Tree trimming on SE County Road 234

Press release from Alachua County

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – The Alachua County Public Works Department announced today that T&K Tree Service is trimming trees and vegetation on Southeast County Road 234 in Micanopy from U.S. Hwy 441 to State Road 20/Hawthorne Road.

The trimming is being done to improve visibility, travelway clearance, and to open up the right of way for other maintenance operations, including mowing and resurfacing. Well-maintained and mowed shoulders make it safer to pull off the road in an emergency.

The trimming is also being done before the road resurfacing, which is scheduled to begin early this summer. The repaving will start at U.S. Hwy 441 and extend approximately four miles to the entrance of the Paynes Prairie Maintenance Office.

Public Works Horticulturist Neil Greishaw oversees the project to ensure that the heritage live oak trees like the ones pictured are being pruned correctly.

“Live Oak trees are some of the strongest trees in North America and can live several hundred years,” he said. “In fact, the old wooden sailing ship the U.S.S. Constitution was built from live oak wood. The ship was nicknamed ‘Old Ironsides’ because cannonballs reportedly bounced off its wooden hulls during the War of 1812.”

The trimming is expected to be completed by mid-February, so please use caution while traveling this road and expect some short delays.

  • I had no clue that you did not have to bag up your leaves, for pick up by GFL.

    I just watched a tree grappler truck, the one they use to pick up huge logs.

    He literally just picked up a pile of leaves, that a neighbor piled up by the road, I was wondering what he was doing in the neighbor hood and he stopped that huge truck to pick up two and an eighth scoops worth of leaves and left.

    So residents of Gainesville, you don’t have to bag up your leaves, and put them by the road, just make a pile in the easement and the GFL tree truck will come pick them up.

  • 4 miles?!!!! That’s it?! That won’t even fix the worst parts of that road! Unbelievable…

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