“That’s a rhetorical question!”


  • She’s in first place to go first . The whining Willits and Eastman. Did Poe Poe and Harvey promise these overpaid already guys a raise when they ran for office. Sure sounds like it.There is some out of the sunshine conversations been going on quite possibly.

  • Speaking of canceling…Her daddy should have pulled out.
    If he would have we wouldn’t have to put up with her whining.

    • Large is an understatement. With all that extra time off it’s a fair ASSumption what she’ll be doing with that 🖕 when she’s not doing what she’s supposed to. Hint – it won’t be flipping off the public. Good thing she’s got an at large seat.😉

  • Another AWESOME cartoon Jake! Keep them coming, live long and prosper!

  • What a whack-job this lady is.
    Just embarrassing that she’s a commissioner!

  • Maybe she can sit on her fingers (particularly the middle finger) for the extra free 20 hours?

  • If she’s so dedicated to helping the community and she’s a member of the bar, one would think she would offer Pro Bono legal assistance to the oppressed.

    She won’t, she’s a lying hypocrite.

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