
Writing to heal: Survivors of sexual violence support group

Press release from Alachua County

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – Alachua County Victim Services and Rape Crisis Center is offering an eight-week, in-person writing-based support group. This group is open to women and nonbinary survivors of sexual violence.  

The group begins February 2025 and will meet in person on Monday afternoons from 3:30 to 5 p.m. The group is free of charge, all skill levels are welcome, and all necessary supplies will be provided. The meeting location will be disclosed to participants.

“Writing is a healing process, and we encourage participants to write in whatever form they find most healing, whether that be journaling, songwriting, poetry, or anything beyond,” said Kylee Field, a victim advocate counselor. “Prompts will be provided each week to allow survivors the opportunity to explore their journey of healing in a way that feels safe and authentic to them.”

To participate in the support group, call or text Kylee Field at 352-681-2428.

  • How can Alachua county provide such an all-taxpayer-funded service that is *only* open to women (which the latest-apponted supreme court justice can’t define) and “nonbinary survivors,” while it is well recognized (e.g. https://malesurvivor.org/) that there are plenty of male victims of sexual violence? Where is the ACLU when it is needed?

    • Sorry, but Alachua county is not an equal-opportunity victimization support provider.

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