UF student faces charges for vandalized Jewish fraternity sign

Press release from University of Florida Police Department

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The University of Florida Police Department filed a sworn complaint on Tuesday against a 24-year-old UF student in connection with the vandalization of a pro-Israel sign displayed by a Jewish fraternity on campus.

Simon Nicholas Lowry, a graduate student and teaching assistant, is facing two misdemeanor counts of criminal mischief. In addition, he was issued a trespass warning, which bars him from campus for up to three years unless successfully appealed. Finally, all criminal incidents are referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.

On Oct. 23, UFPD responded to reports that an “ΑΕΠ STANDS WITH ISRAEL” banner displayed in the front lawn of Alpha Epsilon Pi had been vandalized. Having staged several cameras in the area, UFPD identified Lowry. In an interview with police, he admitted to vandalizing the sign.

“This student’s actions were deliberate and unacceptable and will not be tolerated at the University of Florida,” UFPD Chief Linda Stump-Kurnick said. “Free speech is protected. Vandalism is not. And we will do our very best to ensure that the University of Florida is a welcoming place for all.”

In consultation with the Office of the State Attorney, the Eighth Judicial District, and the Uniform Crime Reports team of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, this case is being treated criminally as an act of vandalism under Florida law.

      • Agreed. Needs enhanced penalties and sentencing. He admitted to it so trial should be simple. I’m sure he probably had an excuse for his actions like “I’m a dumba—, who doesn’t understand the world.”

  • Meanwhile uf players can rape drunk white girls on campus and are celebrated and face no consequences.

    • I agree that there are a lot of instances involving UF athletes that are swept under the carpet and is isn’t right. But this not about a football player it’s about someone committing a potential antisemitic hate crime.

      • If the vandalism of the banner was a “hate crime”, the suspect would be charged with a hate crime. The article states he has been charged with two misdemeanor counts of criminal mischief and in checking with FDLE and SA, the case is being treated criminally as an “act of vandalism under Florida law.”

        • I said potential. Not is. It could be referred or upgraded. There’s always the possibility it could be referred to the US Attorney. By the way a little common sense

          Learn to pronounce po·ten·tial
          having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future

          • It is likely that this sort of crime is not chargeable as a hate crime regardless of the motivation.

  • UF must have a zero tolerance for this antisemitism. Period. Kick him out of school. Many grad students are members of the Democratic Socialist of America party.

  • He needs to be removed as a teaching assistant and suspended immediately. If this vandalism had been committed against ΑΦΑ, he would have been expelled already.

    With people like him in positions of influence, is it any wonder the degradation of society continues?

    • There’s at least 3 others who have been degraded and condone his act of vandalism. They’re probably waiting to protest, riot and break windows when he’s found guilty.

  • “…all criminal incidents are referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.”

    It does appear the ‘referrals and consultations’ in this case speak to the uncertainty of what to do and where to do it.

    Is the UF student status a privileged identity immune to arrest and arraignment?

  • Suspended sentence, 60 hours community service, attend antisemitism class, $1000 fine.
    I’m within 5% of what he’ll get on sentencing day. Welcome to G’ville folks.

  • Exactly. How much anti Whiteness has come out of the university and no one says a thing about it? Conservatives are cowards, but turn into blood thirsty maniacs once their masters face any inkling of push back.

  • A typical reaction by a nazi democrat!! They have been hiding for long time, the indoctrination by the democrats commies is real!

    • The adults are talking, if you like I can put some Prager U videos on the Ipad for you and get you some coloring books. Just promise not to eat the crayons this time.

  • It’s one thing if this guy tried to light the fraternity on fire or caused damage to the building’s structure. But apparently he damaged a sign that costed, what, $20 to put up? And the way the cameras were staged it almost sounds like they were trying to bait someone into doing this. Now this guy is going to be banned from campus and kicked out of school all over some hurt feelings about a $20 sign…pretty ridiculous.

    • Do you just not get it? It’s not the sign or the cost of the sign, it’s about anti-Semitism. You can be as causal as you want about it, you’re obviously not Jewish. Trust me, if you were the one persecuted for centuries you’d feel different.

  • I am just horrified that this happened here in Gainesville. I really thought that we were better than this.

  • Funny how these kids are experts on the Middle East, but when you ask them where Jordan is, they say he’s retired

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