Woman on probation arrested on 91 charges related to fraudulent use of a credit card

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Danielle Dean Gainey, 41, was arrested yesterday on 91 charges related to fraudulent use of a credit line she allegedly opened in her daughter’s name. She was on probation on drug charges and also has a pending sworn complaint for stealing and pawning a generator.

According to an investigation by Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ASO), Gainey allegedly used her adult daughter’s information to open a line of credit that was secured by her daughter’s car; when she didn’t make payments on the line of credit, her daughter’s car, which was fully paid for before Gainey opened the line of credit, was repossessed.

The detective’s investigation led to a phone that was already in evidence at ASO, previously owned by a friend of Gainey’s who died from a fentanyl overdose. The detective reportedly found messages in which Gainey asked her friend if she knew a hacker, saying, “I got a 51 million dollar acct I can log into online but I need to transfer it somewhere safe,” “I went and got that title so I coukd [sic] get that credit card,” and “Oh I got my credit card the one online for 10000.”

The detective also reportedly learned that Gainey has a girlfriend who is currently in the Levy County Jail; according to recordings of phone calls between Gainey and her girlfriend, the two women discussed a $10,000 cash advance that Gainey had secured, and Gainey reportedly said, “I’m trying to get this card. Ok, look, the card’s not in my name. Do you hear me?” Gainey reportedly said the card was in her daughter’s name and that she was working on an “access correction” on her daughter’s account so she could send money to her girlfriend. Gainey allegedly also said that she could use the card “manually” at Hitchcock’s and could use it to order items online from Target.

The detective reported that 87 transactions were made on the card, including a payment of $2,000 to Gainey’s girlfriend’s lawyer. The charges continued through the date when the car was repossessed and then stopped.

Gainey has been charged with fraudulently using another person’s identification information, using a two-way communications device to facilitate a felony, fraudulently obtaining property under $20,000, 23 felony counts of fraudulent use of a credit card (over $100), 64 misdemeanor counts of fraudulent use of a credit card (under $100), and a misdemeanor count of obtaining property by impersonation.

Gainey also has a pending sworn complaint for allegedly stealing a generator from an address in High Springs and pawning it in Newberry in August 2023.

Gainey has two felony convictions (none violent) and four misdemeanor convictions (none violent). She is on drug probation on drug charges. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $15,000 for violating probation and $182,000 ($2,000 per count) on the new charges.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • If I may, I need to ask you Ms. Gainey,,,,
    have you really gained anything???

  • what a damn shame, robbing your daughter blind to support your drug addiction. Lock her up until she pays the restitution back!

  • I feel bad for her daughter, But on a side note she did make me almost ten thousand dollars cash one time!🔥🔥

  • Why can’t these people set an alarm and show up on time to flip burgers? Is it because nobody wants to live with them and their habits? Nobody will share living expenses with such people? Then go somewhere else. Oh wait, the public lawyers are keeping you here, for their important hearing dates, right? 🤡👹

  • Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    Obviously a bad venture on her part.

  • Selfish thief. What a terrible thing to do to your own child.

    Not only the violation and incredible inconvenience of having a paid for car repossessed (how scary must THAT have been?), but also forcing your own daughter to have to press charges for the fraud and theft.

    Did this shortcut lawlessness cause her daughter problems at work? Is she interfering with her daughter’s ability to be self-sufficient?

    Mothers should be sacrificing FOR their children – not sacrificing their children for their own selfish purposes. For shame.

  • This judge needs to be voted off or removed from the bench. He does nothing but a slap on the wrist.

  • It’s obvious that drugs are a huge factor in this crime spree. She needs to put the meth pipe down. She has probably destroyed any family ties that she may have had. The meth pipe will surely kill her in the end. I wonder if her friend girl will get charged too since they seem to have planned this out. And for the alachua county commission especially Prizzia recording inmates call help to solve crime. Case and point.

  • I love how probation is provided to people who swear they can operate like civilized human beings in society but time and time again we see people on probation get bonds for VOP charges.
    Alachua County’s court system consistently fails to protect the tax paying/law abiding citizens from victimization. The county and city commission fail to protect us as well. Our soft on crime, failed enforcement, and unlimited free resources with no oversight or auditing has created an unlivable and unsafe environment.

    We live in a place where parents aren’t held accountable and our schools are sh*t. You can’t blame the state for outsourcing funds to private school because what parents wants their kid victimized in public school when administration and educators are handicapped from enforcing and protecting them. AND THROUGH ALL THAT, we still have people arguing that our acceptance of everything and allowing kids to act how they want leads to less mental health related incidents.

    We have to get out there and vote these people out. The commissions, school board, state attorney, and the soft on crime judges.

  • From my understanding the judge is friends with her mother and this is heresy because I would never slander such an honorable judge like that. A judge who judge and police break the rules and post a bond on a violation on probation. I don’t know anybody who gets bond on a VOP. Especially such a menace to society as she is
    She gets a bond so she can go back on the streets and keep robbing more tax paying g citizens. Good job to the police for just doing what ev we t you feel like

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