
Three arrested on dog-fighting charges

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Reginald Daunte Davis, 33, has been charged with owning a dog used for dog fighting, facilitating a dog fight, and attending a dog fight, and Destiny Carmen Alexis Crowley, 25, and Donovan Aubrey Grimes, 26, have been charged with attending a dog fight. According to the arrest reports, more arrests are pending in the case.

The dog fight was reportedly held on March 18 at a building in the 400 block of SE 12th Terrace, and Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies reportedly reviewed several videos of the fight. Davis allegedly had his dog, Stormy, participate in a fight against a dog named Midnight, with at least seven people watching. One person can reportedly be heard chanting, “Fight, fight, fight” on the video.

The video reportedly shows the dogs being separated at least three times to start a new round of fighting; a deputy reported that the dogs appeared to get injured during the fight, and the fight ended at some point due to a dog’s exhaustion.

The investigating deputy reported that Davis can be clearly seen on the video, and several people can be heard calling him by his nickname, “DeDe.” Davis allegedly held a “break stick” that was used to break up the dogs so the fight could resume. Davis reportedly calls Stormy “mama” as he encourages her to fight and refers to himself as “daddy,” and he handles both dogs between rounds.

Post Miranda, Davis reportedly admitted attending the dog fight but said Stormy was not his dog. The deputy noted that Davis called the dog “mama,” called himself “daddy,” and admitted transporting her away from the fight.

Crowley and Grimes have been charged with attending a dog fight.

Post Miranda, Crowley reportedly admitted attending the dog fight and said Davis owned Stormy.

The deputy reported that Grimes’ voice can be heard on the video, and other attendees said he was there. Post Miranda, Grimes reportedly admitted attending the dog fight.

Davis was already in the Alachua County Jail following a July 12 arrest for battery and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. He has three felony convictions (none violent) and two misdemeanor convictions (one violent). He is also being held for failing to appear at hearings on two previous cases. He is being held without bail on the July 12 charges, with bail of $1,001,500 on the other two cases. Judge Donna Keim added bail of $15,000 on the dog-fighting charges.

Crowley was arrested on August 7; she has one felony conviction (violent) and two misdemeanor convictions (none violent). Judge Aymer “Buck” Curtin ordered her released on her own recognizance.

Grimes was already in the Alachua County Jail following an April 4 arrest for possession of drugs and other people’s debit/credit cards; on April 5, he was charged with fraudulent use of a credit card, and on April 6, he was charged lewd/lascivious battery on a 15-year-old girl. At the time of the April 4 arrest, he was on pre-trial release on a trespassing charge. Grimes is being held without bond on two of the above cases, with bail set at $55,198 on the other cases. Judge Donna Keim added $5,000 bail on the dog-fighting charge.

More arrests are expected in this case.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Release all 3 into a 12×12 cage handcuffed, turn all the dogs they abused loose and walk away for a week!

  • Put them in a cage and let them fight each other…. and let the dog’s watch the trash that they are…

  • Obviously our courts are run by the very people who benefit from the crimes they groom. It’s time for America to add a 26th Amendment to revamp things and put juries in charge.
    “ Davis was already in the Alachua County Jail following a July 12 arrest for battery and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. He has three felony convictions (none violent) and two misdemeanor convictions (one violent). He is also being held for failing to appear at hearings on two previous cases. He is being held without bail on the July 12 charges, with bail of $1,001,500 on the other two cases.”

    • I commend your ‘dogged’ efforts to expose and challenge our DAs and judges as they obviously aren’t doing their jobs.

    • Uh..JK. Try and keep up, research instead of all the pretty emojis….There are already 27 Amendments. As usual your remarks are outdated and wreak of MAGA fanaticism

      • Ahh, 2 more didn’t know that we are now up to the 28th amendment and not the 26th…Ignorance is truly bliss

  • The smug smile on Davis’s face says it all. His inhumane treatment of animals is ignorantly cruel and sickening.
    He should be dropped off in the middle of the Everglades.

  • They should be ordered by the court to not be able to have dogs ever again besides doing some jail time, community service, & probation

  • Total POS, all of them. Under the jail isn’t good enough. Can’t believe the girl is out on the streets already. They are all dangerous! Past time to get tougher on crime.

  • Remember this when this judge is up for re-election: Judge Aymer “Buck” Curtin ordered her released on her own recognizance.

    • Every crime doesn’t carry a life sentence and no bond. If so then Trump would die in prison.

  • You mean ole Buck Curtin is still alive & holding court? Thought his liver gave out years ago.

  • I don’t like it (dog fighting) but you can pay big bucks to watch men and women try to beat each other to death in a cage and thats perfectly legal.

    • HUGE difference! Humans are PAID and willingly train and fight! Dogs, do not get those choices!
      I think the dogs should get to fight the people… hopefully the dogs would start by ripping out their throats! Allow hungry hogs in to clean up the mess!

    • And that is the mentality of these weird liberal thought process that domestic animal lives and trees mean more aborted human babies.

        • Prove I’m wrong then. People will break into labs in the name of PETA to free animals. Labs inject chemicals into animals for testing where most die in the name of Covid vaccines. And good God if you cut a tree down. But you want a abortion just do it. Step right up and kill that human Baby, so long as it’s not a Dog, cat, or other furry animal.

          • As a true MAGA,Your position is noted. But a woman or couples right to abort is a law that has been butchered by Trump’s court, but in less than 90 days it will be back in a revised version that once again takes the decision out of the court and back in each individuals control. If you are against abortion, don’t have one. But get the court out of the bedroom. Do you even know the damage done to the rain forests in S America and the effect it will have on all those kids you want people to have?
            Probably not. Most MAGA are low intelligence, as is proven daily by your Leaders daily rants. Forcing abortion law is as repulsive as it would be to take away your beloved guns. Which kill daily, and more and more kids are the victims.

          • Love when you leftwing parasites call someone else unintelligent! You parasites always vote for someone else income to pay for your pathetic lives! You parasites with all your “superior education” slate still so pathetically useless that you need taxpayers to pay for you apparently useless education! It must suck being so educated and still need other peoples income and government thugs in order to successfully navigate life!

          • You are in a shrinking minority Bear. Your intelligence is on display with the name you choose to identify yourself..Still living in a fantasy world. But that’s ok, as you will get to live in your anguish for another 4-8 years. Enjoy Bare

          • Wrong again Jiffy. You have no idea who i am and what I represent. Your obsession with Trump and your fevered tone of negativity show you are the one scared. I never even mentioned MAGA. You were the one that brought it up. If you are so scared of the Orange Man then you need to seek help. I bet you cried when he was elected and had Trump Anxiety Disorder.

          • You are as unhinged as the Orange One..How do you figure your taxes pay for anything that has to do with people that have an obviously better education than you? It is really quite the opposite. Don’t think so…go look at the lines at a food pantry. Go look in the unemployment line. Go look at the homeless. These aren’t college graduates. Most don’t even vote and if they did, it would be for Trump, because they,like you, are truly blind and blame those who have succeeded

          • Ok liberal. I got you going. Love to watch you flip out and blow gaskets. You will never get over your obsession with Trump. I wish you liberals would question Biden, Kamahoe, and the rest about their policies. Oh, I forgot what policies.

          • You’re on a sinking ship Bare. You don’t have me going at all. The finish line becomes clearer every day
            We don’t want a convicted felon sex offender to make up the rules, and it won’t happen in his life time. He is running only to avoid prison. To quote Jim Morrison..The musics over, turn out the lights

          • Actually all the dopers that show up on here ,not a single one has a higher education. They are much more at your grade level. HS. dropout? Pickup, single wide,couple a dog’s…Yea Bare, you are a role model.oh,and a rebel flag…

          • Once again you have no idea what you are talking about. You show your true radical colors by saying you are better than everyone else. Donate your money, not mine is probably a motto over your biden shrine. Everyone deserves a house but not next to mine is probable in your HOA. it’s funny how you automatically go on the defensive when name TRUMP is said. Yes I live in a double wide, have pick ups, no rebel flag, but an American flag I would have to defend a rebel flag too much against trespassers. I choose to live on my 80 acres as I see fit. But at the end of the day I can look in a mirror and not be ashamed of who I am. You look in b the mirror and see a progressive liberal closet racist that will soon be exposed. Again I realize the mere mention of the words TRUMP, CONSERVATIVE, AMERICAN, MAGA make you go into hot sweats, seizures, and rashes. The liberal medical people say that Trump Anxiety is a disorder. YOU really need to seek help.

          • Bingo, you win! The true liberal comes out. Accuse me without proof, brand me without facts. A true progressive racist but I understand. The mere mention of the word Trump, Maga, conservative and you break out in hot sweats and rashes. It is called Trump Anxiety Disorder. You need to seek help.

          • Trump has not been president since 2020. The abortion thing was decided after he left office. I love how you blame Trump for everything that goes wrong in your life. Like I said you have Trump Fever seek help.

          • Bare, you are obvious by your comments on every subject as a MAGA maniac. And yes the thought of 4 more years of Trump bothered me . But am not worried or obsessed. Not at all now. I don’t know if Kamala is the answer, but I do know MAGA isn’t.
            And he has always bragged that he stacked the court so Roe would be overturned. He put in place the people to do his bidding. Alito and Thomas and Beer Nut…seriously? Out of all the judges available those are the most qualified ? All he did was divide this country. And let’s not forget 34 felonies and counting

          • You do know Trump didn’t appoint Thomas and Alito, right?

            And “stacking the court” is what FDR tried to do. Trump filled vacancies. Elections have consequences.

          • True, they do, and yes I know he didn’t appoint those 2, but beernut put them decidedly unbalanced, and he brags about it. And this next election will have dire consequences up and down the spectrum. Alito and Thomas are just lapdogs for Trump. They seriously said the President has the absolute right to essentially use even killing a rival as legal business?
            If that’s the case, then I hope Kamala uses that option

          • Tell me one thing Harris has done since becoming VP? One policy that she can explain in depth? And without the Chackler rising up. Dementia Joe had an excuse for not preforming. Everyone lied to cover it up. Kamel does not ancexcuse. She is just plain dumb and too dense to hold a conversation or gave a thought of her own. That is what happens from rising to the top on your back in the dying cockroach position.

          • What planet are you from? People kill people in mass weekly world wide. Poisoning, explosives, stabbings, mowing down with cars, etc. Keep drinking the Kamel lime punch sooner or later you will recognize that taste for what it is.

          • Ok well I knew talking to a MAGAt was a losing cause. We can talk again in Bovember

          • Oh please, you talk like it is your right to decide if a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy. You haven’t been in their shoes. I wonder if you would carry something growing in your belly that you didn’t want. Some states think even rape,incest or the mothers life is not enough reason. You have no right to be in other’s lives or bedroom. And that is why Trump will lose again

      • You are right animals do not choose to be abused but neither does a human fetus.

        • How very narrow minded you are.. It is not your right to choose for other people what they do.

          • Ain’t crying Bare,am rejoicing that MAGA will become a thing of the past in very short time. You will be back in your obscurity as a blip on our democracy. The world will be a better place,except for you and yours. Your panic is already showing with your false bravado

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