Three arrested in I-75 traffic stop

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gilshard Gentavious Newkirk, 22, of Live Oak; Michael Perry, 20, of Lake City; and Willie Lee Simmons, Jr., 37, of Jacksonville were arrested yesterday after their car was stopped for a window tint violation.
A Florida Highway Patrol trooper reported that he saw the car, a white Impala with window tint that appeared to be illegal, driving well below the posted speed limit on I-75 near the 395 mile marker. When the trooper pulled out of the median to follow the vehicle, he reported that it sped up to over 100 mph, then crossed three lanes to exit at NW 39th Avenue. The trooper conducted a traffic stop on NW 39th Avenue.
The trooper reported that he smelled marijuana as soon as the driver, Newkirk, opened a window. Newkirk reportedly presented his driver’s license and concealed carry permit, prompting the trooper to ask about concealed weapons in the car. Newkirk reportedly pointed to a visible .45 pistol tucked between the driver’s seat and the center console. With Newkirk’s permission, the trooper removed the pistol and placed it on the roof of the car.
In response to a request for registration and proof of insurance, Newkirk reportedly said the car was rented, so the trooper asked for a rental agreement. While Newkirk looked for the agreement, the trooper requested identification from the occupants of the car.
The front passenger was Simmons, and the rear passenger did not have any ID but provided his name and date of birth and was identified as Perry.
After Newkirk found the rental agreement in his email, the trooper measured the tint on the car windows and found that it was too dark.
The trooper found that Perry had an outstanding local warrant for fleeing and resisting arrest, and Perry was detained.
Troopers conducted a probable cause search of the car and reportedly found a 9mm pistol, a Micro Draco 7.62×39, a large vacuum-sealed bag containing 517 grams of marijuana, a baggie with 2.7 grams of marijuana, and a baggie with 3.5 Oxycodone pills.
Post Miranda, Newkirk reportedly said that the guns and pills were his. Simmons reportedly said that all the marijuana was his.
Newkirk was charged with possession of a controlled substance without a prescription; he has criminal convictions in other counties. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $10,000.
Perry is on probation in Sumter County for driving without a valid license and has a criminal history in Baker and Columbia counties. Miller-Jones set bail at $55,000.
Simmons was charged with possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana, possession of marijuana with intent to sell, and possession of drug equipment. He has a federal conviction and three state felony convictions and has served three state prison sentences; the First Appearance Order notes that he may be on federal probation. Miller-Jones set bail at $70,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Seems we’ve been down this road before…
Moral of the story – watch the company you keep, or at least abide by the laws in place. I mean window tint, really? On the brighter side, he wasn’t speeding. Just further proof that if you’re going to be a criminal, don’t do things that make you stick out from the “normal.”
Was driving “way below the speed limit.” Another way to attract attention.
It’s not a good idea to give drug dealers tips on how not get caught.
Wow look at them dookie dreads😂😂😂
Right! That’s what they rock down here in FL smfh! It’s unattractive to me especially when I 1st came down here I was like wth is those. And I’m from the Midwest MI. What’s up motorcity lol! D-town stand up!
Go back to where you came if you don’t like it duh
Winner of the comments!!!
Nice so three more people off the streets. Maybe the State Attorney will man up and prosecute them correctly.
They were stopped for been black and wearing that hair racially profiled,
If the windows were over tinted, I hardly doubt that, that was the reason. Find some other excuse to blame the laws. That one is getting old.
LOL, what an IQ impaired thing to say since they were stopped because their window tint was too dark, doubt the cops could see even those stupid looking dreads.
Cops would probably rather not catch lice or something, given the choice.
I’m pretty sure the Trooper didn’t racially profile anyone. If the window tint was that dark its a pretty good guess to say the Trooper had no idea what color the occupants were. What he did notice was the vehicle driving at a very slow rate of speed grabbing his attention. Hence the suspicion
Even if true, they were right. Stop proving them right and they won’t have a reason to profile.
They were stopped for illegal Tony meaning it was TOO dark to see into but you do you!
They were stop because they were driving slow and the tint on the RENTAL was to dark. And they are criminals to be totem all that crap with them . Come on if you break-in the law , have some sense about it.
You are only saying that because they are black. If they were any other color of the rainbow you would be applauding. These sorry excuses need to be locked up for a while. They were trafficking drugs and had guns. They really seem to care about their community. The trooper couldn’t see in the windows because the dark tint.
Y’all are just commentators. We live in lake city with these fools. Gilshard has been the top youngest drug dealer in lake city Fl since 2017 he had got allot of people especially young people addicted to drugs and killed Perry has been doing shootings since he was 15 and has been involved in a lot of killings and shootings that go under the radar I don’t know about the older guy but these guys are tearing up lake city also they are out now and Gilshard just got shot along with his friend who died. Don’t be surprise if you here about another shooting happening soon in lake city most of it is revenge killings and it’s all order by drug dealers mainly Gilshard and Raw Yougin a local rapper who is beefing with Gilshard and it’s crazy bc they used to be faimly. I’ll pray for them the best thing for them is to be locked up for a while so they can wise up get out and live productive good lives for the community and put down the guns. For right now Lake City isn’t getting any better with these people let out.
They like us killing each other, that’s why they let these klowns back in the streets quickly and don’t charge them with big offenses!!
Oh well what a trio.
VERY low bond amounts!
They should get life….just on their appearance alone.
Don’t get it, he provided a rental agreement for car yet window tint to dark, it is a rental car.
>>The trooper reported that he smelled marijuana as soon as the driver, Newkirk, opened a window.
>>Troopers conducted a probable cause search of the car and reportedly found a 9mm pistol, a Micro Draco 7.62×39, a large vacuum-sealed bag containing 517 grams of marijuana, a baggie with 2.7 grams of marijuana, and a baggie with 3.5 Oxycodone pills.
I’m assuming that would violate the “rental agreement.” Stay in school so you don’t wind up like these losers.
What does school have to do with any of this the guns were in his name smh you need to go back to school so you won’t end up never mind I’m wasting my breath
WTF are they allowed on the loose before now? Answer: lawyers with law skool debt. It’s time for a 3 Strikes law, export repeat offenders to Blue states where the population loss needs mitigation. Hard core offenders keep locked up here. If too much trouble then hire private prisons in Puerto Rico and Haiti. Anything to get REAL on crime and reducing lawyers in Florida.
…and order them to cut their hair.
They would not need guns if they had proper knife skills. Santa Fe college needs to spend millions to train them as butchers at the new Newberry Slaughterhouse county owned socialist welfare money losing enterprise. Do it Chuckie. We’re wit you Prizzia.
What is the purpose of this story?.?????
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Maybe I didn’t read it correctly, but it sounds to me like all 3 had criminal convictions on the state and federal level and all Felonies…….so how did the driver have a concealed weapons permit ? Needless to say that permit is going to be revoked ……
Everyone that wear dreads is not a criminal. So don’t stereotype people because of there hair. I seen WP with dreads,purple,green,yellow and that don’t mean they are bad people.
But u gotta admit it dnt look as good as a nice haircut so they making it easy to stand out and always talking about racial profiling my ass it walks like a duck talk like a duck it’s a dam duck
WP with dreads is usually a low-level weed dealer. Usually selfish and shallow people who decide their friendships based on who they can make money off of.
No one said they were. But in this case their hair looks stupid and people are going to laugh…..because they look ridiculous.
Stereotypes kills me. Can’t these young men figure out that this type of life style ruins it for a lot of other well behaved and respected people.
Story reminds me of the olde U of Miami joke. Q: Three U of M football players are riding in a car. Who’s driving? A: The Cop.
They should be arrested and charged for bad hair style.
Send them across the border into Mexico.
Window tint violation??!!Ridiculous.
Judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character…