Woman on probation arrested for threatening store clerk with bolt cutters
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jennifer Marie Guthrie, 41, was arrested early this morning and charged with attempted armed robbery and drug possession after allegedly threatening a convenience store clerk with bolt cutters.
A Gainesville Police Department officer responded at about 1:19 a.m. to a call from 1720 S. Main Street about a woman who had entered a closed convenience store and demanded money. A store employee told the officer the woman, later identified as Guthrie, was asked to leave, but when the employee turned her back, Guthrie went into the beer cooler. The employee said that when she confronted Guthrie, Guthrie demanded money, and when she said no, Guthrie brandished bolt cutters and again demanded that the employee give her money. The victim said she was afraid of Guthrie and locked her in the beer cooler until the officer arrived.
Post Miranda, Guthrie declined to answer any questions.
A search incident to arrest reportedly produced a black ski mask and 11.2 grams of MDPV.
Guthrie has been charged with attempted armed robbery and possession of a controlled substance. She has six felony convictions (none violent) and 13 misdemeanor convictions (none violent). She has served two state prison sentences and was most recently released in 2012. She is on probation for stealing over $100 in items from Walmart; since she has two prior convictions for retail theft, it was charged as a felony, and she served two months in jail before beginning two years of drug offender probation.
Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $110,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Former Gainesville mayor Poe can give her $500 and let her stay at his house until she’s straightened out and back on her feet
A republican fascist can give her a tax cut. Maybe that will straighten her out and get her back on her feet.
Fascism prioritizes the nation over the individual, who exists to serve the nation.” and as “an ultranationalist, authoritarian political philosophy.
One can look at her and tell she is left wing trash. She lives off tax payers just as a solid percentage of leftists do! You know you trash are the party of entitlements!
All I see is addicted, toothless misery.
she looks like she lives in a trailer home & her 1986 ford taurus has a MAGA bumper sticker & she gives $20 of her welfare money each month to her hero, donald .
You know much of this poor woman. Do you subscribe to her Only Fans page?
Oh she is definitely a big fan of the orange one
Are all you people on the right as stupid as you are, my bad dumb question you follow a loser rich guy that needs your money.
We are probably better off then you worshiping a man who has no idea who is is or what day of the week it is. And to actually think that his back up (Kamal) is any smarter then him.
Please look up the word ‘fascist’. Your ignorance is showing.
Give her some hot Lead that care of all her problems
So much for her drug offender probation. She now has twenty arrests. Not a well thought out plan for armed robbery. At least she will have a warm place to stay for a while.
Methed up again
Should hire her to help with the rapists in town. That will get her off the street, meet the city’s “no background check” rule, and help with tax revenues.
What more could a Democrat ask for?
That would definitely help with birth control…another issue fixed🤣
Karma is a bitch that never forgets…
Good job with the bond Judge M-J
What a beaut. She could be an Aileen Whornos style YouTube star if she used her Obama phone with the data turned on.
Jennifer forgot to put her teeth in for the mugshot.
some of you have such a terrifying lack of empathy it’s genuinely disturbing… more disturbing than this lady’s empty threats