GPD investigating drive-by shooting on NE 23rd Avenue
April 12, 2023

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department is investigating a drive-by shooting in the 1100 block of NE 23rd Avenue that sent one victim to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Several people have been detained, and officers are interviewing them to determine whether they were involved.
Not another one? Thats 4 in 3 days!
I know, let’s have a Hip-hop concert!😫
What happened to midnight basketball?
They don’t want to shoot hoops they want to shoot each other!
Obama’s Chicago church pastor was right about the chickens coming home to roost — after he and Biden were elected three times!
All you extremely high paid city leaders should take more of a part in stopping this violence.
Get out of your comfort zone and stop this “gangsta” crap.
True that! If some of the “larger” leaders would do a “sit in” of sorts it would at least provide some shielding.
They should at least put some of their skin in the game for the ideologies they support.
Those shouts for defunding the police aren’t quite so loud anymore are they?
Damage has already been done. Live with it…or at least duck.
Hey Lonnie! You have a serious gang crime problem in G’ville. Starting to look like Jacksonville.
Go east of 13th and risk getting killed.
Geez- the Polish people are off the chain again!
And now for the rest of the story. “Several people have been detained…” until Lauren Poe could get there with checks for the shooters so that we can “sorta build back better.”
Keep on shooting each other up! Once everyone is dead, there won’t be anyone left to shoot. Then us Republicans won’t have to deal with these woke ass Dems killing each other when we take over. I call it future crime prevention.
What would be easier? Keeping violent offenders in jail or keeping guns out of their hands?
Nobody can keep guns out of their hands.
Sure have been a lot of shootings of late. I wonder if these guns are shooting themselves or there is a violent criminal behind it who pulls the trigger?!?! 🤔
Pat, another day another puzzle. I’d like to solve the puzzle!