Woman arrested for violating no-contact order after being found hiding in a shower
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Aja Lashawn Newton, 28, was arrested yesterday and charged with violation of a no-contact order in a stalking case after she was found hiding in a shower.
A Gainesville Police Department officer responded to the victim’s apartment after receiving a call from a neighbor who said a disturbance in the apartment was escalating so quickly that a window had been broken. The officer reported that he found a broken window and saw traces of blood on the floor of the apartment, then knocked multiple times before the victim responded and said there was no disturbance and no woman in the apartment.
Officers decided to do a security sweep of the apartment and reportedly found Newton hiding in the master bedroom shower; she reportedly had a deep laceration on her forearm.
Newton reportedly said she was hiding because she doesn’t trust law enforcement and sustained the lacerations from the broken window. A check of her criminal history showed that she has an outstanding warrant out of Georgia with no extradition and an active warrant out of Duval County; she also has a no-contact order against the resident of the apartment.
Post Miranda, Newton reportedly said she broke into the apartment after a verbal argument with the victim and that she was hiding because of the no-contact order.
Newton has no felony convictions and nine misdemeanor convictions, along with a pending misdemeanor case for violating pre-trial release conditions and a traffic case in Duval County. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $25,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
“Fatal Attraction” ring a bell?
The mugshot should include extra details of all her tattoos so she can be identified more easy. Is that a piercing by her eye or a pickle wart?
If it’s jewelry, it should be removed and given back when she gets released.1
Is that really a woman — or a Grindr date gone wrong?
You can tell she was pretty as hell before drug abuse. Hopefully jail can sober her up.