
Weitz: Vote for Andrew Miller and Steven Tapanes in High Springs on Nov. 7

Letter to the editor

In the current geopolitical stage, Charles Dickens’ words come to mind: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Small municipalities across our country are genuinely struggling with the impacts of direct costs brought to their operating budgets with little to no recourse to abate those costs. The current economy is impacting the citizens even more, however, but none more than the elderly and those on a fixed income. There is no time more important than now for communities to band together, embrace and support each other, and ride the current storm, together. The fabric of all communities is made up of its citizens, and the fact is that the citizens of High Springs feel alienated. High Springs has an opportunity to make the future the best of possible times in the November 7 election for City Commission Seats #1 and #2.

Andrew Miller and Steven Tapanes are hearing the people, and they believe that by hearing them, they can more effectively govern High Springs in a citizen-centered manner. Both Andrew and Steven are local High Springs business owners and have regular contact with a broad cross-section of our wonderful community.   

Mr. Tapanes brings a strong background in construction, and as a commissioner, this knowledge would bring a profoundly positive impact to our community. Mr. Tapanes’ time serving on the Plan Board has proven him to be a thoughtful servant for the people through his thorough research and preparation on the topics before him.  Steven Tapanes is committed to being a commissioner who is focused on ideas that translate into action.  

Mr. Miller has been a business owner continuously since he was only one year out of high school. As a lifelong resident and local barber, Mr. Miller has a unique perspective, not only for the entire community but very specifically for the younger people in High Springs. Mr. Miller would bring a much-needed fresh perspective to the commission. Through his work with the local Chamber of Commerce, Andrew also has a comprehensive and important understanding of the needs of the local business community. A healthy and thriving downtown corridor is a big key to the continued economic health of High Springs. Mr. Miller is uniquely suited to equally representing the people as well as the local small businesses.

As a long-time resident of High Springs, I have genuine gratitude for the service that both incumbent candidates have brought to the dais week after week during their tenure. This letter in no way decries their efforts. I feel sincerely, however, that change in a community can bring about healthy growth and a fresh perspective. Andrew Miller and Steven Tapanes are truly candidates for the people, and I encourage you to cast your vote for them on November 7.  

Katherine Weitz, High Springs

The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AlachuaChronicle.com. Letters may be submitted to info@alachuachronicle.com and are published at the discretion of the editor.

  • If the citizens retain the two incumbent candidates, you can rest assured it’s the worst of times
    He voted to raise taxes by 27% and did not even listen to suggestions that might have prevented it.
    He voted and drove the Wall Dog Murals to prove he could pull it off.
    Almost the entire city said NO.
    Voted for the very top luxury SUVs for some City Employees. Including the PR and IT person with emergency lights!
    Options half that price were dismissed!
    4-1 pack he runs for three years of voting!
    Found Grunder and ran the “ Brewery Campaign” to remove a good commissioner who would not become part of his pack.
    We cannot keep Ross and
    silent Gloria James in office.
    Andrew Miller and Steve Tapanes

  • So well spoken, Katherine. Change in High Springs is sincerely needed. Morale is so low that apathy has set in. We cannot attend all meetings, which would be required to make change. They wait until issues calm down, then have a meeting that catches everyone off guard. Then all we can do is shake our heads. A complaint was made, recently, in an online post that one commissioner wastes the time of other commissioners and staff with data and actual costs/revenues pertinent to the business of High Springs even though SHE knows it will not change the vote. No, it will be 4-1, but we citizens applaud your efforts. I personally know Andrew and we have talked many times over the last three years as to the problems of our City and he would be a great advocate for our citizens, particularly our young people. I have come to know Steve through the plan board meetings and more personally him and his family since he started his campaign. They, as a family, are committed to High Springs; he and Heidi have raised their family here. He is particularly committed to our youth and seniors with using his resources in construction to build a recreation facility whether or not he’s a commissioner. Please consider voting for Andrew Miller and Steve Tapanes on Tuesday, November 7th.

  • Katherine, we know that YOU are listening to the citizens of High Springs, much more closely than those you share a bench with. If you recommend these two men, then they’ve got my family’s vote.

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