Suspects sought by UFPD arrested for breaking into football stadium twice

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Andrea Marie McIntosh, 19, and Dexan Ray Pinner, 19, both of High Springs, were arrested yesterday and charged with burglary and petit theft after allegedly breaking into the University of Florida football stadium twice and vandalizing several areas of the building. McIntosh and Pinner are two of the three subjects pictured in a bulletin put out by the University of Florida Police Department on Thursday.

According to the arrest report, McIntosh and Pinner, along with two other subjects, climbed on top of a charging smart vehicle at about 2:21 a.m. on February 5 and the climbed onto a stairwell to get into Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, which was locked.

Once inside the building, the subjects allegedly broke three ceiling tiles, stuffed drapes into toilets, and removed two microphones from the fifth-floor skybox. Surveillance video reportedly showed Pinner removing the microphones from the skybox. The four subjects reportedly stayed in the stadium for about an hour.

On February 27, the same four subjects allegedly entered the north end of the stadium through an unsecured emergency door at about 1 a.m. Once inside the building, they allegedly smeared blue paint on the floor of the third-floor press box entrance and in an audio-visual closet. Surveillance video reportedly showed the subjects going through offices and rummaging through file cabinets. The video reportedly shows McIntosh taking a shirt from the Gators Boosters file room. All of the subjects allegedly stayed in the stadium until about 5:15 a.m.

McIntosh has been charged with burglary and petit theft; she has no local adult criminal convictions. Her bail amount is currently unavailable.

Pinner has been charged with burglary and petit theft over $100 but less than $750. He has several traffic tickets but no adult criminal convictions. His bail amount is currently unavailable.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Tried so hard at school to reach them and parents would always step in when they got in trouble. Swear their child didn’t do it. Really sad.

  • They have the same far away dead expression on their faces. Twins tho? 😂😂

  • Great UF Security Rent A Cops!
    Took them long enough to catch the perps! 😳😢

  • First thing I would do is give that one idiot a haircut so he’s not misidentified. Hate to have him in the wrong pod at the jail, the real girls might hurt him.

    • At first appearance, the judge should order the guy get a haircut before he sets a bail amount—like when you go to boot camp. that’ll teach him a lesson!


    • are you retarded?😭 thats not the type of thing to get a life sentence. yall are some wack ass people

      • Minor crimes turn into major crimes!!! NEXT WILL BE HOME INVASIONS!!!🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

      • @ bonny: Your comment was excellent, made me laugh and spoke the truth at the same time. And you’re right a life sentence in this case is absolutely absurd. Murderers rarely get a real life sentence, and they deserve a life sentence, a couple of kids who stole stuff do not.

  • Florida’s Judicial System welcomes the newcomers!
    Do you think your parents will take some of that HUD housing money and bond you out of the jail?
    Is the Meth more important to your parents?
    Because obviously, something is definitely more important to y’alls parents, than guiding y’all to a more disciplined way of life.
    With this on y’alls records you will Never attend UF.
    However, hopefully there is sweet retribution.
    The Judicial System will tame you. 👍

  • All you all got it wrong. These are just two future Bull Gator fans. Love the essence of Gator jockdom so much they gots to break into the swamp when it’s empty to soak up the atmosphere. Gator worship cannot be a crime in Gainesville. Give these uber fans season tickets.

  • Just a passing thought but out of 21 folks in mug shots, 6 of them are Caucasian. This, while Caucasians are 70% of the population.

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