UPS employee charged with stealing iPhones from packages
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Heaven Kiana Hicks, 21, was arrested yesterday and charged with stealing at least seven iPhones from packages while working for UPS.
According to the arrest report, Hicks is suspected of taking seven or eight iPhones from packages between October 29 and November 21 while working as a package loader at UPS. Hicks allegedly used ecoATM machines to get money for some of the phones and gave others to a family member to sell on Facebook Marketplace.
Post Miranda, Hicks reportedly admitted that she took the cell phones to either sell or give to her family member. She said the family member convinced her to steal the phones to pay their bills and told her what to do with the phones.
Hicks has been charged with grand theft over $5,000 and dealing in stolen property. She has juvenile criminal convictions and completed a deferred prosecution agreement after attempting to steal a dirt bike from a retail store in 2022. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $2,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
A chance at a great career with good retirement, pay and benefits, and they want to be a damn thief and mess it up some are breathing oxygen that should not be
Not “they”, it’s she wants to be a thief. Don’t accuse everyone else for her crime.
Her family talked her into to it per the article
To StaynyurLane. You’re welcome to twist the facts here, but YOU need to read the article. She’s playing the blame game, saying that the family member told her to steal the phones.
Read and heed:
God’s 8th Commandment:
Do not steal.
GH was probably just trying to use a politically correct, woke and inclusive pronoun, so as not to offend the criminal or any snowflakes who might be reading the comments…
Only 21, and a record of recent prior retail theft? Why aren’t Dem public skools teaching values, such as working for a unionized global company like UPS? 🤡👹🍦🍦🍦D
Soft judge setting the bail at $2,000. Lock her up for awhile
Darts to UPS for hiring anyone with a theft record. Oh, that’s right, city passed an ordinance prohibiting pre employment background checks
Gotta love these stories how it’s never a thief’s fault. They have to pay Bill’s, a family member convinced her to steal. It’s a little concerning that UPS would hire her given the fact she attempted to steal a motorcycle. And they made her a package loader so she would have her nasty thieving fingers on people’s property. Tomny Boy staying true to his reputation of low bail. Bail is less then what she stole. No deterrent there.
Sooooo…. Is Jaworski in competition with Walter Green to see who can go the softest on crime?
$200 and she’s out. She got more than that for each phone she sold!
Remember the days when we didn’t have to worry about I phones being stolen?
We focused more on making sure our bicycles were locked?
My phones has been stolen by a UPS employee and now im getting the run around from them.
UPS Sucks
Make sure she stays in jail for a good while. She has no morals.
Seems to be a trend…
Dec. 31, 2022 at 6:35 PM EST
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) – A Gainesville mailman is in jail after UPS says he had sticky fingers before Christmas.
According to Gainesville Police Department officials, Antonio Hampton, 24, was arrested after the postal service tipped off Gainesville Police about an employee theft.
Officers checked Hampton’s pawn records and saw that he pawned two Apple Watches and four new iPhones.
Sounds like a family of “smart” criminals.