Two UF students arrested during protest on campus

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Ian Rourke Dinkla, 21, and Bryn Victoria Taylor, 26, were arrested this afternoon on the University of Florida campus after Dinkla allegedly took a sign from another organization and resisted arrest, then Taylor allegedly hit a police officer with a bullhorn.
According to reporting by The Independent Florida Alligator, the students were attending the UF Rally for Bodily Autonomy, organized by the university’s Young Democratic Socialists chapter. The rally coincided with tabling by Created Equal, a traveling anti-abortion group that’s been on campus since Monday; Created Equal set up several 4-foot-tall signs depicting images of unborn fetuses, and Dinkla allegedly took one of them, valued at $120.
According to the arrest reports for the pair, University of Florida Police Department officers responded and made contact with Dinkla, who allegedly pushed the officer away and then pulled away after the officer tried to detain him. Dinkla has been charged with robbery by sudden snatching and resisting arrest with violence.
While officers were trying to arrest Dinkla, Taylor, who is co-president of UF Graduate Assistants United, allegedly struck an officer in the back of the head with a bullhorn. She has been charged with battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence.
Neither defendant has prior arrests in Gainesville.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
What else can we expect from a group of protestors who are mentally ill.
Typical Gen. Z snowflakes who want to murder unborn babies but can’t handle the truth.
What else can we expect from two UF students who have:
1. Been thoroughly indoctrinated
2. Want their loans forgiven
3. Need to hurry up, at least the 26 year old, and finish school
4. Get a job
5. Should have been raised with more discipline
This is the future of our country…not much to look forward to.
All great observations!
Sadly, these two are but pawns in the National Union Fund Raising Machine! They are out making trouble for anyone who doesn’t share their point of view (and the National Unions); yet they insist they are accepting and caring! Obviously a lie, but then, they take their cues from their liberal minded instructors from Gainesville to Washington DC. They have to stay relevant somehow, in order to attract new union members ($$$)!
I checked the “Graduate Assistants United” union website. They are begging the student population to support them in their effort to get a raise from UF Administrators! It seems UF pays teaching assistants (TAs) a minimum of $21,333 per year. Don’t know if there is an differentiation for TAs that actually perform said services (Merit Pay) for the general UF undergraduate population. Hey TAs, maybe it IS time you get a job, I just don’t know of a huge demand for Functional Genomics majors, but I’m sure those of you who are English majors can go teach!
Sadly, they are in the grips of the real professional thieves, with the majority of the dues paid (their own words, they keep 10% – 15%) going to their “Partner Unions”, and their Partner Unions (UFF, FEA, NEA, AFT, and AFL-CIO) are here:
Talk about exploitation!
Woke is woke. Pack of idiots. Murder of the unborn without just cause. These universitys are doing nothing but poisoning the brains of our young people. I think the hair dye causes chemical imbalance. They all want to be Jane Fonda. She just proposed Murder on national television. Protect yourself accordingly.
Yup. Any ovulating woman should be forced to get pregnant, every time.
Hyperbole doesn’t advance a rational argument. A woman shouldn’t be made to carry a pregnancy to term if she didn’t consent to sex or insemination. The same goes for significant risk of death by carrying a pregnancy to term. So, “any ovulating woman … every time” is a stretch even among hardliners.
However, consenting to sex is consenting to the risk of pregnancy. I know sex is fun, and it’s my right to have sex with a consenting partner, but even as a man I have to weigh the risks. I am not under the delusion I deserve a get-out-of-jail-free card to avoid taking responsibility for my actions, so I abstain, even though it can be frustrating. I believe women should have the same rights and responsibilities.
Rubbers are cheap.
S, so are some of the girls/women.😉
Look Wendy, I’ll give you the $15 it costs for the pill at Wal-Mart, you just need to have the foresight to take it.
Democrat culture. Always violence.
Social justice fascist Marxists.
The Capital Hill riot wasn’t violent?
How cute, they look like sisters.
Wired differently does not make you a better person.
And they will never see the inside of a prison.
Freedom of speech and a right to peaceful protest applies to everyone. These 2 are clearly spoiled, entitled brats that were never told no or that they were wrong about something. It’s not your way or the Highway, you’re not special.
Bernie would be so proud. Taylor is such a fine example of who we want representing part of UF. Hopefully the newly hired President of UF will take the proper action against this act of violence enacted by her since she represents an organization at the university.
Hypocrite much righties? Blow up abortion clinics, murder doctors, harass people getting information, destroy BLM signs, harass Muslims but ‘somebody took our signs waah’. Right wing terrorists complain about this as it’s comparable???