UF Health time off policy now depends on vaccination status

UF Health sent out an email to staff on May 14 describing changes to HR policies for COVID-related absences.
The email said that in the spring of 2020, UF Health had implemented temporary changes to its Unscheduled Time Off (UTO) policy. “Now that we are seeing reduced numbers of COVID-positive cases with three new vaccines available for COVID-19, we will be returning to our pre-COVID HR policies and practices for unscheduled absences and PTO leave balances.”
Effective Sunday, May 16, the policy was updated to state that absences for COVID-19 or COVID-like symptoms will no longer be automatically “excused” unless the staff member is fully vaccinated (2 weeks past the last required dose); if the absence is excused, PTO will apply instead of the call-out being considered UTO.
Staff members who received their COVID vaccine outside UF Health must provide proof of vaccination to their manager if they test positive for COVID and would like the absence to be considered PTO.
If a staff member tests positive for COVID-19 and has not received a COVID vaccine, the absence will be considered UTO. “Policies regarding excessive UTOs will be followed and may result in disciplinary action and/or unpaid time off.”
Covid was the cause of some losing their jobs, it shouldn’t continue to be used as a means of keeping their jobs. Time to put people back in their offices.