Alachua County Supervisor of Elections responds to questions regarding McGraw’s residency


In response to a question about School Board Member Diyonne McGraw’s election to the District 2 seat while residing in District 4, we received this statement from the Alachua County Supervisor of Elections:

The Alachua County Supervisor of Elections is aware of claims that a 2020 candidate for the Alachua County School Board does not reside in the School Board district to which she was elected in August 2020.

The address on the candidate’s Candidate Oath is located within District 4 of the Alachua County School Board.  The candidate qualified and was elected to serve in District 2.

While it is the candidate’s responsibility to understand qualifying requirements, our office does provide guidance to all candidates.

Although the Supervisor of Elections Office does not have investigative authority, it will work with the proper authorities or investigative bodies to share information as it is requested and needed.

  • How does one “qualify” if they’re not “qualified”?

    Maybe we can talk Poe into running for Putin’s job since he’s definitely “qualified.”

  • Does this mean McGraw can be arrested and removed
    From the board? This is basic stuff…she knew or should’ve known that she didn’t live in the district.

  • What does that even mean?? A circular answer for a straightforward issue.

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