TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness named new Continuum of Care Lead Agency in North Central Florida

Press release from TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness (TaskForce), a Florida nonprofit organization founded in 2003 dedicated to ending homelessness, is honored to announce its selection as the new Continuum of Care (CoC) Lead Agency for North Central Florida, encompassing five Florida counties known as the “Keys to Home FL-508 Region.” The transition process has begun and takes full effect on July 1, 2024, following a unanimous decision by CoC members during an April 15 vote. United Way of North Central Florida will continue to serve in its role as current Lead Agency until the transition process is complete.

“We are excited to partner with TaskForce and look forward to building a strong collaboration in service to our community,” said Amber Miller, President and CEO, United Way of North Central Florida.

As the new Lead Agency, the TaskForce will expand its existing efforts to oversee HUD and DCF funding for the coordination of services and resource allocation aimed at preventing and ultimately ending homelessness within the region. The organization will work closely with CoC service providers, local governments, other non-profits, and community stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of existing programs, introduce supportive and innovative solutions, and ensure that resources are utilized efficiently to serve those in need.

“Being selected as the Continuum of Care Lead Agency is not just an honor; it is a pivotal responsibility that we accept with determination and humility,” said Mikal Cartier, CEO, TaskForce.

The organization’s Vice President of Programs will work closely with the local community to hire a new CoC Director and a cabinet of professional staff. “This designation as Lead Agency empowers us to lead the charge in transforming the landscape of homelessness in North Central Florida. We are excited to collaborate with United Way, the CoC Leadership Council, and the dedicated service providers throughout the region. Our mission is clear—to ensure that every individual and family in the community has access to the critical support they need to regain stability and dignity. With House Bill 1365 signed by the Governor, there could not be a more appropriate time for us to step in than right now,” said Jacob Torner, Vice President of Programs, TaskForce.

The TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness has outlined four initial priorities for its tenure as the CoC Lead Agency, including:

  • Enhancing Coordination: Improving communication and collaboration among service providers in all counties to streamline access to CoC programs.
  • Data-Driven Strategies: Leveraging data to inform policymaking and the allocation of resources while ensuring interventions are measured and effective.
  • Community Engagement: Increasing community involvement and awareness to foster a supportive environment for ending homelessness that includes input from all community members.
  • Sustainable Solutions: Focusing on long-term strategies that address the root causes of homelessness, including affordable housing and healthcare.

The organization also plans to launch a series of community forums and stakeholder meetings in the coming months to gather input and strengthen community ties. These initiatives are part of a broader strategy to empower service providers while enhancing transparency and public participation in the CoC’s efforts. With the unanimous endorsement by the CoC members and a strategic roadmap in place, the TaskForce is set to begin its journey as the new Continuum of Care Lead Agency for North Central Florida.

    • Idk, but I am completely distracted by that. I hope there’s a good reason fore (joking) it. Otherwise, this organization has no credibility, IMO, if they don’t know the difference between fore and for. 🙄

  • Are all those NGO helping genuine homeless? Not just lawyers and bail bondsmen like we do here?

  • The churches should be helping their fellow man, and helping the bums is like the crazy cat lady feeding the cats! The bums need to take care of themselves…bussing them back to where they came from and zero tolerance for panhandlers and squatters is the best. Close Grace bum magnet down!

  • There should be large fines for drivers that give money or items to panhandlers from inside their vehicles. They should also get points on their license and have to attend traffic school.

    If people didn’t give these bums money, they would give up begging in the middle of intersections.

    • If they really wanted to stop the panhandling they would plant holly bushes in the medians . Maybe we need signs like they do at camp sites that say “don’t feed the bums” instead of bears.

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