Upcoming meetings for City of Gainesville

Meeting notices for the City of Gainesville, including agendas and details on how to watch or attend, can be found here.

Update, May 27: Final Evaluation Meeting: RFP for Special Magistrate…210035 on 5/28/2021 has been canceled.

Update, May 25: City Commission and General Policy Committee Agenda Review moved to In-person and virtual on Friday, 5/28/2021 at 1:30 pm.

Update, May 25: The Development Review Board meeting scheduled for today, 5/25/2021, has been canceled.

Update, May 24: Bid meetings will have in-person participation in the Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room. The Police Advisory Council will have in-person participation in the Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room. The Utility Advisory Board will have in-person participation in the Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room. Agenda Review has moved to Wednesday.

  • So, if I want to attend in-person, I can call the
    Equal Opportunity office and they will make special arrangements where I can participate in-person without a face
    Mask and without proof of Covid vaccination?

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