Woman kidnapped, threatened by ex-boyfriend

Eric Coronet Cruz, 29, was arrested today on a warrant that was issued after his ex-girlfriend filed a sworn complaint.
According to the complaint, the victim picked up Cruz on August 21 after he requested a ride to the 1700 block of NE 8th Avenue. The two had recently broken up after living together in a relationship. After the victim picked Cruz up, the two got some food, but before they got to the destination address, Cruz allegedly pulled out a handgun and refused to be taken there. He demanded that the victim let him drive the car, but she initially refused to let him. She stopped the car near a gas station on NE 23rd Avenue, and Cruz got in the back seat and allegedly ordered her at gunpoint to get in the front passenger seat. Cruz then allegedly got in the driver’s seat and began driving the car while keeping the victim at gunpoint.
Cruz drove toward Melrose while allegedly threatening to kill them both by crashing the car into a tree. He then allegedly ripped a necklace from her neck; the necklace contained the ashes of her deceased son. Cruz then drove through the city of Waldo before returning to Gainesville.
Cruz then allegedly switched seats with the victim and made her drive towards the Walmart on Waldo Road. The victim said he then made her stop near a roundabout on NE 12th Avenue, get out of the car, and place her hands on the hood. He then collected all of his items from the vehicle and allegedly stole her iPhone 11 cell phone.
Cruz is currently being held in the Alachua County Jail on charges on robbery with a firearm, carjacking with a firearm, displaying a weapon during a felony, and kidnapping. Cruz has an extensive criminal history, including a felony conviction in 2016 for aggravated battery on a pregnant woman and felony convictions on charges of selling and possessing drugs in a 2013 case.
I think it would be appropriate for someone to carve the ink off his face with a dull carpet knife…
Thug – only one good place for him and it doesn’t include the forgive and forget city of Gainesville.
I wonder why women always go for the bad boys it can end up like that
I wonder if he’s even legally here?
No worries, Mr. Cruz… You’ll find a new girlfriend, probably on the day you get out of the slammer. That prison art makes you guys look soooo much more attractive.