Tim Tebow returns to Gainesville with Clean Juice

Press release from Butler Enterprises

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Clean JuiceĀ®, the first and only USDA-certified organic juice and food bar franchise, announced today the opening of celebrated athlete, philanthropist, author, and speaker Tim Tebowā€™s second Clean Juice store, just off campus from the University of Florida in Gainesville, where Tebow soared to legendary status, winning a Heisman Trophy and two National Championships as the star quarterback for the Florida Gators. After opening his first Clean Juice store at The Markets at Town Center in his hometown of Jacksonville, Florida in September 2023, Tebowā€™s new Clean Juice store, currently in development, is located at 2851 SW 35th Drive in theĀ Butler Town CenterĀ shopping plaza.

Clean Juiceā€™s partnership with Tebow accentuates the partnersā€™ shared mission of promoting a healthy body and strong spirit by encouraging healthier food choices and making organic food and beverage items readily available in a fast-casual setting. In June of 2021, Tebow became Clean Juice’s National Brand Ambassador, with Clean Juice contributing to the Tim Tebow Foundation through its Quarters4Kids cause marketing program serving underprivileged children in their local communities.

With the opening of this second store, Tebow continues to invest in raising Clean Juiceā€™s national profile while creating new jobs, strengthening community-based nutrition and education, and extending the Tim Tebow Foundationā€™s reach.

ā€œWe are super excited to open Timā€™s store in Gainesville, home of the Florida Gators, where Tim dazzled and excited football fans while inspiring children and adults to work and play hard and to follow their dreams through faith,ā€ said Clean Juice co-founder and CEO Landon Eckles. ā€œTim is the real deal who truly believes in our actions. Heā€™s not just a brand ambassador, heā€™s an investor in our business because he truly loves and believes in our clean products and our loving focus on the guest. Partnering with Tim is a true blessing for our Clean Juice family.ā€

Like Tebow, Clean Juice has experienced rock-star stardom since franchising in 2016, signing its 203rd store late last year. This impressive growth pattern in under seven years of franchise operations is an anomaly within the fast-casual space, especially given the economic and pandemic-related challenges of the previous three years. The brandā€™s success nationally is a true testament to Clean Juice’s high-quality product offerings coupled with each employeeā€™s dedication to serving others with a smile and servantā€™s heart.

Tebow echoed a similar sentiment when describing Clean Juice, saying, ā€œI love Clean Juiceā€™s commitment to helping people live healthy in body and strong in spirit. Gainesville means so much to me, and Iā€™m grateful for the opportunity to help bring new, healthy options to a place where I have been blessed to have so many awesome experiences with so many awesome people. At Clean Juice, you can trust that you are fueling your body with the highest-quality fruits and vegetables to help you be at your best. I canā€™t wait for Gators to soon experience the organic difference.ā€

  • Usually a juice bar makes the juice fresh for you instead of serving bottled juices. Are they bottled in plastic? That’s not a plus. Someone should open a fresh juice bar downtown.

  • This juice definitely will sell! It has the spirit of God all over it and in it.

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