Ed Bielarski resigns from GRU Authority, begins work as GRU CEO/GM

From Ed Bielarski’s 2022 campaign for Gainesville Mayor


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Less than a month after Governor Ron DeSantis appointed him to the GRU Authority, Ed Bielarski has officially resigned from the board and started work today as the Interim CEO of Gainesville Regional Utilities.

At last night’s GRU Authority meeting, the board voted 4-1 (with Eric Lawson in dissent) to approve a motion from Director Craig Carter to fire CEO/GM Tony Cunningham. Bielarski then abstained from a 4-0 vote to approve a motion from Carter that asked him to resign from the board and become Interim CEO/GM. Bielarski indicated that he would resign after the meeting and chaired the rest of the meeting.

Last night, Bielarski gave GRU Authority Clerk Christine Kunkel a handwritten note that simply said, “Effective with the end of the June 12th, 2024 meeting, I resign my position as chair and member of the GRU Authority.” Kunkel transmitted the resignation to Governor DeSantis at 12:54 p.m. today.

Bielarski was hired as the General Manager of GRU in 2015, and he was fired on January 27, 2022, at a Gainesville City Commission General Policy Committee meeting; Bielarski’s contract was not on the agenda, but now-Mayor Harvey Ward (who was then a Commissioner) asked to move member comment to the top of the agenda and made a motion to terminate Bielarski’s contract immediately.

In his motion to fire Bielarski, Ward cited a failure on “three big ventures” – a proposed partnership with FPL, a solar project that stalled due to protests from residents in the area, and UF’s Central Energy Project. In a Facebook post last night, Bielarski stated that he “had to end [negotiations with FPL] because the city wouldn’t reduce the GFT to fund the needed costs,” the contract for the solar project has “since fallen through and both parties are on pause,” and UF’s Central Energy Project “process fell apart and no one was chosen.”

Ward concluded his motion to fire Bielarski by saying, “It is completely acceptable to swing big, and I encourage it. But if we swing and miss, we can’t pretend we were never up to bat and quietly move on to the next game… I don’t expect the trend is going to turn around… Missing the [100% renewable energy by 2045] goal is unacceptable… Now is the time to build an operation where both sides of the house are working in the same direction, rather than competing for resources.”

The vote to terminate Bielarski was 4-2, with Commissioner Desmon Duncan-Walker and former Commissioner David Arreola in dissent. The seventh seat was vacant at the time due to Gail Johnson’s resignation in August 2021.

Bielarski started work today as Interim CEO of GRU and told Alachua Chronicle, “I am humbled by the opportunity to continue the mission I started in 2015.”

  • From Ward’s baseball analogy comment it is appears he never played baseball. A batting average of 300 is good and 400 is great. It appears the real issue might have been Ward’s fixation on 100% renewable by 2045 which with current technology is not possible. Mayor Ward has no experience in running a business much less a large utility company.

    • Also Ward and some of the others having been swinging their bats too and MISSING REALY BIG on a lot (Gun Violence Summit, losing lawsuits, RTS issues). Using his terminology “missing” and pretending it didn’t happen or moving on can’t go unnoticed. Fatboy needs to use his own words/wisdom and resign.

      • Above in response to Sunny:

        “Mayor Ward has no experience in running a business much less a large utility company.”

        • Jazz , you OK buddy? You gotta be having a spazz over the recent well needed events. It will get better for the Ratepayers and the City of Gainesville? Let them eat cake!

        • I thought you were going to ignore me. Can’t help yourself? That’s ok. I will not ignore you either.

        • Jizzler you are right I have no experience running a business, but i have a lot of experience RUINING a city.

      • The governor has been running the state of Florida for years. That turd ward has never done anything other the vote to piss away other peoples income! Typical of leftists!

    • Ward, Poe, fake minority Hayes just repeat the radical liberal diatribe about being “renewable”, non/ fossil fuel and other garbage having little to no idea what that would really take. They covered up the GREC fiasco and worst rip-off contract ever signed in N. FL by repeating “renewable, renewable,…” over and over. Fact is the carbon from each tree is all released in seconds instead of slowly over 125 years. Multiply that by 10,000 trees a DAY! Idiots! Even Obama’s plan threw out biomass. NOBODY build biomass today!!! This doesn’t even include all the fossil fuels to take the trees down, knock limbs off and haul 150 truck loads a day to the incinerator! All caused by Queen Pegeene and Poe, then licked up by Ward, Hayes, others.

      • Let’s not forget the conniption fit a county commissioner had at just the mere mention of cutting down a tree that had a greater circumference than he is tall.

      • Jeff, 99% of us are not environmental scientists and rely on those who are – and other scientists for the facts on these type matters. On the macro level, every association of scientists in the world, including national academies, the Association for the Advancement, and all the specific disciples related to the physical world endorse the conclusion that the earth is warming rather quickly and that it is primarily due to human activities. Only one association had opposed this idea – petroleum scientists – and they have dropped their opposition.


        So, whatever reasonable part we can do locally – unless you like the idea of a climate crisis or action only by big government – we should try to do.

        Biomass energy is still controversial but not dismissed as you allege. The factors you mention – trucks, etc. – are of course included in analysis of the net results by those serious about the issue, but the CO2 and methane released from burning tree waste in the field or even leaving it to rot is greater than that released at plants like GRs.

        As to Pegeen, thanks to the link below, here she is discussing the issue minus the typical conspiracy BS accompanying this video:


        While we are at it, no matter what you think of biomass – and disagreement is valid if we are not spewing know-nothing BS – Pegeen is almost singularly responsible for the vision and implementation of Depot Park, the wildly successful park which has renewed South Main for businesses and residents and is now a center of social activity.

        • So we can give her credit for 2 things, Depot Park and the absurd amount of debt GRU has.
          The lights aren’t synchronized… don’t fret, Poe failed on his promise as well.
          BioMess isn’t sustaining forestry or employment in our area or any other area. In case you didn’t see it, one particular stature challenged commissioner just became incensed when it was discovered trees not meeting specified measurements were cut down.
          The video just reminded me how big of a knucklehead she was.
          It’s been a number of years since GRU has offered incentives, the kind Duke & FL Power do for smart thermostats and such. Wonder why?

        • Too bad for Gainesville that she didn’t stick with just the environmental park; it was the one and only thing she knew anything about.

          But how many HUNDRED MILLION is an eco park worth?

          The biomass plant is a multi-generational financial disaster of independent of the questionable credibility as green virtue signaling tool.

          Solar feed in tariff is another 20 year financial mess that benefits politically connected locals or well heeled investors to the detriment of other GRU rate payers.

          If she had not been elected, its safe to say there would be no need for a GRU Authority, no declining bond rating, no sky high commercial rates, etc., etc.

        • Make sure you wear a bullet proof vest and body armor. Leave before sunset . Carry no Cash .

    • When Big Daddy Eddy B fixes GRU I will right there to take all the credit

  • It is important to understand that Ed is in a very different position than what he occupied previously. Sec. 3.06 of the City Charter is gone. The Authority is supposed to micromanage Bielarski who is now HR and liquidity facilities only. I have little doubt that much more will be brought to the Authority. The chaos and confusion caused by the private nuisance suits will hopefully subside soon. Carter has cracked and is unlikely to continue to thwart HB 1645 with Larson. His term, if he finishes it, is up 10/1/24.

  • By Ward’s own admission back then, Ed was fired for not doing exactly what the city wanted damn the consequences. Well the state stepping in to replace city mgmt was just 1 of those consequences. The idiot ideas, and WANTS of the commission on the backs of the people to the tune of billions in debt while ignoring GM’s, auditors and anyone else with actual knowledge of the utility and reality, in favor of politics, virtue signaling and special organizations caused all the issues. The city can blame Ed, GRU the governor, Clemons and everyone else, that doesn’t make it true. As Eastman recently said “As a leader the buck stops with you”….They were the leaders and they lead the utility straight into the ground and people that vote need to start paying attention and stop checking the little blue box out of habit and advice of some of the same groups/activists the city tries to please on our backs.(doesn’t mean u can’t ever vote blue, it means pay attention for yourself) You can just about count on it at this point, if they were endorsed by one of those groups it is going to cost a lot of money to the taxpayer we need things better balanced in local government

  • He’s got a 2nd chance. Hopefully he’ll make best use of it and Ward will stop blocking home plate. If not, maybe DeSantis can bat .500 or .600.
    Good luck Mr. Bielarski, you’ll need it.

  • Bielarsky is a Democrat, you would think Gainesville would support him. I don’t support 99% of democrats because they support crazy crap and support criminals. But Bielarsky is the 1% that I support.

    • Yeah, we need those law and order Republicans like our former president, the Republican “tourists” who toured Congress on Jan 6, and our Governor who said Trump could hide out in Florida.

      • Trump “hiding out” in Florida is much better than the homeless criminals “hiding out” at Grace and other parts of Gainesville.
        Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

      • Yes, we do . We need Trump to turn this country around to be prosperous again. Thanks for recognizing that. I am curious to know how they will treat these Democrat protesters that are taking over public and private buildings across this land in the name of hamas terrorists. And before you say Gaza I will point out If they were for Gaza they would not be waving Hamas flags and chanting terrorist slogans. They would not be calling Uncle Dementia – Genocide Joe. How’s that for the Democrats imploding in their own party. I dont see Trump hiding out in Florida all that much. He is going to both blue and red states winning over the masses by storm. No one is accusing him of genocide. The Jan 6 conspiracy is old news and everyday new evidence arrives that it was rigged by democrars. Good ole Gusher Pelosi was just found on tape from her own family that she takes responsibility for the national guard screw up. Just saying

        My next question to you is out of curiosity? You say you build homes I am curious what you are doing to have our climate. Are your work vehicles electric? Are you using alternative materials instead of wood to protect the trees? Are you using shingles that will not lay in a landfill for years to come when replaced. What are you doing with excess concrete or concrete waste? I am not accusing you of anything in your profession. There are a lot of builders that preach climate change and protection but turn around and do something else.

  • Dear Ward,
    100% renewable energy is a wonderful goal.
    But when it arrives, it will be because of advancements in technology, not because of legislation.

  • Here’s to hoping Ed Bielarski gets fired again soon. Hopefully the charter change passes, restoring control of GRU to the rightful owners – The City of Gainesville. Once that happens, the city can reject Ed for the 3rd time – fired, lost election, and fired again.

    • Here’s to hoping the city commission never gets their grubby little paws on the GRU piggy-bank that they’ve grossly misused for their pet projects. Here’s to hoping that the governor has had enough with them and their antics to dissolve them once and for all. Here’s to hoping Ed stabilizes the utility, restoring the citizens confidence and the employees morale. A tall order indeed.

      • Do you also hope that you never get your “grubby little hands” on stuff that you own? GRU is OWNED by the City of Gainesville. The city owns both the profits and the losses. The city took the risk of starting the utility.

    • The only people likely to vote in favor of the charter change are those who have plenty of money, the lazy who want the government to give them money, and the ignorant who don’t know any better.
      Almost forgot, the ones who’ve been so thoroughly indoctrinated with the Democrat BS they’ll vote for anything they’re told to.

      • Also by people who believe that the owners of a utility should be in charge of running it. Clearly you don’t believe in this fundamental principle of capitalism.

        • Nice that you stepped up. May not know who you are, not important, but you can lay down every night and wake every morning knowing you’re an idiot…or just happy with what Ward’s feeding you.

    • Well from here I’d said it actually looks likes Bielarski, GRU customers, and the people of Gainesville are the ones who are winning–not to mention Governor Ron DeSantis, who blew out liberals by an absolute landslide in the last election (biggest margin in 40 years, I mean what an absolute embarrassment for Democrats!).

      The only losers are the Gainesville City Commission and their circle of bootlickers. Really, it’s just yet another predictable win for DeSantis, who has outsmarted and absolutely spanked the corrupt Gainesville City Commission over and over again.

      Explain again why you love high utility bills and uncontrolled, irresponsible government spending–we all need a good laugh. In the mean time, I hope Bielarksi continues to live rent-free in your head, tormenting your every waking moment. Happy Friday!

      • I believe that the owners of a utility should be allowed to run it. Explain why you don’t. If you don’t like the way they administer it, the appropriate response is to elect others to administer it – not to steal it. Tell me again why you prefer theft?

        • Theft is the leftsing scum bankrupting the utility and forcing rate payers to pay more for the stupidity of the scum bankrupting it!

    • Your Failed regime is Fired, Done-Done, By The Governor .
      I guess there are still sheeples out their with a bunt out brain and no shame .Now where is the $68 million dollars you owe GRU Ratepayers . ETF transfer only, I don’t trust your entities check. Enjoy your tax increase, it’s only gong to get bigger and better!!

      • Don’t owe the thieves anything. The City owns the utility. They should be able to run it.

        • Except they’ve demonstrated incompetence at every turn with it. At the cost of citizens footing the bills for their malfeasance.

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