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She’s in first place to go first . The whining Willits and Eastman. Did Poe Poe and Harvey promise these overpaid already guys a raise when they ran for office. Sure sounds like it.There is some out of the sunshine conversations been going on quite possibly.
Speaking of canceling…Her daddy should have pulled out.
If he would have we wouldn’t have to put up with her whining.
What’s her problem. Her seat is still at large.
Her seat is large because of her large ass.
Large is an understatement. With all that extra time off it’s a fair ASSumption what she’ll be doing with that 🖕 when she’s not doing what she’s supposed to. Hint – it won’t be flipping off the public. Good thing she’s got an at large seat.😉
Jake, Where’s her face diaper?
She may want a part-time job doing ambulance chasing, soon.
Another AWESOME cartoon Jake! Keep them coming, live long and prosper!
What a whack-job this lady is.
Just embarrassing that she’s a commissioner!
Maybe she can sit on her fingers (particularly the middle finger) for the extra free 20 hours?
If she’s so dedicated to helping the community and she’s a member of the bar, one would think she would offer Pro Bono legal assistance to the oppressed.
She won’t, she’s a lying hypocrite.