
University of Florida student awarded Florida Supervisors of Elections scholarship

Press release from Alachua County Supervisor of Elections

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. — University of Florida student Sophia De La Cruz was awarded the Dorothy Walker Ruggles Scholarship from the Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE), the statewide association of Florida’s elections officials.

Sophia is a third-year student studying political science and African American studies. She has previously interned in Florida Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book’s Tallahassee Office and is deeply involved in Alachua County organizations such as the Pace Center for Girls in Alachua County and the First Community and Development Corporation.

“Sophia greatly impressed us when she interviewed to be our office’s nominee for the scholarship,” Supervisor of Elections Kim A. Barton said. “I am very happy to hear that Sophia was awarded the Dorothy Walker Ruggles scholarship. Four students from Alachua County have been awarded an FSE scholarship over the past six years. We commend Sophia on this well-deserved recognition.”

The association awarded four $1,200 scholarships to Florida university and college students this year. Sophia’s scholarship was created in memory of Dorothy Walker Ruggles, who previously served as Pinellas County’s Supervisor of Elections and dedicated more than 20 years to working in elections.

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