
Twas the night before Christmas


  • But I heard him exclaim, ere he turned over from fright,
    “Gun’s violence! That’s all! So get out of my sight!”

  • The only thing inaccurate about this is the shooter isn’t holding his “switch” sideways one handed!

  • So no one is upset of the stereotype showing black on black shooting? Alachua County is 20% black so -obviously- 80% of all shootings MUST be done by light skinned people. The new Science of Equity demands it.

    • Oh get real. Take a peek at mugshots. By the way, per the FBI 52% of ALL murders in the USA are committed by blacks who are, only 13% of the population.
      So no, no one is upset because it’s the truth, it’s accurate so why would anyone be upset?

      • As they always say the truth will set you free….but there is no room in the liberal mind for truth, facts, or logic.

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