A pure Democrat love fest, brought to you by the same people who don’t respect the Constitution, as amended.
And here is yet another example of more Jews getting in line with the Communist Democrats. It’s amazing how the Jewish Council of Central Florida continue to support the very party committing anti-semitism and then claim to be victims of hate. When will they learn…
I wonder if the Easter Bunny will show up there. It is easy to lecture others about peace when you are living here. Lets talk Pulse Night Club in Orlando who was the murder. Silence since he was “Not” a white male.
Dems are ALL about tribal identity groups who envy others more successful than at the “melting pot.” DEI is just the latest acronym used by the rent-a-protesters.
The letter is woefully short on specifics
That is the way the left operates. Remember Pelosi and Obamacare?
Hate usually comes from fear and anger which, of course, the media and Democrats would never encourage.
Discrimination is illegal unless it is dressed up in a cloak of twisted virtues called ‘affirmative action’ hosted by, guess who?
Apparently, everyone EXCEPT Democrats and their media mouthpieces agree systemic hate and discrimination should never be acceptable.
Yikes, that is some collection of mindless knee jerk attacks against phantom positions not taken in the announcement, and not likely to be taken at the event. But hey, I guess Hamas sympathizers like Democrat Biden – wait a minute! – while the GOP in the House is preoccupied with …. what goodwater called a circlej*** and is unable to act in support, while it’s leading prez candidate and other right wing maniacs appear with known Nazis and racists who speak at their rallies. Sure, those blacks and jews are too stupid to know who their real friends are, and no doubt reading the regular comments here would show them who is not.
Tell the Democratic Party of HATE they need Jesus.
Please join us in fighting hate … unless you are a white male, straight, believe that abortion is murder of an unborn child, believe that criminals should be punished and not coddled, or if you ever agreed with anything that Trump ever did or said … then you are not welcome and we hate you …
What the Democratic Women’s Club actually thinks
From the letter:
“If there is only one topic all politicians, parties, and people should agree upon, it is that hate and discrimination are never acceptable.”
Well, I guess not given the comments here.
These are the people who hated Donald Trump for trying to protect American citizens and look where we are now.