Woman shot and robbed while walking her dog

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department is investigating an incident this morning in which a woman was shot and robbed while walking her dog.

The victim told responding officers that she was walking her dog at about 7:45 a.m. in the 100 block of SE 10th Avenue when she was approached by a young black male on a bicycle, wearing a mask. She said he shot her in the leg and took her fanny pack and backpack, then fled on the bicycle. The victim was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

  • Thanks city leaders! Thanks to them and their constituents’ views, most of SE Gainesville is a breeding ground for crime and filth.

    I bet the victim will disagree with a certain Jazzman’s claim that the Depot area is safe.

    Criminals don’t care what time of day it is. If it’s a choice between you and them, make sure you’re the only witness.

    • Gainesville proper in it’s entirety is becoming that breeding ground. By the looks of things, it’s spreading throughout the county too. The commonality – Democrats control both.

      Anyone catch the County Commission meeting yesterday? Although there were voices from both sides against and supportive of Israeli efforts to prevent terrorists’ acts against the state of Israel, the brainwashed and progressive idiots snapping their fingers was disturbing. They want to protest Israeli actions but don’t want to acknowledge the heinous acts that were perpetrated on the Israeli children and women on October 7.
      Those people are the future of our country? It doesn’t get much scarier than that. Didn’t take them long to forget the terrorists’ attacks on this country did it? Hell, I’d be willing to bet over 1/2 of those insisting the commission draft the resolution weren’t even born or were still suckling on their momma on 9/11.
      Maybe they should have attended school instead. They might know what a “financial obligation” is instead of thinking the government should forgive their education loans.

  • If the Democrats were truly interested in reducing gun violence, besides enforcing the law and punishment, they would help the appropriate community to train and support parents and children. Then maybe, respect and morals would be learned and practiced. Real education in school would also help people get better than entry level jobs.

    • I pay over $3,000 a year in school tax to train and educate children, but these animals aren’t interested. Time to bring back work camps and chain gangs.

  • That’s the road between WaWa and the small Coca-Cola warehouse off of E. Univ smh but hope they find the perp!

  • The unit block of SE 10th ave is by the roundabout on south main across from the wood truss company. It parallels the rails to trails. Pretty crappy area to be walking a dog, jogging, or bike riding. Lots of creeps and mindless zombies lurking around there.

    • Great Area for a new Sports Complex where everyone with any sense would leave before dark.

  • Perfect! How much did taxpayers pay for that Depot Park dog park-shooting range?

  • This message is directed solely for the Gainesville Police Department.
    I have family members that live there.
    Right around the corner from Atlas screen printing, at Southeast 3rd Street.
    So, there is an auto mechanic shop. NOT Dan Kay’s neither. Around the corner where SE 11th pl, turns into SE 3rd. Past the green house, around the corner.
    The workers at this auto mechanic shop allow broken down cars to be parked on Kirk Reeb’s, Owner of Reeb Inc property, just adjacent of Southeast 3rd Street, and outside the gate at a residential property on Southeast 3rd Street and SE 11th.
    (1100 Block)
    In fact the broken down autos block the roadway, so not even the fire department could get through there if they needed too in the event of an emergency.
    That’s not the best part, the best part is there is now a homeless guy living inside one of the broken down autos. I believe it to be a Green Chevrolet S10. When you go around the corner, you can’t miss all the junk cars on either side of the roadway.
    The automobiles, the guys who work there, and their business practices are not sound. The shenanigans that this group has brought to our small neighborhood, is just not cool.
    So here’s what you are going to do, you’re going to find this guy, and you need to find him rapidly.
    Because if any harm comes to one of my family members, as a result of these crackheads around Depot Park,
    the Southeast 4th Street area,
    The Southeast 3rd Street area, over by the OPUS coffee place, Little River Marine, Atlas Screen Printing, Gainesville Ice Company, Osteen Brothers Construction old yard,
    I’ll start smoking crack myself, so I can catch him, and deal with it myself.
    So, GPD, investigate the auto mechanic shop at Southeast 3rd Street and Southeast 11th place inside the fence next to the green house.
    Get to the bottom of this, and ensure civilian safety…..

    • It’s not close enough to one of the commissioner’s or their families so it’s of no concern. Even if they try to do something, the liberals will have a protest in front of City Hall or the police station demanding the officer be fired.

    • Police can deal with the crackheads. However city code enforcement is who would be better suited to deal with the majority of your complaints.

  • Another usual suspect doing what they do best. People need to defend themselves accordingly. We need to cull the herd of criminals.

    • BK, it is not the police at fault. It is lack of support from the Democrat politicians. It is lack of prosecutions by the Democrat State Attorney. It is slaps on the wrist by the Judges. No consequences mean continuing and increasing violence.

      • Did not say police, I said Police Leadership. Record low numbers of officers on Patrol. Officers leaving in droves.

  • Well they need to quit feeling sorry for all the homeless crackheads, and realize what’s happening to our community as a result of feeling sorry for all these people.
    This is not inclusive. This is not all loving or let’s all try too care kind of type crap. This is drug addicts running around town with handguns in their pockets doing what they want.
    And then see, it puts us in a weird spot, because if you’re a white person with a gun defending yourself to a black drug addict who’s got a gun drawing on you, and you take action with your gun, now you’re going to prison for murder when you are simply trying to defend yourself.

  • I try to steer away from these kind of conversations but this one hits too close to home.
    I have always maintained that you get what you pay for and it’s the number one rule in business. So if you’re born in the ghetto, and you collect food stamps, and discounted government housing, and all your neighbors and everybody around you collected government checks and food stamps, and then you grow up and get a handgun in your hand, now you’re getting exactly what the food stamp program and the state has paid for.
    It’s a theory of mine that just happens to fit the facts.

  • Unfortunately the young woman who was shot likely voted for the same policies that allowed her perpetrator to exist in the first place. Any woman ignorant enough to walk alone, much less unarmed, through East Gainesville is nearly undoubtedly a Democrat voter.

  • Lonnie don’t give a damn. Complete waste of a police chief position at an agency that’s been trending down since hug a thug Jones was running the show

  • The wacko-Saco liberal dem commie Marxist fascist bright side is: the criminal is a superhero because he wore a face mask while committing the crime to prevent the victim from contracting covid. Desantis needs to mandate that Any crimes committed by a criminal while wearing a face mask is a mandatory 5 year prison sentence. Case closed.


  • Typical comments blaming all the boogey men for an incident with little details so far. Not mentioned is why it is so easy in America for stupid punks who still ride bicycles to have hand guns. This does not happen in other developed countries and their citizens do not live in constant fear of gun violence. Talk to some Europeans about it. They can’t believe our idiocy on this issue.

    As to Depot Park, this area, like many in Gainesville, is safe in daylight and on busy weekend nights, and that’s why the park is a very popular spot for families with kids who come from all over, and neighboring restaurants, draft house – that’s where the incident occurred – and music venues are popular at nights. In America – and Gainesville – you can get shot downtown or in the parking lot at the mall and it’s not because of failure of the police or courts – we can’t afford the jails and you don’t want to pay more taxes, and the courts are overrun. We can slow it down by causing the kind of handgun this pathetic idiot was carrying to become less common and more expensive. Until then, cower at home or live your life with eyes wide open.

    • And/Or have your own firearm locked and loaded.
      Don’t forget to practice as well.

    • ‘Easy’ to get a gun? Sure. Just steal one. The genie is out of the bottle. The only way to solve the gun violence is to put these criminals in prison or in the ground.

    • But yet any time these European countries get in trouble with the boogie man who are they going to call to save them. The gun loving USA. But maybe you have a point. Some of the European countries have quick harsh punishment on crime which some of our bleeding heart judges can learn from. Maybe upon conviction if murder we can find a tall oak and give instant justice a try. It would save a lot of tax money on prisoners care for life crimes. What a deterrent to robbing and shooting people. But then again maybe if you love European ways so much you can just move there.

  • The primary problem is not the presence of guns. It’s the absence of fathers and consequences.

    If she had been armed, the field would have been somewhat leveled. Even if neither had access to a gun, a young man is likely to be able to overpower a young woman. Guns are potential equalizers for women. To disarm us is to leave us at the mercy of those who are stronger and faster.

    • I agree. Purchase a firearm, get trained, continue to train, and do not hesitate. It is pure good fortune that she is not dead. Any gunshot wound is a serious one.

  • On armed citizens, if the accuracy of trained police is not very high compared to what the movies show, how are citizens going to do better?

    “Considering the importance of firearm proficiency and accuracy, the poor marksmanship of police officers has led to officers missing their target when engaging an armed suspect [9] and has led to bystander fatalities [10]. In a study of the Dallas Police Department of officer-involved shootings from 2003 to 2017, 54% of firearm discharge events resulted in a hit [8]. Furthermore, when considering total rounds fired, hit rate dropped to 35%, with 231 rounds missing the intended target [8]. These findings are supported by reporting on the Metropolitan Police Department in Las Vegas, which identified a hit rate accuracy ranging from 23% to 52% over the period of 2008–2015 [11,12]. Statistics from the New York Police Department show that the average hit rate was 30% in situations where gunfire was not returned and 18% for officers involved in a gunfight [13]…”


    • On the statement of shooting scores. There is a huge difference when a police officer is shooting at a piece of paper versus a target shooting back. Most people with combat practice learn to point shoot due to split second decisions. I guess what you say would hold true for the military too. There are all kinds of studies showing the pros and cons of armed citizens. Most of the shootings occurring in this area are not armed citizens shooting criminals. Its thugs shooting thugs. Sooner or later these thugs will point at the right armed citizen.

  • Tiny pink haired progressive girls with fine line tattoos in the downtown area are not going to arm themselves. Just not gonna happen.

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