Three women arrested for stealing over $3,200 in items from Archer Road area stores

Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Destiny Tianna Bennett, 23; Latia Shynese Edward, 22, of Williston; and Tameria Lashae Gray, 24, of Williston were arrested last night in connection with over $3,200 in thefts from stores in the Archer Road area.
Tommy Hilfiger
At about 7:30 p.m. on December 9, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to the Tommy Hilfiger store at Celebration Pointe, where the store manager reportedly said that three female suspects had left the store with merchandise they had placed in Tommy Hilfiger shopping bags.
The investigation found that a woman later identified as Bennett had entered the store around 7 p.m.; a few minutes later, a 17-year-old girl entered; a few minutes after that, a woman later identified as Gray entered. The store manager said Bennett asked her questions about the prices of various items while the juvenile began selecting merchandise. She said Bennett joined the juvenile, then Gray joined the other two. A store associate could be seen giving them a shopping bag on store surveillance video. All three allegedly left the store at about 7:11 p.m. with bags “stuffed” with merchandise, passing all points of sale without paying. The items were reportedly valued at $1,602.30. Surveillance video showed the three suspects leaving the area in a white Chrysler van.
Hibbett Sports
At about 6:45 p.m. on December 13, Gray, Edward, and an unidentified third person allegedly selected 21 items of clothing from Hibbett Sports on Archer Road and left without paying; the items were reportedly valued at $1,646.66. Bennett reportedly entered the store with the other three but left without taking anything.
While leaving the store, Edward and one of the other defendants pushed by a store employee who was trying to stop them.
Post Miranda, Bennett reportedly admitted she had driven the others to Hibbett Sports and that she knew the others were planning to steal items from the store.
Post Miranda, Edward reportedly admitted taking items from Hibbett Sports without paying for them.
Post Miranda, Gray reportedly admitted taking items from Hibbett Sports without paying for them and said the items were taken for Bennett.
Bennett has been charged with one count of grand theft over $750, one count of retail theft over $750, and one count of criminal conspiracy. She has no criminal convictions; Judge Mark Moseley ordered her released on her own recognizance, but she is being held on an out-of-county warrant.
Edward has been charged with grand theft over $750 and resisting recovery of stolen property. She has no criminal convictions but has a Notice to Appear out of Sumter County for driving without a valid license. Judge Moseley ordered her released on her own recognizance.
Gray has been charged with one count of grand theft over $750, one count of retail theft over $750, and one count of criminal conspiracy. She has two felony convictions (one violent) and one misdemeanor conviction (none violent). Judge Moseley ordered her held on $75,000 bail.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
If my information is correct, they made it to a McDonald’s drive through, ordered up some food, and then was apprehended by law enforcement, in McDonald’s parking lot.
Lazy thugs!
I was reading your comment “lazy thugs” and saw your name was Escobar, that is my maiden name. Where are you from, I am from Newport R.I. my nationality is 100% Portuguese. I hope you see this and respond
Three POS that believe they are entitled to steal because they can’t afford to buy things legally. A little reparations for the holiday season.
Hmmmm Maybe they could afford them if they got a JOB!!!
Trust me….you wouldn’t want to hire or work with any of these folks. They are culturally bankrupt and will steal from you and abuse other employees.
@PKS Oh, you surely you jest?
Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t understand why this group of society has to constantly revert to criminal activity? Especially when Hollywood now has plenty of good paying jobs for them making commercials and movies depicting their clean cut lifestyles. Just move to southern California and they’re all be rich and famous in no time, 😂
What you mean by group of society. Every race still
@Game: he means this group of society is the most criminal among us. Per the FBI they commit 72% of all crime, 52% of all murders yet they are only 13% of the population. Get it now?
Yes, and overwhelmingly the males aged 16-29, off the charts
They couldn’t get the items with a food stamp card. Thus, they simply took them.
I hope they stay in jail through Christmas and well into next year at least. Why should they have to pay for merchandise? Doesn’t everyone just steal what they want?
Somehow they don’t appear to be regular Tommy H and sportswear shoppers. Must have been “shopping” for Christmas and couldn’t wait for Toys for Tots to personally deliver to their doors. How entitled 🤡👹
Well, they sure don’t look hungry. These hefty Gals look good in designer jails clothes. Tommy H wardrobe can’t help them. “Tis the season for giving” not “The season for stealing”. These folks have no shame or embarrassment. If you come from a family or culture where morals and ethics are valued this wouldn’t happen. But when respect for others and family is not present, society gets these 3 stooges. They should stand on the corner with signs stating they are thieves. And please don’t tell the Judge you’re sorry, no you are not. You know the difference between right and wrong. But you are Sorry excuses for a civilized society.
i bet all three are in the running for nobel prize in physics!
See who they are? There are many, many more just like them. Fat, lazy, and……….
Used to work retail in that general vicinity and had to deal with these things a lot. It was making me really hateful and I had to quit.
I remember their tactics: One was “the swarm” – 5+ of them would come in and harass the store associates while a few would go stash things in purses/ bags, then they’d all hightail it out. Another tactic was “the baby” – they would stoop so low as to bring a newborn in a stroller in and places things in the stroller.
No matter how bad the local commissioners want it to be, this ain’t California….yet.
They should each be fined heavily and do community service at $5 hr until fine is paid. Lots of trash out there that needs to be picked up.
Mrs. Moe, Mrs. Larry, and Mrs. Shemp.
Ridiculous to ROR these profligate thieves!
Everyone makes mistakes and God said let the first one who hasn’t sin cast the first 🪨