Suspect arrested in Windsor Terrace shooting

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – William Walter Murphy III, 35, has been arrested as the suspect in a shooting earlier today that left a man in critical condition; he has been charged with attempted homicide, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and resisting an officer without violence.

At about 4:37 a.m. this morning, 911 calls were received about a gunshot and a man lying on the ground outside an apartment at Windsor Terrace Apartments (3520 SW 20th Avenue). Gainesville Police Department (GPD) officers found an adult male with an apparent gunshot wound to the upper portion of his body. GFR/ACFR arrived, immediately started treating the victim, and transported him to UF Health Shands.

GPD’s investigation led to the possible identification of a suspect and a vehicle. Shortly before daylight, the vehicle was located at Woodland Park Apartments (1900 SE 4th Street). Officers and detectives surveilled the suspect vehicle and apartment for several hours. At about 12:15 p.m., the suspect, who had been identified as Murphy, walked out of the front door of the apartment. Officers and detectives converged on Murphy, and he immediately fled on foot. During the ensuing foot chase, Murphy pulled a firearm from his person and threw it as officers closed in. Murphy was apprehended without incident. Detectives attempted to interview Murphy at GPD Headquarters; however, he invoked his right to remain silent.

The victim is in critical condition.

Murphy has eight felony convictions (seven violent) and one misdemeanor conviction (none violent). He has served three prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2015. Bail will be set tomorrow morning.

Any member of the community with information regarding this shooting is asked to please call Detective Whitney Williams at 352-393-7681.

      • Your uncle’s an idiot and so are you if you condone this type of behavior. I hope you enjoy going to the penitentiary to visit him! That’s what’s wrong with people in society today they think sh*t like this is cool.

        • What your not thinking about is if your uncle would have been the one that would have gotten shot or killed, put yourself in the other family shoes because I can assure you that if it was the other way around you’d be wearing a shirt with his face on it and you would be crying about the gun violence and how they took your uncle away and how all this black on black violence is senseless and needs to stop because you lost a family member, but since your uncle is the shooter he’s the man in your eyes right??

  • There’s the elephant in the room, you can look at it you’re just not allowed to point at it or say anything about it. Any one of you Democrats want to tell me why he had a gun in his possession when the law states that felons lose their right to have a firearm. certainly more gun laws would have stopped this correct? 8 Time Felon, Been to prison three times this guy doesn’t care about the system or being incarcerated. He’s a cancer to this community and someone that needs to have his freedom revoked for life.

    • This is what the gun control advocates don’t want to admit. It is not the gun that is threat, but, it is the person that holds it.

    • You and I both know that gun laws only apply to law abiding citizens. These gun hating idiot democrats will never admit to that they will keep trying to make more laws instead of enforcing the ones we already have

  • Given his prison record this guy has no business on the streets. Nothing more than a violent animal that needs to stay incarcerated. At least law enforcement was quick to catch him.

  • Another person who has shown that he cannot live in society. Let’s hope bail will not be set. I think he has had enough chances and has failed.

  • How could he POSSIBLY have a firearm?? He’s a convicted felon after all, I mean, jeez, doesn’t he obey the laws the rest of us must obey?? 🤔

  • Seven violent felony convictions and he was still walking the streets?
    Do you see a pattern developing here Mr. Kramer? Catch & release is for fishing, not for VIOLENT criminals. If you enjoy letting felons loose, move to Houston. It is a way of life there.

    • I have read all the negative remarks concerning the shooter not once has the well-being of of the victim life and wellbeing has been mention let’s be honest our judicial system is broken and has been for quite sometime, it maintains and supports the conviction of felons because it a profitable business, these people need help, mentally, emotionally, and financially. THEY NEED REAL REFORM. There are minimal opportunities for a convicted to get employment and housing without these 2 these people don’t stand a chance. IJS

  • To everyone that has so much to say about the guy being a felon and having a Gun. 1st of all we don’t know what the situation was. I agree it is about who’s behind the trigger. So think about that when these cops are out here killing black men. Isn’t that worse when you know better and is supposed to be protecting but your doing the complete opposite. Until that changes Noone can speak on felons having guns when obviously it doesn’t matter rather you’re a felon or law enforcement.

    • I would suggest an elementary level English class for you. I can’t comprehend Ebonics.

    • Actually, I’m pretty sure we do know what the situation was. He’s a convicted felon with a gun. It’s pretty simple, really.

      That probably came with the education though, so it makes sense you missed it.

    • More black men are killed by other black men than they are cops.

      Make a better argument next time.

    • He pulled a gun and “threw it at officer’s during the arrest”.
      And lived to envoke his right “alive mind you” to remain silent.
      Count the blessings that the GPD officers during the “arrest without incident” didn’t fire at him with their service weapons.
      Isn’t that considered “Professional Law Enforcement Actions” ?

  • He should have been shot touching on that man 6 year old daughter. He did what any man would do acting off raw emotions ..shut y’all stupid ass up supporting a child malestor

    • First off da queen get you some education you can’t spell worth nothing. So before you condone the shooter action get the facts first

  • Windsor Terrace is a CRUELLY ironic name for a section 8 SWAG island on SW 20th Ave.
    Please investigate who the landlords and owners are, see if they’re crooked Dem scummy lawyers and campaign donors, too.
    Nuff said.

  • They also didn’t put that the person he supposedly Shot/ Killed was raping/sexually assaulting his child.

  • Don’t take your guns to town.
    Leave your guns at home,
    Don’t take your guns to town.
    (Johnny Cash)

  • I dont know if the child molesting thing is part of this case or not since it has not been reported. I would gave more sympathy for this man if he had stayed and told the police the whole story and not fled and invoked his rights. First, He is a convicted felon who is not allow to possess firearms. Second, he shot someone and fled. Third, when confronted by law enforcement he has a gun in his possession and he flees. Fourth, while he is running he pulls a gun out and tosses it. Fifth, when caught he invokes his rights and diesnt say anything about the allegation of molestation. So the police during the investigation follow the law, preserve the suspects rights, and based off their investigation charge him. Where is there any mention that the police were going to shoot him because he was black?

  • If Anyone that Touch A child Or Sexually abuse. them Needs to Be Shot period Free Will Man

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