St. Francis House resumes daily meal services, assisting over 200 individuals

Press release from St. Francis House

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – St. Francis House resumed its daily meal services for the hungry and homeless in the community on April 29, 2024. Since then, the organization has proudly assisted more than 200 individuals, served nearly 3,000 meals, and provided 1,312 instances of essential services and access to basic needs items for those in need.

The decision to reinstate these services followed a brief pause starting April 15, 2024, due to increased operational costs and was aimed at preserving St. Francis House’s primary program services while continuing support for women and families with children experiencing homelessness. Thanks to an ongoing partnership with Alachua County and the compassionate support of the community, St. Francis House is thrilled to once again offer daily meals and essential support services to the hungry and homeless between 9 a.m. and noon daily.

“The reinstatement of our daily services reaffirms our commitment to serving those in need while ensuring the sustainability of our core programs. We are grateful for the support of Alachua County and our community, and we remain dedicated to providing essential services to vulnerable individuals and families with children experiencing homelessness in our community,” says Executive Director Lauri Schiffbauer.

While celebrating the ability to resume day services, St. Francis House emphasizes the ongoing need for community support and financial donations. Contributions directly impact their capacity to provide meals, shelter, and essential services to those most in need in the community. 

For more information about St. Francis House and its services, please visit:

To donate or learn more about supporting St. Francis House, visit or send a check/money order to PO Box 12491, Gainesville, FL 32604. All contributions are fully tax-deductible as St. Francis House is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.

    • Just so you know they are required to have a Blue card! Showing that there is no legal issues because the take care of families with children. So this isn’t like Grace who has no thought of legal issues. I was one of those “homeless bums” that didn’t want to be where my family was. Again they can not have legal issues, sexual, violent etc. they must have a blue card from the police department.

      • I am so sorry to hear you went through this. Most of us can’t fathom what you experienced. I am glad you seem to have gotten back on your feet. God bless you.

  • All funds for disGRACE should go to SFH instead — but contingent on relocating it to another part of town. Ideally, AWAY from liquor and convenience stores. Start looking at a map and find it, perhaps in an existing empty commercial bldg.

    disGRACE should be shut down, or funded solely by taxing law firms and bail bondsmen. Period.

  • Darn! Homeless are like cats….once you start feeding them they keep coming back.

  • St. Francis House is a good place. I support Alachua County giving them money.

    I’m actually glad Gainesville doesn’t give them money. Who knows what sicko requirements they’d attach to it.

  • It should be illegal for NGOs and municipalities to set up low-barrier “shelters” like Grace Marketplace in cities without State control and oversight (low barrier = homeless not required to be vetted by police).

    All they do is attract and concentrate the absolute worst criminal scum of society into one place (not talking about Gainesville City Hall for a change). All law-abiding citizens in Gainesville are victims of both the criminal homeless and the NGOs that steal our tax dollars.

    Shelters like St. Francis House that actually require police vetting are the only ones that should receive support. Grace Marketplace should be defunded and destroyed.

  • So Alachua County and St. Francis have gotten on board with the city. What a way to welcome more city and county ambassadors. Kinda like a souped up Ambassador Job Expo.

  • We at Lazarus Restoration Ministries, will continue to bring each week our Starbucks donations to help with this worthy cause.

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