
Gainesville City Commission unanimously adopts 29% property tax increase over rolled-back rate, cuts only $327,372 from previous year’s budget

The Gainesville City Commission discusses their FY24 budget at the July 20 meeting


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At today’s Gainesville City Commission meeting, the commission unanimously adopted a property tax rate that is 16.9% higher than the previous rate and 29.2% higher than the rolled-back rate. Despite previously calling a reduction in the General Fund Transfer “a $19 million cut to our government,” the proposed FY24 budget is only $327,372 less than the FY23 budget.

Today’s vote sets the maximum property tax rate

The vote today sets the maximum property tax rate for FY24; the commission could reduce it (but not increase it) between now and the end of September. A budget workshop is scheduled for August 21, and budget adoption public hearings will be held on September 7 and September 21.

Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget Steve Varvel told the commission that the budget is currently balanced, with major revenue increases coming from property taxes and increased fire assessment fees and major revenue decreases from the reduction in the Government Service Contribution (general fund transfer from GRU to General Government). The increases in property taxes and the fire assessment fee will make up all but $1.2 million of the reduction in the transfer from GRU.

On the spending side, almost all of the increases (a total of $9.9 million) went to Gainesville Fire Rescue and Gainesville Police Department. Cuts in other departments countered those increases.

75 positions cut, 27 of which are filled

Varvel later said that the City is actually cutting 75 positions (not the 72.2 on the chart), 27 of which are currently filled. He also said that the increase in Housing & Community Development is not new but just a transfer of funds from the City Manager’s budget to a different cost center.

Mayor Harvey Ward emphasized that 75 positions “is not trivial,” although only 27 of them are currently filled: “So this is not a painless process that we’ve been going through for the last several months to get us to this point to say, okay, it’s time to look at revenue sources. We’ve cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, and now it’s time to look at the revenue side of things.”

Commissioner Ed Book pointed out that they had “funded community organizations that previously were on the chopping block… And then most impressive to me is that this is while also increasing fire and police… When you talk about people and services and programs and vacancies, it’s an awful exercise from a City perspective.”

Proposed tax rate is 29.2% higher than the rolled-back rate

Varvel walked through the Truth in Millage calculations and said the rolled-back rate, which is the tax rate that would raise the same amount of revenue based only on valuation increases in the same properties that were on the tax rolls last year, would be 4.9764 mills; the tax rate that will be advertised is 6.4297 mills, 29.2% higher than the rolled-back rate. The Alachua County Commission recently set their maximum property tax rate at 7.5% over the rolled-back rate.

A hand-out showed the estimated increases in property tax payments for various home values and homestead status. For a $300,000 home with a homestead exemption, the increase will be $232.43 per year, or $19.37 per month.

Ward reminded the public that taxable values are different from the market value shown in Zillow; they are subject to Save Our Homes limitations and can be found on the Alachua County Property Appraiser’s website.

“I want to remind everyone why we’re here today”

Commissioner Bryan Eastman said, “This is gonna hurt because our property insurance is going up… GRU rates ain’t coming down any time soon, internet bills are some of the highest in the state. And I want to remind everyone why we’re here today. It was because of that $19 million that we have now cut… that our Mayor and City Manager and GRU General Manager were brought before the legislature, and they said you need to raise taxes–very explicitly, you need to raise taxes–and you need to cut money from Gainesville Regional Utilities.

“Well, [what] we didn’t know then, but we now know, was that they were soon going to be taking that utility from the people of the city of Gainesville and holding it for themselves. And we’re now in a position where we have cut a lot. We’ve cut 75 positions from our budget, with 27 filled. And we’re essentially subsidizing the Gainesville Regional Utilities Authority, as well as the high bills that we’re paying to the Gainesville Regional Utilities Authority.”

Eastman said a consultant estimated in 2021 that GRU would pay about $26 million in property taxes and franchise fees if it were a private business, about $11 million more than the Government Services Contribution GRU is set to pay to General Government next year.

Eastman added, “And it is my hope that when this new Authority comes in, they will say that they want to pay their fair share in taxes to the City of Gainesville. And if they do that, I would really like to be back here next year and dropping this tax bill right back down to the 5.5 mills where we’re at today. I don’t know if they’re going to do that. I am skeptical that they will do that. But I think that would be a good showing.” He encouraged residents to ask the Authority to pay “what their fair share of taxes are so that we are no longer subsidizing them.”

Eastman said he wanted “to be a part of the solution [for rising prices and rents]. And today I feel like my hand is being forced into not being part of that solution.” He said he hoped they could reduce the property tax rates next year, “but it’s not up to us. It’s up to whoever Ron DeSantis appoints to this new Gainesville Regional Utilities Authority.”

“We have pivoted from thinking about our biggest, greatest, grandest dreams in Gainesville to what we have to do to survive”

Commissioner Casey Willits wanted people to think about the “human beings that will be losing their jobs on October 1… Those employees have families and car payments and mortgages and cheerleading camp payments due… In these five months, we have pivoted from thinking about our biggest, greatest, grandest dreams in Gainesville to what we have to do to survive, yet still provide the services that people expect and to stay true to our values and stay true to our neighbors and do right by them.” He added that people who live in apartments will be hit harder by the property tax increases because those properties don’t have homestead exemptions or Save Our Homes protection.

Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut made a motion to set the millage rate for FY24 at 6.4297 mills, and Eastman seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous, with Commissioner Reina Saco absent (she missed the full day).

Following the vote, Ward thanked the City Manager and City staff for their work on the budget.

  • Hope all you liberal idiots are happy…yes, idiots. You voted for these people, you enabled them and now they’re raping everyone. Some of you like things shoved up your arses but not me.

    They just voted to increase the burdens and homelessness in Gainesville. You democrats really are as ignorant as a bunch of rocks.

    Hope you like what you’ve done to the place.

    • Voting for conservative fascist idiots would have been a lot worse. They would have burned the place to the ground

      • First rock steps up.

        🤔 Which group burnt cities when things didn’t go their way? You’re really not the brightest flame are you?

        • Fascist Republicans tried to on January 6, 2021to the nation’s capitol. You’re really gullible are you?

          • I didn’t see any fires. Take off your glasses.

          • January 6 was a picnic compared to the leftist riots that have been going on for the past decade. (((rolls eyes)))

          • 14 days of unrest, 19 killed during the 2020 riots. Billions in damages to private and public property! You left wing parasites own burning public property to the ground!

          • Just like money, it’s always easier when it belongs to someone else.

      • The cancerous left wing never get enough of other peoples money! The poor will be hit the hardest by this stupidity! You know, the folks lying left wing always claim to care the most about… at least every 2 & 4 years!

    • Let’s see if the “lives that are supposed to matter” are finally willing to do what it takes or if they’ll just keep saying, “yes massa.”
      After all, they are the ones who are still bound to the city commission’s chains. Chestnut must be so proud.

        • What they feedin’ you for breakfast? Ward’s waffles, Eastman’s eggs and Chestnut coffee?
          They sloppin’ it in the trough like they do for the rest of the commoners or lettin’ yous catch what falls off the table?

  • What happened to the “zero based budget” we were promised from the city manager?

    • That might be Vision Zero… which by the end of the first week in January each year is already out the window.

      • Hope so! Inflation – a worldwide event which followed the pandemic due to low employment and disrupted supply chains – is down to 3% in the US and we are doing better on that than most European countries, employment is at record highs, manufacturing is up 3.5% above the last quarter of 2019, the last pre-pandemic period, and the chances of a recession this year or next are down to 20% (Goldman Sachs) or 33% (Zandi).

        Of course Republicans are selling doom and gloom nationally and in Gainesville.

        • Did you miss the headline Jizzman? Wipe your eyes.

          Gainesville City Commission unanimously adopts 29% property tax increase over rolled-back rate, cuts only $327,372 from previous year’s budget.

          That’s a lot of gloom on the horizon for many and doom for most least able to afford it.

        • Jizzman, try and keep selling what you are shoveling. In the end it still smells like crap

  • Interesting that Casey is talking about those losing their jobs, when new jobs also were created. I am not saying there will not be any that will not lose their jobs, but fewer than he makes it sound. Secondly hmmm while recovering from homelessness initially, cars in this town are not a necessity, nor is cheerleading camp. They expect us to live with the bare minimum their employees that are losing their jobs can thank them for screwing up so very bad, as well as the commissions before them. With that being said there are many jobs out there that would love to take them I am sure. Hell maybe a Job with the state would suit them just fine!
    City commission always blaming anyone or anything but themselves and priors. God help them when they screw up so bad that the city becomes one with the county. I can see that happening within 10 years if they don’t change their game and quick.

    • Who in the County would ever vote to be drug down by Gainesville and its mindless economics. They are just plain dumb and clueless when it comes to money matters. The County is not far behind them.

  • Typical (Socialist) Democrat Eastman, placing the blame on someone else but himself and his City Council/Mayor Comrades for their current financial problems: “It was because of that $19 million that we have now cut… that our Mayor and City Manager and GRU General Manager were brought before the legislature, and they said you need to raise taxes–very explicitly, you need to raise taxes–and you need to cut money from Gainesville Regional Utilities.” Lying piece of cow dung!

    In the end, the CC and Mayor have made NO cuts to their spending spree capability! Just gonna take more money from the working slugs of Gainesville!

    Too bad we can’t ship the past 3 versions of the CC/Mayor, along with the past 3 versions of the idiots on the AC BOCC, off to China or Russia! Socialist tree hugging losers all of them!

    • Well, if you watched the hearing the legislative panel DID say property taxes should be raised (sic)

  • These quotes by the commissioners would be funny except that they believe what they are saying.

  • Following the DNC playbook on ruining Dem-run cities. The next step after years of 3% springtime election representation.

    • Dem run cities to be owned by foreign countries sold out by our dem politicians taking properties that the city will then own and trade (or taken) away to said countries by their handlers .FEMA to facilitate transitions (see FEMA’S powers to seize properties and businesses. See army maintenance facility and other airports and government owned properties transforming NOW

  • First, allowing students to vote that will never suffer the consequences of what they help become elected. They should take an absentee ballot from where they arrive. That is a vast often far-left block of votes.
    The State had to take over the GRU piggy bank for every far-reaching sanctuary city mess. So now they just hose the very voters with more taxes that actually live here now and in the future. This city is sinking deeper and will never recover. This just keeps a taxing and spending mentality that cannot continue without some immediate changes.

    • Sigh. This alleged student voting in Gainesville has long been disproved.

      • not really when you look at precinct percentages for some votes, and end up with a high percentage at Reitz Union.

    • So what should the answer be for losing 19 mill. in revenue? How else do you make it up? The only way the city makes money is in taxes, fines & fees. Lets stop talking about parties and find a real solution! We should ALL stop being babies. There’s nothing that can be changed about the past we can only make better decisions from this point on! All I see are people whining and complaining about Dems. & Rep. none of which makes it better. Lets stop with the name calling and find solutions!

      • The logical, intelligent thing to do is cut spending but these leaders have clearly proven they aren’t capable nor do they want to.
        When inflation went through the roof my household cut back. What’s their problem? It’s always easier spending someone else’s money.

        • The real problem is those idiots find it just as easy to take it as it is to spend it.
          No wonder they want to deflect current crimes being committed to being a gun crisis. Democrats being who they are, it’s no wonder they choose to ignore it.

      • Cut out all of the useless departments. They could save a lot more than $19 million if they even tried. You sound like you have an elementary school mentality, like Poe.

      • Ok Chris, quick quiz… how much did the city of Gainesville spend on the new showers at Grace Mkt Place?

      • You make it up buy cutting the budget doing away with the extra thrills that’s not needed market place owning a Goff course city commission cutting their pay looking at the over staff city government paying a clerk 3 times the amount that a equal city pays theirs the department heads that are nonessential like dipshit ward said then lied about start at a zero budget and build from there

  • Good luck Gainesville. This is what happens when you have low voter turnout.

  • I am shocked no one saw this coming did anyone believe that they would truly start at a zero base budget. Just wait until their is zero dollars coming from GRU they will start charging fees for the privilege of living in wokeville I would like to feel sorry for the property owners in the city but i can’t they voted these idiots into office now pay for their left wing ideology or vote in common sense people I am sure there is a few democrats in Gainesville right now that are thinking this might not be what i want to pay for.

    • They already do. Try parking down town. That’s just one small example. But if you work there…you often have to pay to park.

  • Time to look at ways to de-annex from Gville! These bozos just don’t get it. Hoping the state moves in and removes them all. Instead of tightening their belts, they went and bought elastic pants!

  • So the idiots on the Commission think a city department should pay city taxes? Really? They were also told by the state to control their outrageous budget (cut it by 10%). See how successful that was. All of the supposed budget “savings” are for not filling empty jobs in the still overstaffed city operations.

    • I think all homeowners that this effects, should not pay their taxes for the next few years until the commissioners learn some common sense. That or JLAC may just keep their other promise of removing these commissioners from their positions. That was also a direct from the JLAC committee if they didn’t make bold changes.

  • First thing that should be cut is commissioners paycheck and 2 positions. Where is Hanrahan and Poe? They should held accountable for this crime. I agree students should vote at their home and raise their Daddys taxes. See how fast he cuts up their credit card. Duckpond should vote from their home planet. Need strong turnout to vote out all these Bums. Lets get back to basic services. Police, fire and roads.

  • The key takeaway from this is plain, simple and shines the true light on their fiscal incompetence…”the proposed FY24 budget is only $327,372 less than the FY23 budget.”

    Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget Steve Varvel told the commission that the budget is currently balanced. If so, why the dramatic increase in taxes? They need to keep filling their pockets?

    Eastman added, “And it is my hope that when this new Authority comes in, they will say that they want to pay their fair share in taxes to the City of Gainesville. And if they do that, I would really like to be back here next year and dropping this tax bill right back down to the 5.5 mills where we’re at today. If anyone believes that flat out lie I’ve got oceanfront property for you in Iowa. Once you’ve gotten used to suckling on a teat, it’s not easy to wean yourself. He should ask Ward how well that’s going for him.

    Eastman also mentioned, “This is gonna hurt because our property insurance is going up… GRU rates ain’t coming down any time soon, internet bills are some of the highest in the state. Hey genius, that didn’t start this year.

    Appears just because you change the cover, a liberal Book is still a liberal Book. He fell in lockstep with the others.

    Ward made mention of the job cuts. There are 7 jobs that need to be cut from the budget. Seven individuals who should have no place in any level of government, let alone a position which has the responsibility of making sound, common sense fiscal decisions. None of these are capable of filling that role.

  • Makes a person think about not living within the city limits. You know this tax is going to be passed on to renters.

  • As planned by local traitors Clemons and Perry, knee capping the city of Gainesville by taking away use of it’s profits from it’s totally owned utility is robbery with intent to bankrupt, and win what they never would from voters. Public utilities as a rule use profits as they wish – see JEA, the 8th largest in the country – and as they should. Don’t like how they spend it? Win an election in the city for a change, or have a fascist governor of your own party willing to do another hostile takeover of city he could get elected dog catcher in. neither could Clemons or Perry, the latter having illegally collected $100k in dark money from FPL for his 2018 election campaign. Both of these idiots shave off enough of Alachua County voters and add voters from Gilchrist and Bradford county to stay in office. Everybody here hates their guts, and with reason.

    • DeSantis does not need to get elected in your left wing schiffhole. He is the governor, which he won by the latest percentage in 40 years! Your schiffhole is obviously in the state that he governs!
      There is a reason we have the same amount of distain for the left athat you and yours have for the right! There is NO PROFIT when the utility is over a billion dollars in debt! I know, math is racist!

      • Obviously you think all Florida counties and cities should be run from Tallahassee, that is as long as the GOP is winning. You’ll regret your primitive tribal impulses eventually.

        • Azzman ,Gainesville’s Clueless Leaders are the only ones deranged enough to earn the right to be fired. No one else has stolen from their utility and citizens . That is a fact ,not debatable. The math is in writing. When the JLAC sees that they have only reduced their total budget by $350,000.00 they will most likely ascertain they are still not serious and don’t need the partial kickback of $15 Million and that will be gone and used to lower debt and rates for GRU and it’s customers. As far as the mistruths an lala land comments from Eastman and Willits, good grief and good luck with the next ruling and mandates the State hands them. They haven’t earned their salary but they damn sure will have earned an education in Math 101 and honesty in the next couple of years. The bad news is Gainesville will pay for this for decades. Oh Well.

          • Captain, the commissioners have not stolen anything from anyone, so cut that crap. The city, as the owner of GRU, has the right to use it’s funds as they see fit as long as otherwise legal. JEA does the same thing and is the 8th largest utility in the country.

            If Gainesville “will pay for this for decades”, then citizens will bear the responsibility for the actions of those they elected and in some cases reelected. That’s how it’s supposed to work, though you and most here – while claiming to be conservatives – prefer dictators and boards unanswerable to the citizens who own GRU.

          • What do you call taking 68 million more than it took in the last 4 years if you think a business can survive that way your dumber than I thought

          • Let’s see where the investigation results come in. The foxes guarding the GRU Henhouse activities, agenda’s and most of all Transfer Moneys over the past six years. No other utility in the state has been raided and abused like Gainesville Commissioners , Mayors ,and staff have GRU and GRU ratepayers. Not sure what it will take for you to see that , but stay tuned.

          • As noted numerous times, GRU’s credit rating was higher than FPL’s – that’s Perry’s sugar Daddy – at least until Clemons started yelling “fire”.

        • No, I will not, left wing degenerates already ruin the area that I live in. Having the same caliber idiot in Tallahassee wouldn’t hold alachua county degenerates accountable! God willing the states population will not kill so many brain cells that the majority would decide to vote for the kind of authoritarian wanna be scum that ruins Alachua County and Gainesville! You remember, the stay home, be a 0 signs!
          Will never comply with those orders!

    • Again?! Your leaders couldn’t get elected in other places either.

      Sooey! Sooey! I hear it’s feeding time.

    • Jazz,

      Words mean something.

      I am someone who has lost family to real life traitors and suffered greatly under a true fascist (Hitler) the memory is still extraordinarily strong, bitter, and painful.

      Hell, I still have family who remember when the Germans came in the night.

      I get it. You do not like some political figures. However, may I suggest that you find another series of words that does not diminish the memory of those who suffered, were tortured, and murdered under a real totalitarian dictatorship?

      This is a budget and taxation issue. It will get solved.

      • Thatguy, –

        traitor: “a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.”

        In this case Clemons and Perry are traitors to the citizens of Gainesville, who’s right to control their property through elections, they forcibly removed.

        fascism: “a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control”

        DeSantis and the GOP majority legislature have repeatedly exerted power in unprecedented ways to centralize power in their hands, and often against local governments where they couldn’t win an election.

        It was “a budget and taxation issue”, but it is no longer. The board DeSantis appoints is not temporary and the citizens of Gainesville have no say now or ever again in the direction of property they developed and legally own.

        • Jazz,

          We are in two different worlds.

          You may not like Clemons and Perry….but resorting to calling them names does not do justice to either history nor the fallen.

          • I am mindful of history Thatguy and my wife’s family also lost relatives to the holocaust. You mistakenly said this issue is only about the budget and taxation when it is about a hostile takeover and power grab by those who have had long had designs on Gainesville , but who have not been elected there and never will be. Perry illegally took $100k in dark money from FPL for a campaign and his actions are deplorable.

        • There are many residents that are forced to use gru that are not allowed to vote in Gainesville elections due to the fact that they live outside the city limits! They have no representation on the city commission, yet, the degenerates 15 percent of Gainesville votes for decides how much their utilities will cost them and how to spend gru money!

          • Then address that issue Foxtrot, don’t advocate for stealing control of GRU from it’s owners. In fact, Rep Hinson sought to add an amendment to the bill which Clemons ran through the House which would have allowed non-citizens of Gainesville to opt out of GRU – it was quickly defeated by Clemon’s lackies who had a bigger goal.

        • Jizzman, you continue to be an idiot. Since we’re in the United States we have choices. Obviously that’s a choice you have consciously made.

    • Jazzman, – If the commission was only using “profits as they wish” this wouldn’t be such an issue. For years they have been far exceeding their “profits.” Surely you recognize that, or do you routinely overdraft your bank account as the City Commission has been doing – unchecked – for quite some time now. Unfortunately, it has been at the expense of the citizens. This isn’t Clemmons’ or Perry’s fault, it’s the fiscally irresponsible Commission’s fault. I can feel the hatred in your words, but much of it is misplaced. This Commission has been STEALING from GRU, that’s called embezzlement (theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one’s trust or belonging to one’s employer), or “robbery” if you prefer to use that term. The city (citizens) of Gainesville employs the commissioners, and according to your argument we “own” GRU. I ask you, who stole from whom first??? As “owners” many of us feel this incompetent thievery has reached a level that is well beyond your partisan politics. And stop assuming you know how “Everybody” feels.

      • If that is true Working Mom – and remember that GRU’s credit rating is higher than FPLs, or was until the legislature knee capped it – the solution is for the owners (voters) of the property (GRU) to fix the problem or face the consequences. If the state wants to run it, they should buy it.

        Obviously the Commissioners have not been “stealing” from GRU or they would rightly face criminal charges. They have been spending it’s profits – as is the city’s right as owner – as per decisions made at public meetings on policies which if not as the voters want, they have every opportunity to throw them out of office for. They will no longer have that opportunity with the Governor’s appointed board.

        • Man, you left wing people are dense! There is no profit when you’re over $1 billion in debt idiot!

          • A mortgage on an asset is not strictly “debt”. Plenty of businesses have just such obligations while still turning a profit.

          • If the worthless Biomass plant is considered and asset for GRU, someone is so scr***wed. I think Austin shut down the one the wasted money on, scrapped it with a recycler.

          • Like the biomass plant or not – I’m agnostic, not knowing that much about the technology – it is an asset which produces mucho electricity every damn day.

          • In February, lawmakers on the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee discussed an Auditor’s General report looking at the city’s finances. Among the findings was the city’s overall $1.7 billion debt, about $1.2 billion of which falls on the utility side.

            According to WUFT in2017, GREC was purchased for 750 million! Therefore, the totality of GRU’s debt is not a mortgage on an asset!

          • In rough math Foxtrot, that makes GRU’s “debt” above assets, more like $500 million.

        • THEY ARE SPENDING FAR MORE THAN THEIR (our) PROFITS, Jazzman!! Come on, I know you understand simple math. Bond ratings don’t change that fact.

          • Working mom, you give him far too much credit. I wonder if he’s still wearing Velcro shoes.

          • I remind you that GRU’s credit rating was better than FPLs before this hostile attack from the GOP, and Clemons has oversold what “trouble” they are in.

          • The credit rating has been downgraded five times since 2010; however, the credit rating agencies know that GRU has the ability to raise rates as much as it wants to pay off its bonds – something FPL cannot do.

            S&P wrote this in 2021: “The downgrade reflects GRU’s very high rates and leverage, the product of investment in renewable resources that have proven to be uncompetitive. To maintain financial metrics and ensure full cost recovery, additional rate increases are expected over the next several years, which we believe will exacerbate GRU’s already limited financial flexibility.”


          • That would make Clemons at least as good a salesman as the city commissioners who have “sold” their competency to the less educated and gullible voters.
            They must see you as an easy mark as well.
            Some of us know better.

        • Jaz that would work if 40% of GRU customers didn’t live in the country and can’t vote i have stated several times stop GRU at the city limits let the 40% of us get our electricity from other companies. Then you would have it all to yourself then you would not have to be on here defending the Stupid city commissioners

          • Then address that issue GH, don’t advocate for stealing control of GRU from it’s owners. In fact, Rep Hinson sought to add an amendment to the bill which Clemons ran through the House which would have allowed non-citizens of Gainesville to opt out of GRU – it was quickly defeated by Clemon’s lackies who had a bigger goal.

            PS I live in the county on GRU, previously under Duke and Clay, and while rates are marginally higher, the service is much better. I have been in the same location for 35 years and so have had time for that comparison.

          • You keep pushing this inaccurate point. The amendment was quickly defeated because utilities have service territories; consumers cannot choose which utility provider to use. That area would need to be assigned to a different utility (which consumers also would not be able to choose), and that would require notifications, hearings, etc. They can’t do that as an amendment to a bill.

          • Nancy, none of that is worse than stealing GRU from the city of Gainesville. I remind you that consumers – unless they are huge, like UF – never choose their utility. I certainly never have and I’ve been on earth quite a while.

            “Notifications, hearings, etc…” – oh no, not that!!! Say it isn’t true !!! Let’s just have the representative from Newberry and Trenton, joined by the senator from Keystone Heights and Starke – who by the way takes illegal money from FPL – take over GRU. Yeah, that’s the ticket!! Great idea !!! Maybe “Springs County” can develop their own GD utility company.

          • Changing the subject, as usual, when your favored “people could choose their utility if those evil Republicans didn’t shut down Hinson’s amendment” talking point is shown to be false.

    • What Jazz? I stopped reading all your redundant redundancy. Get it? Probably not.

    • The far left incompetent politicians you seem to love didn’t take the “profits” from GRU. They took more money than GRU made. They stole money from the ratepayers and the citizens of Gainesville. For years, to the tune of $65 million.

      • Rogers, I don’t vote in city elections nor do i love the commissioners. But that’s who the citizens of Gainesville elected, as is their right. If you don’t like them, win a GD election in Gainesville for a change.

    • The vote was unanimous, with the exception of Wacko Saco who’s decided to only work part time. Book caved, he should have at least made an argument against it instead of selling out. Wonder what Harvey promised him?
      He’ll never get my vote again.

      • She’s probably not back yet from their summer vacation break. Or she’s pretending not to be back yet.

  • Well, there ya have it. Commissioners blaming everything on everyone else.
    We can’t work under a balanced budget so let’s raise the millage so we can waste more money.
    You fine folks who voted for these ‘politicians’ now see their true colors.
    Chestnut & Varvel are recycled politicians who’s answer to everything is raise taxes.
    Will be sad to see the tax foreclosures on those folks who can’t pay the devil.

  • Time to pack up and flee Gainesville and Alachua County!! Let the commies have it along with UF!!

  • The problem with attaching a political narrative to public policy is the former is open to perception and interpretation while the latter comes with a spreadsheet of costs.

    Conservative and liberal thinkers, at some point, have to balance their personal checkbooks against their incomes and expenditures. To exempt local government from that basic responsibility – and trust – is to enable fiscal misdirection of revenue to fund narratives rather than the tangible needs of all Gainesville citizens.

    Gainesville is not a better place to live today than it was before the GRU biomass idea. That isn’t just because of GRU GFT skimming. It has more to do with the City, for years, selling a self-image which conflicts with daily life experiences within the city limits and gets attention only when the problems migrate from the Eastside to more prominent locations.

    Yes, the budget is a part of the problem and solution but the most important parts of both are the people.

    People are not abstractions reduced to their religious, political, gender, and racial identities. Only a politician (or minions) thinks that way and encourages us all to do the same.

    Holding the current City Commission accountable for the state of the city today is a first step, but holding every resident to the same standard of personal conduct expected from our leaders is the second. Equality can only be established and perceived under a single standard.

    Ok, the Commission cut $327,372 from the budget plus the GRU GFT reduction albeit not by the Commission’s choice. A 29% property tax increase is only a Band-Aid applied to arterial bleeding. That’s where the city is now. It put itself in that position and the residents voted for that ‘position.’

    As of now, some still support that position under the fallacious claim the ‘other side’ would have done worse. It’s fallacious because it isn’t reasonable to compare a failure with (the fear of) something that hasn’t happened.

    It is precisely that lack of thinking which maintains the status quo in Gainesville.

    The elephant in the room is the big question; is this the new normal regardless of political outcomes or is there something else to consider outside the room?

  • Wait till people see their new property tax bills AND continuing high electric bills! It’s going to take years to fix GRU. Bankruptcy is the only option.

    Rents are going to go up all over the place!! Good luck East Gainesville!

    This town is screwed…. The states going to end up dissolving the municipality and will take over. Book it.

  • So much for their empty attempts and promises of affordable housing. Wonder if Blount or Hinson will show up to object at the next meeting? Democrats were actually dumb enough to believe them but don’t worry, they’ll blame this on DeSantis too.

    • Wonder how long it will take Blount to go asking for relief for his people at the county dais.

  • They raise taxes 29.2%. They cut spending 0.2%. They call the budget balanced.
    Can we elect some commissioners who passed third grade math?

    • They didn’t even make a 0.2% cut. Eliminating unfilled positions is financial gymnastics and nothing at all cut from what it actually going out the door.

    • JLAC will not be please with that. I think Fat Harvey just lost the $15 million dollar kickback too.

  • Willits wanted people to think about the “human beings that will be losing their jobs on October 1… Those employees have families and car payments and mortgages and cheerleading camp payments due.” Did the city think about this through all their horrible decisions over the years? No. Instead, city employees have paid the price for poor management and champagne dreams of a commission ill-equipped to manage household debt let alone city debt. Paying charters ridiculous amounts of money while cutting lower paid staff. I hope whatever DeSantis does, he does it quick and with the same malice these folks have shown the city workers.

  • Whatever my property tax increase is will be passed on to the tenants…upping the rents $150 on 4 tenants to
    Break even on the tax increase. I will let them know it was city commissioners who did this to them.
    They will have to pay.

    • I totally understand and agree with you why should you suffer at the hands of these idiots on the city commission you rent homes to make a living or to lose money

  • The burden of over spending will be shifted from GRU customers to property owners that make up 55% of Alachua County residents. Can I hope to assume that 100% of the commissioner & the mayor will be voted out?

  • They need to spend our money much more carefully. 13.7 million for parks and recreation? You get to play after the bills are paid. Communications and ‘marketing’ 1.1 million? They need to cut the fat. ‘Sustainable development’ 4.4 million???? Tell me in detail what that is spent on…4.1 million for transportation? My property is ‘taxed’ seperateley for fire protection. As to GPD: I believe we need to dissolve blend GPD and ASO into a sinle county-wide law enforcement agency. Between the taxes and the utility bills living in the leftist paradise has become impossible.

    • Clay, unified government for all services makes the most sense economically and would make the county better work out conflicts between Gainesville and it’s bedroom communities. With the decline of agriculture in Alachua County – I managed a 130 acre cow-calf farm in the 70s and agriculture here is almost dead in comparison – the small town residents are primarily suburbanites, not farmers and their associated businesses. It is illogical to have all the duplication of services and the conflict stimulating pretense of actual differences of purpose when we share an economy.

      • It would be illogical to partner up with Brokesville/Wokesville. The most financially ignorant leaders in the State. Let Gainesville reap what they have sown for the last 2 decades. They will never change even with the downward spiral. Their new proposed budget speaks volumes of the inability to deal with reality.

        • Captain if you are in favor of Gainesville reaping what they have sown, why are you cheering their ability to do just that being taken from them. By the way, if you live in Newberry and aren’t a farmer or small businessman, you are there because of Gainesville, and should want a voice in it’s future. If you are only interested in parasitic benefits and vote for punishment of the golden goose on the other side of I-75, you should move to Lake City or Starke where you can enjoy like minded citizens who don’t have to put up with other citizens they don’t agree with.

  • Time to get your pitchforks & torches ready for the public hearings in September.

    • Won’t work. You’re not “elite” enough to have a pitchfork and even if you were, since it doesn’t fit their narrative, they’ll never allow you to open carry.

  • I own a small 37 unit apartment complex in the Depot Park area. Starting in August of this year my rental rates will go up app $118 per unit or $4350 per month. This will not even cover the increase in Insurance from $19,000 to $52,000 or the Property Taxes from $20,000 in 2021 to probably $40,000 in 2023. People wonder why us greedy landlords keep raising the rental rates when the City of Gainesville wants afordable housing.

    • They want affordable housing on backs of the landlords the only way to come out ahead is over next 4 years new level headed commissioners get elected and these current clowns get voted out

  • Get rid of the Office of Diversity & Inclusion–that alone is $1.5M, almost 5 times more than the entire “savings” these incompetent, corrupt criminals in the Gainesville City Commission proposed.

    Next look at Human Resources–how in the world do you need $2.4M for an organization with 1,600 employees?!? No private company spends that much or has such a large HR dept relative to size. There is $1M to cut from there, easy.

    Non-departmental expenses are where the slush-funds live, like $500k for GRACE Marketplace, and this category needs to be cracked open and gutted.

    On a related note, why are we spending money on GRACE Marketplace when there is a large and GROWING tent city forming in plain sight behind the bus stop at Walmart on NE Waldo Rd!? What’s the point of GM then?!

  • Why do senior citizens have to pay this ridiculous and unfair property tax increase , while living on a fixed income? GRU is in this mess, because of huge mistakes voted on by our board.This will devastate senior citizens whom have had a hard time paying for their property taxes from years back? Will the board provide additions exemptions to property owners 65 and over?

  • Why do senior citizens have to pay this ridiculous and unfair property tax increase , while living on a fixed income? GRU is in this mess, because of huge mistakes voted on by our board.This will devastate senior citizens whom have had a hard time paying for their property taxes from years back? Will the board provide additions exemptions to property owners 65 and over?
    Why do we not sell GRU to make up this deficit and why does UF, not use GRU instead of Duke Power.

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