UF student arrested for felony battery after allegedly beating man outside nightclub


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Marco Anthony Schiano, 20, was arrested yesterday and charged with felony battery after allegedly beating another man until he was unconscious.

According to the arrest report, Schiano and several other individuals physically assaulted the victim outside the White Buffalo nightclub at 111 S. Main Street at about 12:30 a.m. on January 13.

The victim told Gainesville Police Department officers that he and a friend were trying to stop Schiano and another unknown man from physically assaulting a stranger outside the nightclub when Schiano and another man began attacking him. The victim reportedly said that Schiano punched him in the face with a closed fist, and Schiano and other men repeatedly punched and kicked him. The victim said more men got out of a nearby vehicle and also began attacking him and his friend.

The victim was reportedly knocked to the ground, unconscious, then the attackers fled the scene.

The victim reportedly sustained major injuries to his face, including a broken nose, separated jaw, and split lip; both orbital sockets were also broken.

A witness reportedly told officers that she saw Schiano and another man punching and kicking the victim and that after the victim was unconscious, Schiano tried to kick him again, but she “would not allow him.” She said she heard one of the men say, “I’m going to kill [the victim].”

Post Miranda, Schiano reportedly said he punched the victim six or seven times before knocking him unconscious; he said he punched him two or three times after he was on the ground. He reportedly said he was still “worked up” from seeing the victim hit his brother, so he approached the victim again but was restrained by bystanders. Schiano reportedly said he’d heard stories about the victim attacking his fraternity members in the past.

The officer reported that he had seen a video showing Schiano punching the victim and then being restrained by his friends; in the video, Schiano broke away from his friends and “aggressively” went back to the victim, then grabbed him by his hair and face before being restrained again by his friends.

Schiano, who is a UF student, has no criminal history; Judge David Kreider set bail at $10,000 with a requirement that Schiano not consume any alcohol or illegal drugs.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • The racist d bags won’t comment on this one.. because you know 😏.. they’ll wait

    • This a-hole deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law just like all the others. Regardless of ethnicity. No justification to go around assaulting people

    • The only racist d bag I see on here is you
      that being said in am by this one as I am everyone else it’s a shame that people In gainesville don’t carry a gun for protection for themselves and ones around them like the guy who got beat up sounds like it was a good SYG case put this POS in prison for awhile

    • Not me. Hope he enjoys time in a cell with his new butt buddies.

      He’ll make a nice girlfriend for somebody. Of course I’m wondering how long it’s gonna take mommy & daddy to come and make an attempt at “fixing” things. I hope the victim sues for damages, pain & suffering, mental anguish and no adjudication is withheld. The real question is how long will it take the frat boys to kick him out? If they don’t, that shows the type character they have.

    • Geezus, this is specifically for you and others like you. It’s from an article in Variety.com and it’s fits perfectly into your rants. It’s from Idris Elba, I’m hoping you know who that is.

      Elba himself took to Twitter to tell off his detractors, writing, “There isn’t a soul on this earth that can question whether I consider myself a BLACK MAN or not. Being an ‘actor’ is a profession, like being an ‘architect,’ they are not defined by race. However, If YOU define your work by your race, that is your Perogative. Ah lie?”

      In his original interview, Elba noted that “as humans, we are obsessed with race and that obsession can really hinder people’s aspirations, hinder people’s growth. Racism should be a topic for discussion, sure. Racism is very real. But from my perspective, it’s only as powerful as you allow it to be.”

      “I stopped describing myself as a Black actor when I realized it put me in a box,” the actor said. “We’ve got to grow. We’ve got to. Our skin is no more than that: it’s just skin. Rant over.” ~ Variety.com

      Hoping I gave credit properly for it’s use.

      • THAT’S THE WAY IT IS, this is specifically for you and other polar bears like you.This phrase is from a well known polar bear named Trump. I’m hoping you know who that is. As he would call us we “THE BLACKS” would appreciate it if you would have this same energy when your fellow polar bears are writing hundreds of racist comments daily. The polar bears RANT on a daily and you do nothing but chime in. You can save that Variety.com article for the British my dear. LOL!!!😆🤣

      • THAT’S THE WAY IT IS, this is specifically for you and other polar bears like you.This phrase is from a well known polar bear. As he would call us we “THE BLACKS” would appreciate it if you would have this same energy when your fellow polar bears are writing hundreds of racist comments daily. The polar bears RANT on a daily and you do nothing but chime in. You can save that Variety.com article for the British my dear. LOL!!!😆🤣

        • Now, now Bobby. You do realize polar bears have black skin don’t you?
          Can’t control others, only myself. Sometimes I call it out, sometimes I ignore it. In my experience, it’s people such as those I’ve pointed it out to who appear to have the biggest issue with race. Enjoy your stay.

  • He’s so soft looking. He’s going to make another man a proud husband someday.

    • Oh dang. When you were in jail those multiple times, were you a husband or a wife?

  • It sounds like the whole fraternity will get in trouble now for this bozo. UF may expel him. Why weren’t some cops out there protecting downtown at 12:30 a.m. when there have been so many problems in the past? Were they at disGRACE Marketplace instead?

  • 10k bond for nearly killing this guy. This judge is an idiot. And this punk needs a long jail sentence.

  • This is the fun downtown has to offer after the sun goes down. Bars, fists, medical bills, criminal charges… no thanks.

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