Two shot at The Ridge on 34th

Police cars line SW 34th Street south of SW 2nd Avenue

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Two men were shot tonight at The Ridge on 34th; one has serious chest wounds, and the other has a gunshot wound to his leg. Both were transported to local hospitals; their conditions have not been released.

At about 8:40 p.m. tonight, Gainesville Police Department officers responded to 512 SW 34th Street, where two men were shot. Police do not have anyone in custody at this time, and officers are still on scene as of 10:30 p.m.

  • I hope they hurry up and get them off streets they shot my son for what 💔💔💔🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • I don’t think anyone has been arrested for the shootings that happened over the Thanksgiving weekend….

    • No honey this happened tonight sweetheart my son was shot and his cousin didn’t make it this has nothing to do with thanksgiving sweetheart prayers for Magic Family 😢😢🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

      • I am so
        Sorry 😢 for your loss I hate this happened to you and the rest of your family I pray 🙏 for speedy recovery and healing ❤️‍🩹 for your and to get who ever did this off the streets

      • I believe Silky was insinuating the possibility that the two crimes might be committed by the same perpetrator

  • Now that fascist Republicans have let any fool carry a firearm without any license or training, Florida has turned into the wild west.

    • Peter how do you know that this violent crime was caused by “fascist Republicans”
      Are you really that stupid?

    • Because this wasn’t happening before the law changed, WOW…SMH…you didn’t need “training” before either. You aren’t going to change felon thugs carrying stolen guns.
      All this is is bad people making bad choices.

    • It has been over a month and you still haven’t looked up the word Fascist … You must be the most ignorant troll on this entire site.

    • Ten bucks says that the firearm was stolen. I would bet that it was not legally obtained. If it was, I will be shocked! And that begs the question: if a gun owner does not have their firearm properly secured and it is stolen and then used in a crime, should they be culpable in some way (much like if their child gets their hands on the non-secured gun and shoots someone)?

    • Nothing has changed. Almost every shooting in Gainesville involves a black shooter with an illegally obtained firearm, involved in some sort of otherwise illegal activity, shooting another black. So just what do Republicans have to do with this?

      • So how do you know it was black people involved? You do know yall white folks be shooting too right? My fault yall kill your wife and kids not random people unless it’s at a school or marathon right?

        • To “Tired of the racist shii” … Being able to comprehend is a skill that you evidently don’t have. I wrote “Almost every shooting …” not “every shooting” which would factually incorrect. But look at the mugshots over the past several years of the bookings of arrested accused shooters, and the overwhelming majority, I would say most, are black. And that percentage very much higher than the percentage of the black population. You can have your own opinions, but you cannot have your own facts. Unfortunately Gainesville is run by Feelings and not Facts.

  • Where are the protest? Where is the NAACP? They only wish to be seen with that so called Mayor. Patting each other on the back. Instead of focusing on the evils of the past. Focus on the present. What are root causes? Is legalizing marijuana really going to help.
    Maybe parents should be allowed to administer drug testing for free. And then seek help for them. And parents being held responsible for their child under 18 yoa if involved in a crime.
    Sorry prayer not going to help. Discipline, change in culture and morality.

    • Where are the all lives matter people? They should be at the forefront of all protest!

      • BLM only shows up when the cops do it.
        That is unfortunate. It’s almost like, if the cops shoot or hurt a minority member, BLM is all over it.
        But if some thug with a gun, shoots another, and they are both black but no cops are involved, then BLM kinda lays low on those situations. I guess it’s their unspoken rule. 🤔

  • I never heard of that complex, is it the new name for Point West or Cazabela? They change names when new landlords buy or renovate, sometimes.
    Regardless, I wonder if the gun used was stolen and the perp a repeat-offender… any bets?

    • Mandatory 5, 10, 20, life will work.
      Put that on social justice murals and city buses. Prosecute all crimes, not drop them. Set high bail if get arrested. Make it hell to have to go through the criminal justice system so you learn from your lesson and stay out of it!!!

    • The ridge has been around since 2015-16… Its where the round about is in clark butler plaza behind total wine..

    • yup i’m sure a law bidding citizen did not do the shooting. almost sure a stolen firearm was used.

    • It is basically cazabella, they share a parking lot that’s separated with a fence.

  • Apartments in that area USED to be really nice & well managed. Of course that was many years ago. Like it was mentioned, the Eastside hood rats and gang bangers have decided to head west with their dope dealin violence. I do believe Gainesville will pass Jacksonville with more shootings and dead folk. Now thats a record to be proud of folks.

    • Just like an internet troll saying it behind the screen but no in public. You don’t know the situation so keep you mouth shut. You just worry about your people not shooting up schools, churches, and grocery stores.

    • Shooting happens in east Gainesville and it’s blamed on east gvlle. Shooting happens in west gvlle and it’s blamed on east gvlle smh. When will people realize that thugs, gang bangers and hood rats live in and commit crimes in all areas of town!

      • It is more criminal activities on the west side of town than the east side of town. The meth labs and chemistry production of drugs never evolved from the east side of town. The west and rural areas produced this and because of the intake of drugs from these productions make people think Gainesville is the wild,wild west. Crimes are reported more on the Eastside than the westside of Gainesville. Crime happens all over the city of Gainesville and Alachua County.

      • So…would you rather live in East Gainesville or the west side of town? You know the answer, you just won’t say it.

        • You are mistaken if you believe any area of Gainesville has low crime. There has been crime in every cardinal direction of this city since I moved here in the 90’s. We are the 18th most dangerous metropolitan area in the United States. East Gainesville has a concentration of low socioeconomic situations because Gainesville has become far too expensive to survive, and east side is the only way people have a small hope of surviving. That doesn’t mean that West is safe. It is all bad.

  • The Ridge is west of 34th street. You know, over in that there soon to be future utopia of Springs County. Nothing unusual there, move along.

  • Well… AC may not post my rant, but I’m gonna type it out anyway.
    Why is there a socioeconomic difference?
    Well, if we look at a topographical map of Gainesville, then specifically look at where the state and county services are located, then you weigh those locations against where most low income and section 8 housing are located, then you weigh that information against the location of “most” gun related violent crimes around that region,,,,
    We come up with a pattern of crimes in a certain location of the city.
    given the historical events of the George Floyd incident, and other similar events, a lot of black folks, not all, but a lot of younger black men have for some reason,
    (citing required for the rest of us to understand) a belief that Life Nor Law no longer matters.
    Entitled Life Matters, that’s all that matters to that group of people.
    It doesn’t matter if I have a felony, or the fact that I have an illegal stolen gun, it doesn’t matter if I’m out on the streets at 3 am. The cops done that to George Floyd. So, in their minds, the “rules” so to speak, just no longer matters.
    It’s just simply become the new “Ethical Belief” for that minority group.
    Their are those who work, pay their bills, and need those services. I understand that. But their are those too who feel that they are entitled to those services and that’s IT, because White Folks has somehow victimized them, and they feel “entitled”.
    Look at it this way,
    What’s the first rule of business, you get what you pay for right?
    How much success and potential can come from youths, who’s parents are “entitled” to subsidised housing with no ethics to do any better? Exactly? If the state and county services are a family of 4’s only means of income, and entitled parents have that entitled attitude, then I can see why.
    “Socioeconomic Differences” is just a word attempting to excuse what the working class call Lazy and Sorry AF in layman’s terms.
    You know, I suddenly hear member’s of a church congregation saying,

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