
UPDATE 2: Upcoming meetings for the City of Gainesville

Public notice

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Meeting notices for the City of Gainesville, including agendas and details on how to watch or attend, can be found here.


  • There will be a Sunshine Meeting with Mayor Harvey L. Ward Jr. & Commissioner Desmon Duncan-Walker this Wednesday January 15, at 4:15 p.m. in the Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room also known as Room 16.
  • There will be a Written Evaluations Review for PRCA-250025-WB, Natural Areas Vegetation Management held on January 16 at 9:00 a.m.
  • Will the meeting minutes show threats to cut Fire and Police funding come back to haunt them, like California Dems are feeling today..? 🤔🧐🥺

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